HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 210, October 2, 1939NO 210 Proceedings of Board of Corunissionors City of Paducah October 2 1939 , At a rewlar meeting of the Board of Commlasloners held in the Com- I!missioncrs Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock P.M. on the aid day of October, 1939, t.:ayor Washburn prealded and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Hunk, Melton, Pulliam, ;tubblefield and Mayor ';:ashburn (5). Minutes of the previous meetings adopted as road. 'Gator !ain extension /I Commissioner Hank offered the following motion: At a meeting of the :'.onroe Street - 25th Board of Commissioners held on Sept. 13, 1939 the property owners on Monroe street to 27th between 25th and 27th Streets submitted to the Board their petition requesting an extansion of water mains on ;Monroe Street between said stroets, said extension having been recommended by the Commissionors of Vlater ;Yorks, and; 17HEREAS, under a motion adopted on said date it was ordered that said petition be received and filed and that the request of said property owners be frantod, and; WHEREAS, through mistake and oversight no provision was made In said motion for the payment by the City of Paducah for the hydrant rental when such exten- sions are made as set out in the franchise of said water works; I now move that tate City of Paducah agree and bind itself to pay the hydrant rental provided in the franchise of said water works and to pay the water mains r_:ntal as also provided in said franchise, said payments to commence when the aforesaid water mains have been laid and the :eater has been turned into same. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissionors Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor -lashburn (5). Cornissioner Pulliam offered motion that the report of the Paducah Water :forks report for August, 1939 ;later .Yorks for the month of August, 1039, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: 'leas; Commissioners Hank, Helton, Pulliam, Jtuoblefiold and Mayor Mashburn -5 Plaque to be placed Connisslonor Pulliam offered the following motion: I move that the in lobby of new munic- City Manager cause to be made and placed on the wall in the lobby of the now municipal 1pal hospital I hospital a metal plaque bearing the following inscription of names: j E. T. Hutchings, Architect L. V. Bean, City Vnna„er Edgar T. Vlaahburn, Mayor Dr. S. B. Pulliam Gu9 E. lank, Jr., Bobbie Stub:loflold Herb^rt J. Hclton, Commissioners Dr. E. i7. Jackson Dr. E. B. Villlingham Dr. H. P. Linn Dr. A. Ft. ::hemwell Dr. S. B. Pulliam D. 19'.3 - 1039 Hospital Building Cor:9lttee ... Aloptrl on nail of the roll: Yen:'; COIturisalonVrn Hank, Velton, Pull.iara, Stubblefield .'ayor ,as:t.:rn (5). . ./Co e;Lseianar .;ta'r..le t'L +ld of Yere.i the follow::n,- motion: At a meeting rigr ”- 9Cth : of too ccarl of Co als:lane:a hold on July 31st, 1039, Ir. L. V. Jones prooentod a ^,etL._an e^•.ravE Ly the Co xia^loners of gator 7:orka, requesting, permisnlon from the L17 to re^give ,eater se^vice at 127 North 40th ;tr.,,t by connectLno n private water :_=e •hl,!h j-.no1 i.ro;sa to lny to a six inch water moan lyin;• alon,• 40th atroet veta:r a:.re:° f.7 th•: sui : 9. Jones, and ..., , it waa 5rr:-,re;ualy state; in tr.e mution nds•rted by Beard of v=.. :.....=:: ... 3a_. ,'.ate tint the ani: L. ,. ti. elvo water J;res f;` • lined to roc tc the water main of tte Pa'iucoh mater NO._- . ____, Proceedings of bonrd of Co-�•lasioners city of Paducah October 2 1939 I now move that the aforesaid motion aclopted by the Board of Commissionao on July 31st, 1939, be vacated and set Aside. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Hanle, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor ;!ashburn (5). L.1?.Sones Commissioner Stubblefield offered the following motion: L. M. Jones `rater con- noction on having filed his petition with the Board of Commissioners of the City of Paducah, 1140th St., requesting the right and privilege to be supplied with water service for one residence eorrccted motion only on a lot located at 137 N 40th street, being Lots 16 and 17 in Block "G" Avondale Heights Addition to the City of Paducah, Kentucky, by connecting a private water line to a privately ovmed six inch water main fully described and ner out in said petition; - I now move that the petition be received and filed, and that the request of L. 14. Jones be granted upon condition that said private connection and pipe line be maintained subject to all the terms and conditions contained in the petition filed by the said L. M. Jones and with the understanding that the City shall in no event be liable for failure to supply water or any specified pressure or service. 