HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 222, November 20, 1939I* NO. Proceedings of ❑oard O: COMila: lenera City of Poducoh overaLur 50, 1039 At a regular meeting, of the Soard of Commissioners hold in the Cos:- nis oioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock P.1:. on the 20th :say of ;November, 1939, Mayor '•'ashburn presided and upon call of' the �o ll the PollowinL nns•cered to their names: Commissioners Hank, Velton, Pulliam, :;tuLulefiold and yor '••ashburn (5). ainutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. reification of Commissioner Bank offered the followin_, motion: I move that the -lection-General Nov., 1939 certification of the election commisnionev- of McCracken County, KonLucky, cortifylnE the results of the General Election hold on November 7th, 1939s to the City of Paducah, be received, filed and spread upon the L:inutes: )Set. r:'U:NTY OF L:CCW.0 M1) 17e, the undersigned, F.nrmon L. Coker, J. E. 4Ylliamaon, Sr., and Chas. A. Rottgering, duly appointed and qualified Commissioners of Election of McCracken county, Kentucky, do certify that wo met at the Court house in McCracken County, Kentucky, and counted and tatulated the votes Cast at the General Election held ]November 7th, 1939, and hereby certify that the following is a correct total of votes cast for said candidates and for and against said City Ordinance: State and County kaection For Governor . A. oandefur received 4 votes J. 1N Orr " 1 " Keen Johnson (Dem.) " 7724 " :ting Swope (Rep. ) " 3187 " Llayor E. ',aahburn " 1 " I For Lieutenant Governor 'Rodes K.I`yers (Dem.) Received 7118 " Jouett Rosa Todd (Rep.) It 2506 " For :,ecretary of State George Glenn Hatcher (Dem.) received G973 " ,`Charles Trivett (Rep.) " 2378 " For Attorney General Hubert L:eredith(Dom.) received 7064 " Z,arneth 11. Tu::_ (Rep.) It 2382 " �.D. i.. For Auditor of Public Accounts Lo -an (Dem.) norms J. Ificoley (Rep.), received " 7001 " 2.361 " Per State Treasurer Ernest �s Shannon (:Rom.) received 0972 " John S. Petot (Rep.) " 2393 " ;or Clark of the Court of. Appeals Chnrles K. O'Connel (Dem.) received 7004 " Leo Stcwart (Rep.) " 2Z76 " For Superintendent of Public .instruction .John :,. Brooker (Dem.) racalved 3955 " John S. Brown (Rep.) " 235, n For Commissioner of .ipricult:ure, Labor and .statistics .!I -far,. i. 1.a5r (DOM.) received 6946 " .n 5. .,lozander (Rep.) If 2377 u I 1•or Railroad Cosnissioner ,cert �. .:e Lb (Des.) received 7290 " For Circuit Judge =rico (Dem.) received 75.19 n ':11:9: rt " 1 " I For Commonwealth'a attorney ed r-colved 1 u sn o " 1 „ 7S:;G J .Or I:nprojentative I Proceedings of City cf Paducah Hovomber 1.0, 1339 °:;hall th Cr�i.inanre,_ , .. ^- ..:...- �, ... •, .- �-.I "C": .:. .�- J1I-.LEC'f::ICITY FOR LIGHT, 1'O;.E .