HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 251, February 6, 1940Proceedingsof `-'on"d of Cornieoioners CityofFadacah February 6. 1940 At a regular mcetin of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Cor.iasioners Chamber at t':;e City hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.bi. on the 6th day of February, 1940, mayor Lackey presided and upon call of the roll the fol- lowin^.answered to their names: Commissioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Iinutes of the previous meetin--s were adopted as read. v Commissioner Blackburn offered the following motion: I move that Cr3inanco � fising price a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION FIXING 9HE PRICE FOR CURTAIN CFMHITERY LOTS of . %ac t'rY feta on ':ail FR is Os',: ONnNG UPON 'JEIL AVIMUE BET:: 13d ?MILLER STRl:•:T AND BUVALL STREET AS SIO"1N BY THE PLAT i _ I ,rove Cc^e OF THE Ar-iTION TO OAK GROVE ChIlE ERY ON PILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK," be "'ry adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Connissionors Eakcr, Elac:tburn, I Dorian, Pulham and I$igor Lackey (5). D,e^d from ' Commissioner Baker offered motion that t e deed from Joe fuller and Mull -,r & Csrro'l to Katy Carroll cot:veying to Henry Steinhauer a certain lot described as the South one- .,ta inl:auer lot in Oak - half of Lot No.26 in Block No.2 be approved, and that said cemetery records be 7r vc corrected to show said conveyance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission- ers Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Orr'.Snance Mayor Lackey offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDI - aa-;rarriti r'{'S0 toaIiANCE AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATION OF THE SIM OF $5850.00 FOR SETTLE:.TITT OF A JUDG- ettle Braili( PETIT RECOV' ED I:: M MT CIRCUIT COURT BY IMS. BESJIE BRUNNHOPEP. AGAIirST THE hoper judo- S 'rrnt CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeaa; Coaris:,loners Darter, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). r Adult Ja Com:nissiowr Blackburn offered motion that the City of Paducah set r:Jeati On i'roJ.appro_ aside and appropriate the sum of $6.00 per month for the use and benefit of the Adult crirc14G.•• J; E„cation Program sporcored by the l:orks Projects Admllniatratlon, said sum to be Laid p.. ronthly for the remainder of the year 1940 and charged to the Charity appropriation k under the A7:portionment Or:linarce to be a::opted In the year 1940. Adopted on ca11 of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bnl—r, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and '.'ryor Lackey (5). I(ayor Lackey offered motion that Lha letter of W. E. Dryant, Chief wr. of 'a_inc, a'rlrers.ed to Lir. James F. Smith, City ILanv,;,!r, ilnted February G, 19.10, be %” r.5 �y ^ rt"E.v^•' r,. ?, and that the City '..nanaPer be requeatod to havo installed at the ir.t mec..Icn of 8th.. � Jefferson Jtr_is lid a rhtoaipi"aj`.rOt al marked top -Coad -End Jt "•1 . � '1 "o a^il*-r al--nl at is ! n,'. -en,'. of 6th sLrcct enterin-. Erond 3trcct, going I 5th t; also n traffic li;ht at the intersection of 6th & Jefferson , ti.a,. the: "i:uby "otted" or Red Dan`er Signal which is now located st 6th 7fi: ravrd to _.th'& Jefforsan t;tr,ets In the int-rsectlor, of the on t r, 10th Jtr et, nil! that the small 'I z:ow o: _.,... J. r.n ..tr.., to be nlar.,id or. the rl LL ..rad n :ie -..est ai%i, of loth .,,,..;+t. Also i i -i:'o of yth .:t: ret. ulsckturn, So, -Ian. Pul?Sari t NO. 252 Proceedings of ' oard of ror l .goner•+ City of Paducah February Gth. 19.10 _. 1,iayor Lackey offered the followin•; motion: The L'onrd of ::PA Cortifyin� Agency appropriated � 157. E'7 ; on of the sum ,:.or�a�.ionc^� hnvinr adopted a motion approving the appropr•Saof gor ❑„nth :'157.217 to the 1.:cCracken county Certifying Agency, and it appearing that said amount represented the city's portion of the expense up until July, 1940, when, In truth and in fact, said sum is the city's portion of the monthly expense necessary for the operat_on o: said agency; 1 move that said motion be corrected, ani'that the sum of ��157.0 be paid each month during the year 1940 for operating said agency, and that the amount ao paid be charged to the proper account under the Apportionment Ordinance -r-ich is to be adopted for the year 1940. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Conniasioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). Mayor Lackey offered the following motion: The YaCracken 1�founty Certifying Agency having submitted its estimated account of expenses for 0porating said agency up until July, 1940, and it appearin-, that the city's portion o: said expense amounts to $157.27, 1 move that said account be approved, and that the num of ,,157.27 be set aside as the city's portion of the expense for operating said agency, 1, the same to be charged to the proper account under the apportionment ordinance which is to be adopted for the year 1940. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cor..-,isaioners Baker, Blackburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Mayor Lackey (5). 2.?ayor Lackey offered the following motion: 1 move that the Floodwall - U. S. Engrsr ;-ranted permission to letter of Lieut. Howard J. Lowe, Project Engineer of the United States Engineers to take borings at closure sites - St. Dept Office, dated February 2, 1940, be received and filed, and that the City of Paducah to protect grant to the United States a7ineers their request by permitting them to take borings i at the sites of the proposed closure structures in Section "B” of the rlood Protection all, said borings to be made at the places and in the manner as set out in Lieut. Love'a letter; and that the City Manager be requested to assign to the Street repart- ment the responsibility of placing sufficient lights, aiynals and barricades is and around the -daces ,hcrRin said boringa aro to be endo. Adopre9 on call of the roll: "Lens; Commissioners Balser, 3lacltburn, Dorian, Pulliam and Vayor Lmuckey (5). Carrs:miaaionor Baker offored motion that the letter of Nancy L:uncy, Projoct Home Ga onomist of the Notional youth Ad-inSstrataon, dated January 30th, 1540, be recoLved and Piled, and that the City oS ,Paducah ap:,ropriate each month for t... _....:.:nd•}r of the year 1940, the sum of y25.10 for the use and benefit of the � '.cutin ::ininiatrstion's ;tome Linking Pro ect, the mount so paid to be to the c!ty'a r.at ion to Charity upon the adoption of the Apportionment :Srsnoe for the year 1'040. Adopted on call at t -o roll: lean; Cora iaaloncra _ ...r, Blac'sb,rn, ;.:r!•: , Pulliam and Mayor Lrckoy (5). :ycr Lac:coy o1'1'o:•od motion t':, an :.rmncc u;,tlt.lod: .e .. ...... _._. .... .... ..,.. ..=..,�A..ifi, .;c0°iQ:: ^ Oi' .... .�.. .. r 'A:7 ..-_ .... .... .., .: ..., ... ..... ,. , .'.i..;J" ., a ... ?te.a on ._. ar'l . :,ro: ,a,:goy-5