HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 301, July 5, 1940NO.—._—..�.._ Proceedings of LLI2 ei Commissioners City of Paducah July 5, 1990 Assessment .Ordinance - Monroe 3t., 13th to 17th At an adjourned retular mectinr.of the Board of Co:msinaloners hold in the Conmissioncrs Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on the 5th day of Jul;;, 1990, Mnyor Lnckey presided and upon call of the roll the fol- i lorinc snswcred to their nausea: Commissioners Bnker, Blackburn, Porian, Pullirm and jI'.'yor I.nc'rcy (5). Co::c�insioner Blackburn offered the following motion: I move that an orelmnee entitled: "AI: ORDINANCE A 3E.'3ING THE ABUTTING PROPLRTY ON FOTH =20 OF NOYROE STR +?T FRCM THE WEST PROF-rRTY LINE OF 13TIF STRENT TO THE EAST FROPMTY LINE 0r' 17133 5:,;;'.34, EXCLUDING INT_ MCT -Ml AT 16111 STREI-M III THE CIT: Oe PADUCAH, MCCRACK:21I COUNTY, KFI:':"I:Ci1X, YC: TIL~ POR':I0N OF T:E CO3T CF CONSTRUCCIOF 0_' SAID STHEET AIM IISPI'OV :12.T TIC?REOF,/BY THE PLACING TMREIN AND T1IEREON OF A CONCRETE SURFACE TOGETHER :'.'ITH ALL NCC5'SSAP,Y MANECLES, I£TAKES, CATCH BASIN.- AND SVIER AND DRAIN PIPES AND ALL :;c.ES:It.RY ^:GII:?:RING, ADVERTISING AND LEGAL AIM CLERICAL SERVICES IN CONNECTION Ul;D3R THE PROVISION3 OF All ACT OF THE GENERAL A:33EV LY OF THE CO,.210It::EALTH ?:-':PTUCKY ADOPTED AT ITS RECU' AR SESt:IOR IN 1938, PROVIDING FOR ME IMPIIOVEMENT OF -V--LIC FLAYS IN CITIES OF THE SECOIID CLA.iS 13Y AID OF THE 7:70RK PROJECTS AUIJIP,IS".RATION 07 THE FEDERAL OR STATE GOVFRNMENT, AND AT THE Fd'.CLUSIVE COST OF T112 :, CF };ENL ESTl:TE AD'JTTT1?G ON SUC}I IICPROVEL:EFIT ACCORCING 2D T}fE I'TMMER OF FRONT :;G F S-_, F':OVrDING VAT A TAX SHALL BE LEVIED UPON SAID LOT.: OR PA"CLL3 OF FG'. 71TE PAY;:::T 0:' IIHE CO3T ASSESSED THEREON, 1.1FFICH COST SI?ALL B', 2R✓ C:. BD^'."EN THE TOTAL COST OF COMPLETING SAID IK?ROV'eb:ENT AND THE TOTAL A.1.IOUNT .SLL'TI021 OF THE WORK PROJECTS ADI"II113M ATIO I OR OTIPER ACs^:!CIES 0' THE FEDER- 1 .._ _.. ....._ii'':I:2NT Ei G A]E- Iii MIXI1?G 3::ID II'T'.?0{,'=:.ANT, Ai!D 1C111CH TAXES SHALL BE ....T "_'E?-: 0: 'ICc 0'.,' 011Y 'fI;E;:SU:;GEi IR THE CITY HALL IN PAZUCAFI, WE _ :':OPY. OF CCI:STRUCTION EEGI312 AND 11HE Rr4:,INDER THu'P,E01V "MIEN OIlE- :...__ ,% :"17S 3I?ALL HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, :.RICH TIME 39:ILL BE DEToHI1INED LY `C:•'7:.:IC::::7;;: ..ITH TIE A!'VICE 0. THE CiTY E.101111i'ER; AND ALL THE E•VGIifEER- :T-:D AND THE ESTIMATED COST ASCERTAINFC, AI?D IT BEING F. ..... ..:..:; A. TER DEDUCTING THE A?10UNT IM BE COIL Titii-ti'i:.n i., 4}:E '-H-' 'UNITED STATES MAT THE AMOUNT u ! C011- 1 J13 ON K.ONROE 3TItEET FROM T11I ." "' 17TH STReIsT LXCLJ GTIJ :'IT OF PADUCAH E1.. : < .,70PTION OI T!1I:: 0: roll: Ce^.ie:cion^rs Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, FjallIsm and = i. NO -- Proceedings of 13011r0, of Commisaionaro City of Paducah July 5 1940 _ TO THE NUI:iBER Or FRONT OR ABUTTING FEET, AND PROVIDING IHAT A TJOu SHALL BE L�;•+IED UPON: SAID LOTS On PARCELS OF REAL ESTATE FOR THE PAY,.EIT OF THE COST A:;SESSLU TIIER ON, WHICH COST SEALL BE THE DIFF,-PEINCE BET:iEEN THE TOTAL, COdT OF COI:PLETING SAID IISPROVI.ISENTS AIID i TIPS TOTAL AIOUEr OF THE CONiTRIBUTION