% -.D IN THE CITY Ok• YA3IX:TJI, AND _ ' :,iL;rTING U 7^ IZ .;AID i•RH:.CHIJE ot.LE A,ID ll iJ Ole ELECTRZC .;Ir_RG'Y AND 3-R':ICE OR THE R VOC; .i0; SnID FRANCHISE UPON 'RIE AC'2UI3- 'UC1rI 711E PURCHASLR`S DI3TRIEIITION PLANT, (;&. ':RATING PLANT, iO CTI03, ,:1.7 'HIE P1:OPERTIES AND r'ACILITIEd OV THE ,:AY Ri :U I3 r. FOR THE ESTAuLISHtIENT, 14AINTEJn :CE AND OPERATION OF 1IT AND POWER PLANT, AND PRI JIBING TIIE TLR!:: AND C01lDITIOifS UItDZR iC=:r IIB POKER OF REVOCATION AlJD ACQUIRE Ti!s ELECTRIC U'PiLITY AND RESERVING THE RIGHT TO ESTABLISH, EAINTAIN AND OPcRAT OF SAID FRAUrHISE A : LRIICIPAL LIGHT ATR) PO17EIi PLANT AS 01•TUE :ITATE OF KbItTUCKY", g0 into effect." received 704 votes No J received 3714 votes t7c, the undersigned Election Cormciseionera of IZcCracken County, Kentu cky, to certify the above to be true and correct. Given under our hands, this November 7th, 1939 1 ( STATE OF KE,:TUCKY ) )Set. COUNTY OF YaCRACKEtt) . (H. L. Coker Election Commissioners (J. E. :.illiamaon, Sr. (Chas. a. Rottgering I, Sarah tiller, Clerk of the County Court of the County and State aforesaid, do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy: of same as it no^ears on record in my office. Given under my hand this 7th day of November, 1739 j Sarah I•;iller, Clerk tl' Ey Jean G. t:ercer, D. C. ;adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Bank, Belton, Pulliam, Stubblefield rnd :. yor ::ashburn (5). l 'rn^s- Commissioner Hank offered the follovring motion: I move that li 'tom all funds rernining in the "City 1Ssnagerrs Flood Relief rr d" be turned over to the nab'- C iy Service Society. Adopted on dell of the.roll: Yeas; Commissioners Honk, ton, Pulliam, :;tub°;leficld and tcayor Washburn (5). b Comnisnioner Pulliam offered the folloti;Irk- motion: A. E. i ^i) Cole, Executor of the estate of J. A. Cole, decoased, hnvinr precented to the ::oard of ^or.-riscionern a deed of conveyance oxociitad and deliverer: to him by Eary Cole is "" Johnson and h^r husband, :;torvart Johnson, dated November 13th, 1939, under the terms .,f i^ .ch t:.^re is conveyed to him all of the Grantors ri,;ht, title and interest in thr ::orth h,if of the 'act hnif o_' Lot No.2 in Dlock "AA" in OaI[ Grove Cemetery as ^acv+ oJ,peer:: of record in the Oak Grove Cemetery Jter'inter in the office of' the -rk of Caduesh, Kentucky; 1 rove t':rt the convoynnce of the aforesaid cemetery lot to (Jr, •::[) "ole, :i:cc.•,. tar o:. the ..atr.te of J. Cole, deceas,d, be °,,*roved ane; that) ^.:-rk be ..thorized to mn'.:e the proper nota+:ion in the Cerict,ry 13try i :synnce of said lot. .v'r,nte' on c:ill of tho roll: 'ioa:; Con fission-, r, ?uaian, •.0 . r • yo ^1r :ren (5). plc. "e•'. '-yi�� Ptillian offs[e' the follo171n7• ::°Lion: The Pn-L;c! e.. - n ^e ten is desiaoua n an a1•in^ the r1• ht-ot say thrnu,^h! a o i6 Lrou'.... +t, cr.r n2 w.i ra;•crla le•.. • ,.fll '.iatur..7s'an'1 .:raat+harl, an? it e,^rCa.r- : ._ __._ -sty is au::J,•Ct to the foiioAln- unpaid r= Pettcr :ro`_nrt;t :a 1530 s^ t=,.. -rt:, isms $Z74,.fy to 19ze Street n&vin;' 63se:sm:,ente 4OA.7fl l^oTE _ � `iAf•:a sa, r data};e "^.n, t CE T.ee IIc NO 994 Proceedings o . onrd of Cos,misaioners City of Podacah mr:e ZQ., i 939 III. Both :'rs. Ada Potter Property and !;usbanda and Gra.^.sham =rope 1936 to 1039 state and c:%unty taxes G105.