HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 180, May 29, 1939Proceedings of I'enrct of Commlasianers City of Paducah flay 29, 1939 .star Lain extended on 1� 35th R• )?Ines Road to "i.lson Avenue outside limits-T.R'.Boll- _.ent o e:. ress o' soar 'o _ey - paving 11 NO. 180 At a reCular mcetinC of the Board of Com nisaioners held in the Conraissionern Chamber -it the City Ball, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 81clock P.M. on the 29th day of May, 1939, Co-mmissloner (lank prealded rs I:ayor pro tam in the absence of 1.'ayor Washburn and upon call of the :a 11 the followinr anaa:crc to their names: Cora-Sazionerc Melton, Pulliam, -itub-lefield and I.Iayor rro tem Hank (4). Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. i Commiasioner Stubblefield offered the following motion: I move that the motion adopted by the Board of Commissioners on May 22nd, 1939, be amended so thrtt whet amended said motion shall read as follows: T. E. Bell having filed his petition with the Board of Commissioners re- questin- the right and privilege to connect a 1" privately owned nipo line with the main owned by the City at a point on 35th street and Pines Road, said private line t3 be a 1" line and to run west on the Pines Road to 36th street; thence North on 36th p street to the city limits; thence South on 'Milson Avenue to two lots osnod by T. E.Bel a total distance of approximately 800 feet, and the Commissioners of Plater Works Navin. endorsed their an oval on the petition filed by T. E. Bell, and having agreed that ii the installation may be made in the manner as act out in his petition filed herecath,- yI now move that the request of the said T. E. Bell be granted but that the installatio of the pipe connections and water service shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions contained in the petition filed by the said T. E. Bell, and the City shall in no event be liable for failure to supply water or any specified prea-ure. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners ?Zoltan, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mnyor pro tem lank (4). Commisnioner Yelton offered the followinC motion: I move that the City ,'.'anger be authorized to write a letter to 1�'r. Hobert Humphrey, TUChway Comrassionor for the :;tato of Ycrtuc%y, forsvrding a cony of acid letter to I-:-. Z. L tar D3na1cL:,n ass+.:rin^ them of this L'oardui sincere a,"prccintion for the Interest sh�nn :;y them in thi, -avin- of U. S. Iii,hway Ro.45 thrnuCh the Clty of Pariucah, and a :tending to our t mnka for their support o!' the program x I1,71L kns male -,risible the naving ^arisen of said h1^.x fay. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; ComiLnul'Jners :oilier:, :>tublle."IeLl and Payor pro tem Ean? (4). Qn iotion maetln- adjourned. ...M.�.._ �'.-,^�;-, ---- ,1339 A:'_I:0;'::,•��