HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 262, March 5, 1940No. 262 Proceedings of='.oard of Corcaiaaloners City of Padu At a re_-ular meeting of the Board of Com:_.io.ionero held In the Cornisoionorn Chrnbcr at the City Ball, Pnduenh, l:ontucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.m., on the 5th day of Carch, 1940, I".nyor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the followin answered to their names: Connlcoioncrn Daher, Blaelcburn, Dorian, Pulliam anti Lscicey (5). !� Minutes of the precious moetinEs were oc;op ed ac read. 9 Commissionsr Bn:or o!fered motion that the deed r_ranted to I_rs. 'oae Collins Scott deed to lot in Oak Grv. Mrs u Rose Collins Scott for lot No. 421A in Block Mo.29 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Paducah, iYentucky, upon proper payment of u150.00 to the City Treasurer, be approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). d Commissioner Balzer offered motion that the payroll for the Payroll -Inst :I reb.140 N Paducah :•rater '..'orks ,;anuory report Or.innnce to construct drive on Park Avenue - 9th to 10th ztreets- . Cop ted last half of February, 1940 be allowed In the amount of 09,287.10 and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by checks drawn on General broad. Adopted on c -ll of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulham and Vayor c'rey (5). Commisaioner Pulliam offered notion that the financial report of the Paducah Eater Works for the month of January, 1940 be received and filed. .doeted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners ccr, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and ,:Weyer Lackey (5). vt Cor=iacloner Baker offered the followinc motion: I move that an or-.1nnnee entitled: ".,:1 0-zl, IY,A::CE PROVIDING FOR TWE COM;2MLCTI011 AMD :iECOP:STRUC?i0h OF ME DRIVE'NAY ON PARK AVENUEc'.;OI: THE irEilT PROP_SIT'i LI:,iE OI•• 901 STUPST TO THE E.Y1ST- IIIG PAVIIIG AT 10TH STREET I.I CITY OF PAnUN,11,MCCRAC i ! Cc U:3>, i:_:: ALT: f IILCS... RY I'�_:;IOL!C , I:ITAFc5, CATCH B­JIMS, KID -TING, A-,,... . ,-:;G AN!1,.,,,,:L AND CLEh:C:.L SERVICES 1:1 ..... .P:O'J...,_..._, .... .... Ol'^•.!-_. GL..;.;AL A..,_. _..i Or TI[ii .._.......,..... 0: ii.�tiTUCf,`Y S,T TT e... %,loll III 1938 0._:' : . `:: il] _ . .:r'; _'.._:: !' Oc bL _ 2 ... 0 Cu.;T Ot Co :T �l 0 iii .. . �.- ._.. . . . ,. _... .._ ,i. .. _�. ... ..: ...... ,... .,..._ ... , ... .,,.,... for one wee's pe^.tier., !: '• [ Proceedings of. 'If"' Of 2,n-7'IP7` '71-1", City of Paducah 7:oi-ah 5, 3940 'JTJIVLT, W THE 0-' I':., .,.i; ;;_32IOTI 117 19313 ,1D OF j Tj1_ 2 -OV oi' RL41 'E.;TAVZ ALUT.17:0 ?:7 ,icij 11 PFOV11i:'_,.7 T '.�2 OF FROTIT OR A� �­J!l ;�' NID PROVIDI:;c� A TA JIIALL L "T: LOTS CR PLI:CYLZ OF REAL i,.,T19TZ IO;t CO3T A,;_'E_�ZED .:._C11 COST ZFDlli-,ALL BE THE ;CE L' OF CONrl.-ETIUG T' T::` TOTAL A1,0WIT OF THE M �:,CJECM ADI'IjTIS_ OF ViE FEMRAL CR, IN MAKIM SAID j�':- '-.17CH V.X SlEALL BE DUE AND PAYABLE AT TM O_,,PICE OF TTIZ CITY TREASIJ Cj jTLIJ MIE ',,O:J: OF CO!T3T-,UCLIO11 BEGINS j,,TD THE REMIINDUi VILTIS,OF V.-HEIT 01; SHALL NAVE BEEN WIP1,7TED, -HICH TIME SHALL BE DE"IMMIlEj ::!Ar.D 07 '.,'ITH THE ADVICE OI' MGI E CITY ENNEER"Ale, having been intro- duced at a re7ular n".tinC of the Board of Commissioners held on the 27th day of February, IV40, and remained on file for one week for :ublic inspection, be adopted. adopted on cFll of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam an' lz*;ayor Lackey (5). mayor Lackey offered motion that the sum of $3750 be set aside 'or the purchase of Federal Food Stamps in accordance with the plan inau-urated by the 'set D.111, _­'<ral Surplus Corriodity CoxToration, the State Department of Public elfare, the ity f oPaducah and YaCranken Cownty, and the amount set aside for the purchase of said stamps to be appropriated and chargeable an a donation to Charity for the year 1940 ur,)on- the adoption of the apportionment ordinance for said year. 1.?nptel on -all of the roll; Yens; Con-miazlioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorlan, Pulliam and "ayor Lvnkp 'y (5). ..njcr Lackey offered the following motion: I move that an 1 n- n — n' "AN O.R1i:IAI:Cr AUqJiO11IZI:,,0 IM ..,.T,,7-'.; Ot- A! ­_:JCA, ITZ, 0. !'P.7 UC QI FOR W, it 7: 1 20 SAID C1711 :7 OaD", be adopted. 1_-,riiin, Pullinra one, Y_5 II loll mnmlelp:jl tl�-Dr f, 7Y a bona the n o cic V,y ars NO 264 Proceedings of l of Conninaloners City of Paducah-:: rnh ° 19,10 "ayor Lacl--ey oi'tere'. motion that the letter of the Undorwrltnrn J:C i;ooe '01. zed -•.,- ;c:: :•::1 dire ::ase Co.�7,nborntories, Incorporated, dnted March 2, 1940, be received and filed, and that the acce,•taci�� iy Lonrc? +st_ntements contuinod in the letter of the Underwriters Laboratories, -Incorporated 9be accepted as satisfactory evidence that the fire hose purchased from the General Fire Hose Con -any complies with all of the terms, conditions and specifications set out in the newspaper notice under which bids for the purchaso of said holo were requested. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and JL'ryor Lnckey (5). On motion mcetin�: adjourned. M a , ,1940 APFROVED:v- i I� At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in PPNthe Commissioners ChambFr at the City Hall, Paducah, Y,entucky, at 7:30 o'clock ?.51., on 1l the 12th day of Linrch, 1930, Mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the fol- phowing answered to their names: rorunioaionors Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam Pand Idn; or Lackey (5). Minutes of the previous nectings were adopted c�n "ad. c+co of o rd of cuzl Corm�isaioner Dorian offered motion that the report of the ��rn r ••., ..cC crd :'Bled-ln..rd of Equalizers of the City of Paducah for the year of 1940 be recolvod and filed ,and spread upon the Ninutes: "Paducah, Ky �j ?'arch 6, 1340 "Hon. James P. .inith, City Vanager :'.on. Pierce Lac?cey, I:a;or and Board 9f Cormisaioners plentle-en: :e, the nembors of the 2onrd of Egnalizatioa of the City of Patlucah, ::y. r the year 19;0, '.iorevith su.tilt the following• rc,•ort on tax easesomenta: _.., .'�.. Q-A.L O:i .:.:AL EiTIATE w IIIP., 2549 ,.75.00 r __ 0<,875.00