HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 264, March 12, 1940NO 264 Proceedings of l of Conninaloners City of Paducah-:: rnh ° 19,10 "ayor Lacl--ey oi'tere'. motion that the letter of the Undorwrltnrn J:C i;ooe '01. zed -•.,- ;c:: :•::1 dire ::ase Co.�7,nborntories, Incorporated, dnted March 2, 1940, be received and filed, and that the acce,•taci�� iy Lonrc? +st_ntements contuinod in the letter of the Underwriters Laboratories, -Incorporated 9be accepted as satisfactory evidence that the fire hose purchased from the General Fire Hose Con -any complies with all of the terms, conditions and specifications set out in the newspaper notice under which bids for the purchaso of said holo were requested. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and JL'ryor Lnckey (5). On motion mcetin�: adjourned. M a , ,1940 APFROVED:v- i I� At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in PPNthe Commissioners ChambFr at the City Hall, Paducah, Y,entucky, at 7:30 o'clock ?.51., on 1l the 12th day of Linrch, 1930, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the fol- phowing answered to their names: rorunioaionors Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam Pand Idn; or Lackey (5). Minutes of the previous nectings were adopted c�n "ad. c+co of o rd of cuzl Corm�isaioner Dorian offered motion that the report of the ��rn r ••., ..cC crd :'Bled-ln..rd of Equalizers of the City of Paducah for the year of 1940 be recolvod and filed ,and spread upon the Ninutes: "Paducah, Ky �j ?'arch 6, 1340 "Hon. James P. .inith, City Vanager :'.on. Pierce Lac?cey, I:a;or and Board 9f Cormisaioners plentle-en: :e, the nembors of the 2onrd of Egnalizatioa of the City of Patlucah, ::y. r the year 19;0, '.iorevith su.tilt the following• rc,•ort on tax easesomenta: _.., .'�.. Q-A.L O:i .:.:AL EiTIATE w IIIP., 2549 ,.75.00 r __ 0<,875.00 NO.- Proceedings O._Proceedings of if 'ora:lssionorc City of Paducah '9nrch 12. 1L40 i t e elution of the office." Very respectfully BOARD OF EQU, LIZATIOR A. E. Cole, Chairman Re:esan Enrnea, Sh0riff C. D. Barber, Clerk" .r :,'ortc-! on call of the roll: Year; Commission.rs Buksr, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and :;or 7-nokey Corsaiscloner Dorian offered the follo:ti•inB motion: I move that a ste.to- . ' ;0.': ent of i=ticip:.tcd :ievenues of the City of taducoh as prepared by the City ::[anaror for :'Iscal year of 1940, be received, filed and spread upon the :Zinutes: "A.;TICIPATSD RE ZIUE" 1 9 4 0 A NTICI_ r+TEO RECEIPTS RL'CEIFT3 1940 1935 1939 nt Ysnr :•enl 'crsonal ,40.00 1.49 v 264,004.76 $ 226,34G.92 ^ 230,545.19 :'or uncollected X31 590.57, 232,324.19 r`,isC9 60,112.05 32,763.57 60,:06.05 4,500.00 4,831.50 4,347.00 y.'hares 220. 00 523. CO 221.98 :ties,lnt., E- Advertising 15,000.00 9,343.'ro 13,037.92 oz1:Coo 200.00 193.79 213.91 prior Years Tax0s 30 1197.36 �f,,;5'S' 1 —3 P33"2:3020 „— GS,OOO.00 - • •_ 17,000.00 its 600.00 1,250.00 - --.� 700.00 `E3 4, of, -60-.M 9,700.n0 6101 .•i0 �• E. elerrsph t: -,ns U 62,931.14 65,20.1.29 17,4:5.12 16,UU2.93 601.24 564.80 1,345.01 1,250.57 918.00 615.00 83, 7M. -Sr --0- 1717.'-5U 2,621.81 2,700.331 5,033.27 5,174.50 20.19 19.55 00 224.50 1,798.00 1,739.00 002.53 050.04 185.00 531.75 36.00 43.50 85.31 535.70 0,310.^1 ,954.35 ltd- _ , i 61.c._Q! ;r. ra:i rs . .:,_•, Blnekturn, oaian, ull? and your 'r,:vel er.:3 .:rein - rg 0.1 2GC Proceedings of ' con:aanionera City of Paducah ILarh 1 1^40 , =lne.1curn, Dor1:;n, Fulli&,, and r'.nyor Lackey (3). Pet t:.or .t V` i;ayor Lneicey offered notion that the petition of James Levy for a :11cd t 'i -ht at the Tntcraectlon of 38th st:e t and Friedman Avenue be received and files. ..opted on coil of the roll: Zeas; Conrmiasloncrs Pak,r, Lladcburn, D.-rinn kPullima an.: or Lackey (5). Corcissioner B1nckLnrn offered motion that the City r:!ana^,er be "lty ^2` roc:uea te? to F :aa•rc, o± 1.-htrequcoted to have a survey made of the li-hta needed in all parts of the city, and '''a In all 2'ta ofcity to ra;"ort his findinG3 and rocormnendationa to this Board as soon as practicable. LJn^ i. :;-'.orated on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Ea:.cr, ilacxWrn, Dorian, Pulliam and ..;,-or Lackey (5). On motion meeting adjourned. a"_-Oi•2ED 1940 A.�PRCVIiD' it At a call meeting of the Board of Commissioners held 1n the Com- r..lsaioners Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 11:30 o'clock A.M. on the 15th day of March, 1940, Commissioner Pulliam presided as 1:ayor pro tem in the absenco of :'-, or Lackey, who was out of the city, and upon call of the roll the follow_nr answered to their names: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian and r:nyor pro tem (Pulliam (4). I r.:ayor pro tem Pulliam stated reason for cull, to -wit: I•'or tYo purpose jof adontinZ ordinance authorizing. the execution and carrying into effect of contract I between the City of Paducah, County of KcCrackon, .;tate of Kentucky, and tl:o Federal I 'urPlus Commodities Corporation for the inauguration and operation of the `ederal food ::tarp Flan. Comnisaloncr Dorian offered motion that nn ordiranco entitled: G TO 1 "0 F:Li OF C0.01 ;t ;! ll' CT x _CAF .,._ :'cC".Cl;r'rI, .,,AT:: OP ... , .,. -T _..a 53 AND t04_... -., CTILG _.. ;D C1'..- 'f0 'HE IfUIIDRED & PIFTY („�750.00) `- ..i C1 .c 0r'