Or THE WORK PROJECTS ADZ III:I-;4TATION OR OTHER iCIES oI' THE FEDERAL Oil STATE GOVCIU411EtIT ENGAGEDIN ilAAIN:G SAID ITIPiIOVEI;LN:T, AND ICH TAILS SHALL BE DUE AND PAYABLE AT TNM 0 i;ICE OF ?'LIE CITY THEASUREP. IN THE CITY HALL Iii PADUCAH; AND ALL THE WORK HAVING BEEN COT!FLETED AND THE ESTIMITED COST ASCER- �TAINED, AND IT BEING DETER;SINED FROtd SAID EJTnIATES AFTER DEDUCTING THE AWOUNT TO BE CONTRIEUTED BY THE WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNITED STATES TITAT THE A?4OUIIT REQUIRED TO BE CONTRIBUTED BY THE AEUTTIN:: PROPERTY OWNLRS ON PARK AVENUE FROM 711E WEST PROPERTY LINE OF 9TH STREET TO THE EXISTING PAVING AT 10'£H STREET IS $2.05 PER ABUTTING FOOT", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, 'Dorian, Pulliam and b1ayor Lackey (5). Commissioner Dorian offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN Ciashinrton Street - 3rd to 10th Boulevard ORDINANCE DECLARING AND ESTALLI.iHING AS A EOULEVARD WASHINGTON STREET F11.31 THE WEST LINE OF TiIIRD STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF SIXTH STREET AND FRONS THE WEST LINE OF SUTH STREET TC THE EAST LINE OF TENTH STREET, AILD REGULATING THE SAISE AND PROVIDING P2:AL=M ?OR VIOLATION THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mnyor Lackey (5). Electric Franchise ordCommissionCommissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that an inance a+lopted ordinance entitled: "AIN ORDIIIANCE CREATING A FRANCHISE OR PROVILEGE TO FURNISH ELECT.IC- ITY FOR LIGHT, POWER, HAT AND ANY OTHER PURPOSE FOR ',CIIICH ELECTRICITY IS USED IN TIIE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AILD PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF SAID FRANCIIISE OR PRIVILEGE% e adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Balser, B1ackbum and uPullism (3). Hays; Commissioner Dorian and Tlnyor Lackey (2). Bids or. fL,, equipr..ent Yayor Lackey offered the follow1nr, motion: I mote that the Board of receive3 snd filed IC07911issioner3 receive and file the following bids submitted to the City of Paducah for the sale of fire flthting equipment: (1) Bid of Boyer Fire Apparatus Connany for sale at VyG,950.00 of Soyer ,750 gallon triple combination. d (2) Bid of Central Fire 11'uck Corporation for sale at £;8,650.00 of 750 ;G.P.Y. triple combination hoavy duty deluxe pumper. (3) Bid of Peter Pirsch & Sons Company for gale at '15,363.75 (tine �!pnynent) of one 75 foot five way combination aerial lmlder trncic with 750 gallon pump -on -Ire. (_) Bid. of Peter Pirach & Sons Company for isle at .','©, 250.00 (time Ta J art ) of one 7-`0 Fallon triple combination pumpin{1 enC lne. I (5).B1d of ICack International :rotor amuck Cor^ern:Nun for Halo at i cf one rack type 80, 750 gallon triple combtrr.'ion Iunpin ermine. le of Amnrllcan Lairnnce Foanito ;orrtion for sole at iP7,1Z0.00 j 7i;' r:nr: nose with Booster system. ^rican Lart-nnec :onmite .,?cn for salo fit i I !J..7'1[•!n If,i'r7i[1C0 1'O[iI'Ii1G CJII'l. +� .3 foe Sala nt 1U,000.GG ! oc 1 ' u,, - rl rl K: +, all ntar,,l La,.<.a, with oon..,li,te hy;ir„u11c ,+ 1 ! : r t ';orpora"ion i � of 107• n,+lo at'7L 0.00 of one ;;nn- n�•in� on irm with .;ca:•rnva 1 tAlo LI•I � s (, }of ene L+0dal Z:U ,.Y f"t. aisle at 11,:'55.00 f j( of j ane ",enere3 Ne1e1 - of one 7C . z:- :V of one 7-'Q .. ... , _.. .. Law r.az:..... NO.