HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 190, July 13, 1939NO. 1 AO Proceedings of hoard of Commissioners City of Paducah July 13, 1939 At an adjourned rogular moetin: of the Board of Cornmiasionors held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 3 o'clock P.M., on the 13th day of July, 1939, 17.ayor Washburn presided and upon call of the roll the follorin: answered to their names: Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, StubLlefleld and L:ayor Mashburn (5). Mayor Washburn offered the followin: motion: I move that a resolution\ Resolution accepting deed to L:unicipal Golf ;entitled, "A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEEDS TO FIVE TRACTS Or LAUD TO BE USED FOR THE Course �. ESTABLISHMEIIT AIID OPERATION Or A MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE, AND ALSO FOR BRIDLE PATHS ACROSS THE PROPERTY THEREIN CONVEYED," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Wahsubnr (5). Resolution authorizing r Mayor 1Iashburn offered the following motion: I move that a resolution and approving action entitled, "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE ACTION OF THE PADUCAH 1dUNICIPAL of Paducah Municipal Housing Commission to HOUSING C011ISSION FOR T1iE CONDE1.1,14ATION OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE, EASEMENTS, RI::HTS AIR) condemn property � PRIVILEGES III LANDS AIR) THE IGIP�:OVEMENTS THEREON FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING 7.70 ;I !j LOW COST HOUSING PROJECTS WITHIN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEIr"IUCKY, BY THE FILING OF SUITS IN ORDER TO VEST IN THE PADUCAH MUNICIPAL nouzING COm1ISSI0N nIE TITLE TO SUCH PROPERTY {AS MAY 13C REQUIRED FOR THE PURPOSE HEREIN SET FORTH," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor Wash- burn (5). /n Municipal Golf Course Commissioner Hank offered the following motion: I move that the Coammisaion appointed j: action of the Mayor appointing as members of the Paducah Municipal Golf Course i l.' Commission Dallam Hart, Henry Turner, Jr., R. E. Fairhurst, Ryan Hug: and John II. Camp- III Abell, said members to serve for a period of four (4) years, be approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor tl Washburn (5). Commissioner bank offered the followinu, motion: I move that the City to "ollie L:cpher- non property accepted- accept title to Lot 145, Block "J" Addition "F" to the City of Paducah, by deed from for floo,I-rall rightofway; i the owners as sheen in the abstract, without waiting for the 12 months period fol - I lowinr the death of Laura 'Tandy to olapse, and subject to such requirements as aro contained in the letter of the Special attorney in chnrgo of fioodwall titles, ad- dressed to the 'Oity I.anaf;er under this date. Said letter received, filed and spread upon the Linutos: "July 13, 1939 L ';. Bean, City :arager Q',h, iicr.'_ucky Re: Nollie Ncrharson Lot Section "B" r- ^tr:d you hcr,,with abstract of the atnve rent-oned proporty. I1,ia "Loran :.'.arahall and consists of G pa -es and a certificate. L's. r, r, n'.npetent ❑tt:orney and abstrf,ctor. i a' f , a f rz. im-1 al tr.:ctor'a cerLlfieate, it a, I ara and t itlr, to the enntinnino, prororty nru:e:ly, ity OV ca,Iucah o:D crrsler lEifr, in i !rno Jac .sop :,uby I:crroo a d p ..a t _'ark r ii a _Ioa r:7 is ox e:7ctia .%ncea which matorially I p "fact the m.rke.a..111ty o. t... upC. E I (i) n£ a 1 ', .r= Deptcmbor G log? to an,i ino •:n� tI-* 2t4h :a} o rs n at t ar_t ;.ill date at the time: the ranaacticn is o broujit to tt rioci a :•od tagn: scentby the search Is . to ` + L ':. Boone _ the skid 11at`le V. cacept J. D. Boono. rseatetaG :ne were. 12:s dead was ipage lo d f' pt Gn .._ .... .:"i'i eg his �S��tA i NO.:1__..-__— Proceedings of City of Paducah July 13, 1939 ircli:ding, of course, this property, was willed to Mattis V. Boone for her natural life and at her death to Frank C. Boone and the sisters of E. G. Boone. Thic will was probated January 10, 1922 which is, as noted, three days before the deed above men- tioned was recorded. ,apparently, wince the decd as shown at page 2 bears a later date than the will, it beim October 03, 1920 and the will bein_- dated September 1, 1919, Hattie V. Boone took under the deed. In any event she, together with Llvira Holland, F. C. Boone, Ea__•ie L. Orme and R. J. Orme, under date of February 26, 1922, conveyed the captioned property to Laura Smith. An affidavit should be required that these parties with the exception of Mattis V. Boone were respectively the brother and all of the sisters of E. G. Boone surviving at that time. (3) Laura B. Smith, it is our information, married Richard Tandy, who has since died. P -n affidavit of this effect should be required. (4) Shown at page 5 is the will of Laura B. Tandy, by which the captioned property was devised to 11ollie McPherson, Irene Jackson, Ruby McCree and Helen Clark In fee simple. These parties have executed a deed which apparently is sufficient to vent the record title in the City of Paducah, subject to the exceptions herein mentioned. However, Section 2087 of the Kentucky Statutes in substance provides in part that creditors of a decedent have 12 months from the date of the death if the decedent during which to make claim on real estate devised, and, therefore, we would regard it as better practice and indeed as the only safe practice to wait until 12 months after the date of Laura Tandy+s death before accepting title. However, Laura Tandy died in (larch, 1939 and the rif;ht of way committee advises us that this property must be obtained now or not at all, and there have been furnished affidavit of Mollie McPher- son, the executrix of Laura Tandy, that there are no debts of that estate known to her after careful investigation and Mr. Wai•shall, the abstractor, advises us that he has made an independent investigation and pan find none. Under these circumstances wo believe as a practical matter that it is probably the thing for the city to do to accept the title in its defective condition. (5) Taxes upon the property amount to somethinZ less than $10.00 as shown by the abstract and should, of course, be paid at the time the deed is accepted. Subject to the foregoing and to any changes in title, the absence Of which will be certified by the examiner and abstractor, when the transaction is closed, the acceptance of the deed attached which ha:: been properly signed and acknowledged, will operate to vest in the City of Paducah a sufficient title in the captioned property for the purposes for which it is being acquired. Yours sincerely L10MURRY, KATTERJOHP1 & REED By 17. F. McMurrya Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield i cn-' -11yor 1�ashbiun (5). On motion meeting adjourned. Ji I ,. _ . - -- _ __.1939 APPROVED: s 1+ R 7 �--