HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 185, June 26, 1939No. -_1B5 -_.-- Proceedings of Board of Com.Issioners City of Paducah Juno 26, 1039 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Com- missioneral Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, ag 3 o'clock P.bi., on the 26th day of June, 1939, Commissioner Hank presided as mayor pro tem in the absence of Mayor 7lashburn and upon cnll of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor pro tem Hank (3). Liinutea of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Mayor pro tem Hank offered motion that the petition signed by real- St.Litht - 3zrd ot. is dents in the vicinity of 33rd street and Buckner Lane requesting that a street light E*uc%ner Lane Road - petit -bo placed at said location, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: ion filed Yeas; Com•aissioners Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor pro tem Hank (3). J Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: At a sale held Bid of E.L. Beyer for re- by the City Danger on the 20th day of June, 1939, pursuant to an ordinance authorizing) clnirred mat- orial - Old the sale of miscellaneous materials, equipment and supplies reclaimed from the River- 'iverside Hospital bldgside Hospital building, Emett L. Beyer submitted a bid in the sum of $177.50 for all rejected miscellaneous material, supplies and equipment not needed in the construction of the new addition to said building, and said amount being far below the fair cash value of the property offered for sale on said date; I move that the bid of Enett L. Beyer in the sum of $177.50 for the above described property be rejected, and that the City Manager be authorized to re - offer the same for sale and accept the bid of any purchaser who offers as much as .a for said property. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commfnaloors Pulliam, Stubblefield and I.?ayor pro tem Hank (3). J Commissioner Pulliam offered the following motion: 14rs.Estal Taylor Bid of Mrs. 33tal Taylor having submitted a bid of $200.00 for a one story frame dwelling, and out buildings and for Gorbolin- sii property 3.4 acres nore or less of lend off the aoutlo side of the original 6.5 acre Garbolinski to loodwall R/.! accepted tract situated on the husbands Road, and having agreed to pay the purchase price iii cash; I move that the bid of Mrs. Estal Taylor in the sum of $`:00.00 for purpose of the above described property be nce.epted, and that the Mayor of the City of Pad,.:cah be authorized to sign, execute and deliver, for and on behalf of said city, a deed of conveyance to the property purc`nsed by her. Adopted on call o: the roll: Yen-; Conralssionera Pullian, Stubblefield and ldayor pro ton hank (3). ✓ Cor-niasiorer Pullian offered the following motion: Frmsett L. Beyer Pad .f L.L. Leyor for havin-- offered to pay the sum of $45 for a one story frame dwelling known as the 7!orrie purchase of '.'orrls house pince on the Husbands Roars, and havinn agreed to pay the purchase price in cash, and o fl-.sdsall 8371 ti rtvd to rerove thn bmildin- from said property within one (1) week after the sale, - I novn thnt the bid of ik:ett L. Beyer in the sum of '45.00 for the pur^rano of the stove described property bo accepted, and that the said Matt L. Beyer be per itcad to rem.vo call bulldin; no ao:n na hes has paid tie purchaao price in ensh. �;•.. it o:' th,� roll: Ynan; isnir,rnra Pulliam, .:tubblcfiold and Payor pro Cc��lssls•:r-t"ble:ield offered the follow.inl� motion: ^hat a doed' Wr s. .• uls Johnson -_ e-.te to i'ra. Ls,4s crr:acc for dr x 01 of the %orthennt corfrrr of Lot No.23, Block dee? to lot in Gait "r:•re 4, in, Vrv;aole m n..__._.. lr .k eve, Ceasatery, ia•Iur.Gz, .._.... i:y, upon proper pnymant tc !ty •=aa.... a:' :.00 ar. .;r„:. Ain, ..: cn ae:l of the roll: Yeas; ami lay -.e gra tem HAnk (3). NO 186 Board of Commlasioners City of Paducah Juno 26, 1939 Proceedings of --• Mayor pro tom hank offered the following motion: I move that an Cr:Iinance prescribing form of liquor license ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THE EXECUTION OF A BOND BY ANY PERSON, bond FIRM OR CORPORATION PROCURING A LICENSE TO SELL OR DISPENSE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES VITHIN ,THE CITY OF PADUCAH AND PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF BOND REQUIRED FOR SUCH PURPOSE AIR) FIX- ING THE PSi'ALTY FOR VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINAIICE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor pro tem Hank (3). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED " , 1939 i 0 r� APPROVED: -- MAYO