✓2 Mand ::ill Husbands and C. C. Graaaham hsvin,? offered to convey a right-of-way thr7,u,11 {thel:dot in ^onsiC,eration of the sum of ;;300.00, and the said '.gill llusbandn and C. C. Grnasham aro clniming that a rortion of the city and stn to and county as:!esamcnto a,7ninat their lot for the afore- on.id years are invalid, and they are now defonding a suit filed by the City and the state and county for recovery of said taxes; and C'H35EAS, it is their desire to convey a rIZht-of-way throw h said lot without 'Inayinr at the time of said conveyance any part of the ofdresaid taxes, but they agreo to pay whatever amount is adjudged to be due under the judim.iont which shnll be rendered in said tax suit, and further, that all of the aforesaid taxes remain a lion upon that portion of their lot which shall not be conveyed to the City of Paducah and unod as a rt�ht-of-way; I move that the City of +Paducah ancept a deed to that part of the Grasuham and husbands property needed for use as a ri;:ht-of-way and that the entire consideration mounting to ,;300.00 be paid to them, said conveyance ro be accepted sub(}ect to the con,'_tion that the said Husbands and Crassham pay whatever taxes r:hich may be adjudged o be due the City of Paducah in the trial of the aforesaid action, and that said r.• -es rennin a lien upon all of the property owned by them, excepting that pori:ion which ::ell be conveyed for use of ri.-ht of tray. Adortod on call of the roll: Yeas; o.,-,dasionera Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Yayor ilashburn (5). Family Service Payor ;Washburn offered motion that the communication ai;-ned by the :Soard of Society cricatia: received and filed irectors of the :'emily Service Satiety regarding appropriation of the City to the _amily Service Society, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: ieaa;i Co=issioners Bank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and I:ayor ••ashburn (5). Commissioner Hank offered motion that a resolution entitled: "A HFSOLUT1011 TAXATION' POR A P:.RIOD OF FIVE (5) Y:A.RS THL '.i.I:GkACT;a=SIG ` Or GORGE Y'tTTMJ0I13I D0114;=U.MT.12;l U..MER '11:8 F1111.1 IIAI:F. Oc' 11:; . T zRJOIRI F![0'UCTS CO12AITY AT t;TII AIM JOHeS ::Tlio!-,T.; IN T;:1. CITI % PADUCalI,laIITUCi':Y", :ted. Adopted on call of the roll: roar; Core.aooioners Hnnk, 4-olton, s-l-ld an:'. 1Snyor ',7ashburn (5). -_::sionor Fullinm offered the I'ollowln- motion: Tl:e Pnducnii Flooriwnll L - Icsirou.3 of acquirin- a r.,ht-o:-Prey throu,h two lots or _,on `:road :;trent, one of aaid pnrcols Lein- owned by Ada .a7.1 :!usbnnds and c. C. Srarrham, an". it ncpenrin7, from the tcx ,•^rt7 is sutje+et to the fol.?.owin;• urpaici a:;aoscrsenta: I.:.!la ,etter kronorty 1D3G to 10 9 ad v,.lorom t.•.:<i:;, �374.5r, 1935 t.. 1'4„8 ntr•"t ,,;,vl.� i�..,;,;�, 404.79 i -JG ... ;cD i,; .. .u.•r, tn:,.. �r 1A.12 r,t y Two r• tzr :. .as: _ •rr_orem taxes �190.on an+l Ads _. 3 t, :�anve r a r_ .;-cf-zay t` youth her lot in con:,! :, .ion of V* ams PE. :'.i o' th✓, total of efcroa.._, ;.'a eatd co-..r",y tozesy Proceedings aJ ' n^ CO- 1.70 on-rg City of Paducah ixvember P0. 1939 7o; -rent of city ad valorem taxes and the nald ada Pctter agreon that the remainder a; texes a.rued by her ,hall re-ain a lien upon that I oriion of the lot which is not c�+v°c3 for use an a rid*.t-o_-gay. ;.doptcd on call o: the roll:. Yens; Co:r^isslon^rs Knrs, -elton, Pulliam.., itubblefoeld rri l.:ayor '.:aahburn (5). On motion rncetin adjourned. ,1939 1PfR0VE=.��. t C SCL^.2i