HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 226, November 27, 1939No. ?"r Proceedings of ';;-1°1'11 of Co;-nlsa loner° City of Paducah !I°veracr 27, 1930 A rogulnr meeting of the Board of Commiasioners was held at 2:00 o'clock P.1.!. on the 27th day of November, 1J30 in the Conriasieners Chamber at the City Hall, Pnducah, Kentucky. Co:missioner Hank presided as mayor !Ire ten In the aboence of "'eyor i•aahburn and upon cell or t11e roll the followinu answered to their names: J Com.-dsaioners Ltelton, Pullian, Jtubolefield and !•:ayor pro tom Hank Q4). , !Sinutes of the previous mectin!;s were adopted ao read. Commissioner ,'.ielton offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance Or,3nnnae zoning Pacei idiition as rcnie.ent-'i entitled: "ATI Or.DINJiNCE APPROVING WYIIIa.L R°_PORT OF Ti IE CITY PLI.::::_:; : .- --•1 inl -!istrict CO ^ZS::ION P'l.OVIDIN7 FOR THE ZC!II M OF A PORTION OP 741E P?C.� d :ADUCAIi, KENM;C-:Y, POUNDED ON 'i!IE ::OUTH BY ME PLOPERTY 0. BY THY ITOIERTY OF VARTIN YOPP, Ob: TIEK NORT11 BY 29TH _.. ::_..'P BY THE !:A IrISLD ROAD AND J. F. 3CHI:I1T, LS Ari E:CCLL'3IVE RE3II�. _'IAL DI37I:ICT OR ZOITE AND PR'6::C:2IiI;7G TI!E Ps'iTAL-If TO BE II'M;.D FOR VIOLATION OF TIC: RE3TRICTICI! 361 !•O;iTI: I:: 4 RE30LUTION ADOPTED B`.! 'T -P CITY PLi,:i:illlG AND Z01iIi]G CO. -'. :.;ION ON !fOVL?:DF'R 24, 193911, be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cor.+nisaioncrs i•:elton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor pro ten Bank (4). Cr'innnco zoning pry ::ut-Division os 7 oidential dis- triet Commismioner .lelton offered the follor:ing notion: I move that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDI1!ANCE APPROVING illi FINAL Rn.,ORT OF R1iL CITY PLAtIHING AND ZOi1ING 6O1.L!I33ION PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING OF C&.T,iIPI E1.0Fii2111Y PO'.'.DED OI: T::E NORTH BY All ALLL'Y BElf-1,1I 7:._'_30N AND lIAHRI:iON STRUTS, Oil THE EAST by 113' P:iQi i DINE OF 24T1H ^R:;!'sT, O:i 2i1E COUTH 1•;•Y All ALLEY B T:f::L•11 1,1014110E A:-.DJr"r` "1:30ii Oil THE l:!i3T THE P?.0?:%PTY LIKE OF 26111 ST12iiT, TIC: SAI.IL•' BEING KNOUPI i:3 TIM ",!ALL•';Y 3UB-DIVIJI01 '?Y PLAT PREPARED EYt?,,...,.r.. ;U,VE-£OH, Oil OCT0U-Z3 AS All LVE 7,, DISTd;iCT Olt ZONE AILD PRESCRIBII•IG Tile D FOR jiiT :'OrTli IN A FE3OLUi1IOIl Z _,i; _....ia:: ^•1'i91 ;:.Y OIY IIOVLiMR, 1639", be adopted. Adopted on p call of the roll: Yens; "o:.i:laionors I:clton, Pullian, 3tubulclield and !'ayor pro ten I !:rn% (4). On :notion ncetinC adjourned. A7, 0T. T. \--Z ,,.z 1939 :li:..G'! / z 1