1 Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Layer 'olashburn (5). retition for Commissioner Stubblefield offered motion that the petition signed by Zt. light - resi-lents in the vicinity of 21st and R'ashington Streets, requesting that a street ligh 21st & '.Yash. be placed at said intersection, be received, filed and referred to the City Manager. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Payor 7.7ashburn (5). / Commissioner Stubblefield offered the following motion: 17. F. McCormick Forrell,etal L- of Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, having presented to the Board of Commissionera, Cormick deedto lot his deed for Lot"No.62 in Section 8 in Oak Grove Cemetery in Paducah, Kentucky, which in 0.Grove -deed is executed and acknowledged by Mra. Charles M. Farrell, who is the same person as Fannie E. Farrell, firs. Frances F. Spencer and her husband, John W. Spencer,- : cove that the conveyance of said burial lot an aforesaid be approved and that the cemetery records be corrected to shoo said conveyance. Adopted on call of the roll: '_'ens; Commissioners Iiank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Mashburn (5). / Chan.'aw- Commissioner Stubblefield offered the following motion: Vera Goad having] I lingo, etn1T presented to the Board of Commissioners her deed for Lot 11o.16 in Block 47 on Porteous to .ern Goa.. doe' to lot etre^.t in Onk Grove Cemetery, Paducah, Kentucky, which deed Sn executed and nch:nowled- in O.Grove Zed by Charles Rawlings, Louis Rawlings and his wife, Hall Rawlings, Adrian Rawlings and his wife,rrarcas Rawlings, and Alla Rawlings, I move that the conveyance of said t•;rial lot an aforesaid 1r approved and that the Cemetery Records be corrected to show aclr' ^o^:eyance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners hank, 11elton, :ulliar., _ btlefi._I rn' Mayor 'L'ai::iurn (5). Payroll,.- ^,o. aaai:n•r :ask offered notion that the payroll for the last inlf of lest '9 pr b.r, 1539, to nllowe : in t7:e ee ant of yr153.71 and that the City Treasurer to 1 i aat;rizad to ^ny sr,se l.y clocka drawn on thr-- Connral land. Adopted on call of the i rola. _..n.9; C; _ __ 1c: ra ? nx, t•c-ten, ?ulllom,-tubA,,11(ild and Mayor :iashbuim (5). Orsa:. ashcurr offered the follrwin;.;rsotl•)JI: i move that nn ordinance :diD zoliiIrO _ ii LL r v..t.: a A1.L C I'PJ 0r' P.i: UCAIi l..t:: - ..• :.Y N,;-tE AV: NUE, .i -.,T .:f ?:,: I ?, ON VE .;Ougll; ti -:r^; ;. - .. s P BY = _aA.D _. A?;ata: rn ..s 11 0. the roll. Jean; Co, ar.A laycr kaaY.birn (5). No. 212 Proceedings of Bonrd of Cormisnion^rs _Clfy of Paducah— Mayor Washburn offered motion than an ordinance entitled: J"AIL ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FILIAL RLPORT OF THE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Ordinance ncprovin, the coning of all property PROVIDING FOR THE ZONING OF ALL BLOCKS AND PROPLETY IN TLIE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, bou_zded on the west by 9th street, south by Jones `BOUNDED Oil THE WEST BY 9TH STREET, ON THE SOUTH IY JONES STREET, 011 THE EAST BY 6TH street, cast by 6th st.,; ,nd North by Jackson St. STREET AND ON THE NORTH BY JACKSON STREET, AS AN EXCLUSIVE RESIDE.' DISTRICT OR 'LONE as residential property.,: -IM PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY TO BE IWPOSED FOR VIOLATION OF THE RESTRICTION AS SET vORTH Ill THE AFORESAID RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY TILE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COTIMISOION ON SZPTELIBER 25, 1939" be adopted. Adooted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissloners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor iinshburn (5). J' Mayor 'Mashburn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance Ordinance closing Har- rison street - 13th to ,entitled: "AN OR-I1IANCE CLOSING HARRI30N STREET FROM THE (VEST PROPERTY LINE OF 13TH 14th; 7th street - Ohio to Tenn. Street STRcLT TO TILE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 14TH STREET, AICD 7TH STREET FROM THE SOUTH PROPERTY LI;:E OF OHIO STR3nT TO TTi= NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF TENNESSEE 'STREET, AND AUTHORIZING T}LE CORPORATION COUNSEL TO INSTITUTE All ACTION IN THE 13CCRACI.EN CIRCUIT COURT I'OR TILE PURPOSE OF HAVING THE SATS; CLOSED, AND HE SHALL JOIN IN SAID SUIT TILE OPJNERS OF THE GROUND III THE SQUARE DIVIDED BY TiIAT PORTION OF HARRISON STRELT AIM 7TH STREET TO BE CLOSED AS PROVICED HEREIll", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; ;Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Vlashburn )5). On motion meeting adjourned. aI .ADOPTLD�ej�� ,1939 APPROV°D: •G/MAYOR tel Uy