—_'.-- Proceedings d of Conr..City of Paducah isaicners July 5, 1940 of Soar .md that the Chief of the Fire Department submit in writing to the !card of Co,:nissioners a report ac to that bid which he considers the lownr:t and boat. ::,opted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and flayor Lackey (5). PQ ..:n Mayor Ma Lackeyoffered motion that the petition si;yred by - ^r tY Bob Shelbourne, and other members of the Police Department, roquesting that they be ctanted certain privileges by reason of their seniority in point of service in the Police Depnrtnent, be referred to the City Manager for his attention. Adopted on call of the roll: Yea*; Cornissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Bi:i of Pte- Mayor Lackey offered motion that the bid of Emmett Boyar fort;. 3rd Beyer in the sum of $700.00 for the purchase of Lot No. 8, being #207-209 South 3rd St. r—orert;; rejected :street, be rejected. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and :,ayor Lackey (5). f B .a of Z.J. Mayor Lackey offered motion that the report of T. A. �_. Hg—r-13 to Pradle Cit Engineer, in which he sots forth the bids submitted for wrecking the wreck 3rd S'. 9, Y G . ' bu__7i ace, -ted building at 207-209 South Third Street, be received and filed, and that the City of Paducah accept the bid of R. J. Harris, and under which bid the said R. J. Harris agrees to move the building from said lot, and to leave the samo in a condition accept I ,able to the City 'rlagineer, all materials to be moved with the exception of 40 joists 2J" x 16" x 261 (or more) which the said R. J. Harris will deliver to the City, and for the materials on said property the said R. J. Harris agrees to pay the City of I Paducah the sum of ,^-,300.00. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Dlsnlc-urn, Dorian, Pullism and Nayor Lackey (5). %7 Commissioner Dorian offered motion '.list the City of 11o•asn-k,opinc :i Ai9 rraject U Padacah increase its contribution to the Housekeeping Aid Project by paying -an as _aticn' "•,gassed "banal cum of Y22.50 per month, provided the Pineal Court of McCracken County ccy rnces n monthly contribution of the name amount, the amount so appropriated `uanh to be charged as a donation to charity. Adopted on cull 02 Yeas; Co:.•r.lssinnsrs Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and I'.ayor Lackey (5). Bid of , . / CorDUssionor Dorian offered motion that the City of Kon r„or.•ery for let as t the bid of K. 1J:ontcomery in the sum of $1.15.00 for the purchnne of the rlst Adem&ac- -gibed prop,rty: Lot ';a. 11. "Lot lying 100 feet :from the :forth Eaat i carte' { csrr.^.r of a st r.nd Adams .:trent, 1-mvin0 a uniform width of 47 feet, extonang back � 2"5 "eet to an alley", and upon ecmplinnce by the purchaser with the terns of Bald i cele ca a^.vrrtice3, tt,,,t, the c.1t;j10 at c:nay draft on ordinance authorizing the ^.:J of a lend to the aura:^,ager. Adopted on call of the roll:Yoas, ra .. . , !`Anekburn, Dorian, Pull. lon and L'.r:yo:• Lackey (5). I mot l.on that nn ordinance entitled:I 1 !.'Cl. ffii'!'I^I•..J! 1.... CE F.0'rD-I oc I •.was.: _ 7