HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 233, December 30, 1939Proceedings of -oard of Cor:.ia.;ianar:• City of Paducah December ' O, 1x39 At an adjourned rc+,7ular moetin,, of the Loar:: of Con,ais:Jl.cnrs `Id in the CoL::±.-:,ion rc Chrvb-r at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentuc'.:y, at 11:00 o'clock A.".., on the 30th day of December, 1930, l:ayor •.'anhburn prca±ded and upon call of L_. -011 ::::c follor:ln- answored to their names: Co:muiaaionc-ra ::an'.:, L•olton, :ullia--, ..tabi.lefield and !:r.yor -.•aahburn (5). Commlroioncr Flrni: o; ic;red motion that the payroll for the lrat hnl' of 'neenber, 1933, be nIIoc:ed in the amount of ^,0,89.1.05 an„ that the City causer b•r cuthwlze,'. to ^n; same by checks drsan on the General bund. AGoptod cn c'..12 a. the roll: _aan; �'o:'s.�1:.,cio:: .•a lank, ;:clton, Pulliam, tub-.IcflCld an,, ..-,r .'nshburn (5). ^omiinnioner :ullirm offered notion that the Corroration Counsel be authorized to file in the Court of Appeals of the ~tate of Kentucky a petition for rchonring of the appeal of City of Paducah in the action wherein :'ro. xrcie 5runnhoper recov.r<d a jud,,ment in the sum of x5,000.00 a,ainst t City of C r'a:'.ucah in the Circuit Court. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co-^:isnion-rn 'rnn':, ?ielton, Pulliam, 3tut;alefield and 1.:ayor 1'.aahburn (5). Com~<isaiancr Pulliam offered motion that the finrneial report of the Paducah ::at^r '::arks for the month of November, 1939 be received and filed. A:Ioptcd on call of the roll: leas; Co-a:.isnionora flank, Helton, Pulliam, :itubalEfield anal ?'ayor :.anhburn (5). f ?:ayor '.:aahburn offered :notion that A. P. Cole, Ha rrsn ;:arnea and C. 'rrbcr, citizen o: Paducah, and -rty o',n--rs .ho have the required :.._..-_.,_ s, be anpolnted no t':: ..a:.:•.'. of-qualiza s of t:w City of X40, tp perform their ....i a in t manner as pr;ocribed b,: _ Adopt-:� or c•'_1 of the roll: Ycas; Coxvian_onern _'ank, '.-elton, Pulliam, i .:;or '.!ashburn (5). I L. conn, City ::annZor, then rhde the followin- a, polnt:aent et to t.. rnw1 of the Mayor anti the Board of Co:vdsaon,rs, I hereby appoint .._n ::en and C. ' . iurber an mc.ab rz az the Loa;,d of .... :.2Crs .. n. .•..c•,n for the ;mar 1940. 1 T.. t. ''can, rite. ::n,lf; -cr I r Pa,iucah, ::rnt,ic. y :vi c c 1 a the uc-_n:: o n, 1'1ty :) "'ol• , .. _.inn and C. as _..•. o. of ucr.. :or th.0 ,oar ._ :0 bo I ,.' t ., In s t ;:, _ o-:-rn to at F NO. MA Proceedings Of 0"' City of Paducah Doccriber 30, 10139 ons for V 02 .;AY) 10 T"7:0 -MING E:Z: ce::1,07,6,21011 -'M'.' A :;')IT CU T b a ,I a t 0. 0. Ar"o n t o d on cull of thc Voll: CO-7--ni- 1011c'-3 hank, 1.'clton, Pulliam, ;Au. 1 lofield and 1,ayor --achburn (5). Co,=,Is3lon:r rullian offeret' the follovin-, motion: I move that axon. -rations 2.302 to 3522 inclusive and 3051 to 3943 be received and filed, and that the `,m:a""t of be exonerated on the tax bills as shown on said c.,onorat' -n:. Classified ar follows: . . ?� AZ!.e Limit .............................. V 22.50 Court Order ............................... 1} 021.84 kk Unknown, cannot locate or non-resident... 4, G11.33 Double A3sesznont ........................ 69.21 Erroneous Asses-ment ..................... 433.35 Property Lost or :old. 41:41 Deceased ................................. Z1.11.69 Out of Eusineas .......................... 2, 855.37 !.:iuc,.1laneous .......................... G93.02 Tax 23103 ............................. 386.79 el-)od Loss. 81.53 ............................. ih,,ze have all bs2n chcrlced, zn --;ro due to be e-.:onorntod acno,,--'InI- to my kna.,le"Zo and belief. Be.:& Z. ..c.shari, City Taaaziurer .--:)pte(i on call of the roil: Yeas; Commianioncra -Hanl,, McIton, Pulliam, Stub'-Iefleld -nd I'ayor ..rzhburn (5). CornisLion-r Pulliam offered the followln:7 notion: 'Tho application of the �-:nrh Sash & Door Company for exemption iron ad valorem taxes collected Ivy the City a-Iucah for a period of five (5) years under the provialona of an ordimnec havinr b,on considered by th�; Loarc! of Core-iiz;'.ionorz;, and upon invosti,7aLlon Che facts are est.ablichod that the Paducah 3nsh Z: ')car Company has beer. In operation in tho City of n,'ucah for one (1) year before rii:.,inr 3r.iC, a—lication, I !,.ovo that the lic*' Inn 0c the Pv ducnh .;ash L: Door �:oripnny fo.,, c -c: i !7. on from ad v: .'orom t:; :,,o r co',vjd, and thnt under the of nfiid o'r!'n.n,e aathorizinC 1 in to c,:onnt nor., -nu,.:frc:l t :-n 1- .7 t: nrh '7o:. -ay b,, 7 -:1 �njj ij t n. 0 ::ash i'! t Y.-orr 1. :.l i."t J. On motion no,!tin3 a