HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1187, November 26, 1946113 . Proceedin6s of Fo :rd of Commissioners City of Paducah �•;ovelab r 96th, 1946 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.;.:, on November 26, 1946, :-ayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: �,ci,iissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims and iayor Seaton (4). Corm:issioner Williams being absent (4) .ioliday Commissioner Johnston offered motion that,- Thanksgiving Day, November 28th, henks,iving 1946 1946, being a legal holiday, I move that all city employees be allowed a holiday with the exception of the police and fire department personnel. Adopted on call of the Roll, i Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims and ?.iayor Seaton (4). protest 'k / Conuidssioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of the City i.;anager, Reply upon application I,i ;:r. Charles A. Williams, dated November 22nd, 1946, and the copy of the Protest and Telephone Co, Reply which the City of Paducah filed before the Public Service Commission upon the i p^ application of the Southern Bell Telephone ei Telegraph Company for an advancement in its intrastate rates, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners riedlander, Johnston, Sims and Uayor Seaton (41 Election @ Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the certification of H.L.Coker, Certification :iov. 5, 1946" J.L.L:una1, Jr. and Barkley Graham, Election Commissioners of L.cCracken County, Kentucky, showing the result of the election held on November 5th, 1946 on the question &v tion as to the adoption of the Commission Form of Goverrwent for th City of Paducah be received, filed and spread upon the minutes: "STATE OF KENTUCKY ) ) SCT COUNTY OF LCCRAChI1N ) .7e, the undersigned, Harmon L. Coker, James L. LIma1 Jr., and Barkley Graham, duly appointed and qualified Commissioners of Elec- tion of ;.:cCracken County, Kentucky, do certify that vie met at the Court House in 1<cCracken County, Kentucky, and counted and tabu- lated the votes cast at the General Election held November 5th, 1946, and hereby certify that the following is a correct total of votes cast for said candidates and Commission Dorm of Government question: Gh'TZRAL ELECTION For United States Senator: j John Young Brown Received 5569 Votes John Sharman Cooper Received 3733 Votes A. Sandefur Received 116 Votes For hcpresentative in Congress: i;oble J. Gregory Received 5509 Votes `Ailliam E. Porter Received 3068 Votes Joseph S. Freeland Received 259 Votes Co:a ission Form of Governz:(7nt tiuestion: "1rc you :r, favor of the organization and government of the City of raducah, Kentucky, wider the Commission form of governr^c•nt?" Y='sReceived 1962 Votes j :o Received 3160 'Votes i ":C:,CUL i:;LI:CTIGi1S , For o:ben of City of raducw.. P.oard of t:ducation: Ly: n r". i•h3,pys iieceived 4051 Votes Lt.:e row"I1 hecoivcd 4075 VoLes ::u br•rt ,rls. mr.x Rrcr-:ived 2019 Votes i r ZeCracken County Foard of Ldue, t:1on (Division ';o. 19 Received 140 Votes - ='n Rc-wl ved 14.1 Votes ::oard of Educatlon (hivlslon „a. 3) - Received 302 Votes - eeaivcd 407 'Votes '.e :.1 L16cti0n Cc.:_aiaslonors of ::cCrr.ckc,. County, do L:.e above t . L�: true anti correct `cvc._ A %t` , r:cker t ?Por.-iey ,.doptcd c.: C&I 1 0:' tam .__.., :a, Cc i.s'.onors Friedla drr, Jckin:,ten, Sins and Ayor Seaton %A). NO.. 1188 Proceedings of Board of Conwissioners City of Paducah November 26, 1946 James Clay- Llayor Seaton offered r:,otion that the payment of the bill of Campbell Clinic Pay Campbell Clinic in the sum of u15.50 for X-rays of the 'limb of James A. Clay, a patrolman who was 1I I! injured in a motorcycle accident sometime ago, be approved and that the amount of said account be charged to the contingent fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycas, p Commissioners Ftiedlander, Johnston, Sims and i::ayor Seaton (4). Request of Ace :ayor Seaton offered motiotL that the application of Fred B. Ashton, doirg Eanufacturing Cc for Lxemp- business as the Ace Lianufacturing Company, in which ho requests that his business tion from h taxation ii and manufacturing property at 2601 Broadway in Paducah, Kentucky, be exempt from municipal taxa tion, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and i.Qyor Seaton (4). Ace Lig. Cc Commissioner Sims offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION `xempt from taxation EXEMPTING FROLi LiUNICIPAL TAXA TION FOR A PLRIOD OF FIVE Y ARS Tli 1,ANUFACTURING BUSINESS AND PROPERTIES OIIIIED BY FRED B. ASHTON, DOING BUSINESS UNDER THIN FIRLI l NAi.:E AIM STYLE OF THE ACE LIANUFACTbRIITG C011PANY, AT 2601 BROALNIAY IN THIS, CITY PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commkssioners IIOF Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and i.'.ayor Seaton (4), Execute Contract Commissioner Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitled: F17A on Storm i Sewers "A RES,LUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH FEDERAL FORKS AGENCY RELATING TO All ADVANCE OF PUBLIC FUNDS FOR THE PREPARATION OF PLANS FOR STOR1.1 RELIEF SEWERS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims and L:ayor Seaton (4). Execute Contradt Commissioner Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitleds 77A on Inter- cepting Sewers "A RESOLUTION AUThORIZIIIG THE ElIECUTION OF A CONTRACT VITH F-DERAL WORKS AGENCY IU,LATING TO AN ADVANCE OF PUBLIC FUNDS FOR THE PhEPARATION OF PLANS FOR SIarR FACILITIES", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and Layor Seaton (4), Liability Commissioner Sims offered motion that the public liability policy issued Policy J.17. Croach- to J. W. Croach and the City of Paducah insuring the operations of the said J.II. Excavation in streets I Croach as required under the provisions of an ordinance entitled: "All ORDIiIAi:CE i MGULATI7IG ^sif,. DIGGING, OPENING Oil EXCAVAT114G III ANY STREET, SIDENIALK, GRASS PLOT, ALLEY OR O H:.R PUBi,IC WAY OF TILE CITY OF PADUCAH, AID FIXING THE PEN.Irru FOR AIJY VIOLATTION T111:REOF", adopted on September 24, 1946, and amended on October 26, 1946, which policy ::as issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York to the said J. W. Croach, covering a period of one year from llovembor 22, 1946, be received, filed asxi approved. Adopted on call of the Ro117Yeas7 Conxissioners Friedlander ohnston, 5 Las and .-ayor Seaton (4), d.o:c,to c -.aa Cor::;issionor _'r1,dL,nder offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Aid 1 lack & Ve-atch ✓ ~torn .)ewers :;_.+di.:i:. .... :.,.... ... :,ECUT10114 Of A CONTRACT 1.. .i.,. CITY (d' _. .. i:. ..;r : . ... .. ... .. ....1.".. .... SIIII c. :._ . .. _., 141000.00 F611 be Introduced assd in cn tilt;.ub;ic 1n.^.pectl(,n or::, (L) vu:ek in tha co:al.letcd fur:: in ,;iiich it si-.1 i; ,,ut upon its 1''.rwl passage. Adopted vn call o.^ t:.e roll, Gc,=lsssioners ;'Zirdl.,:.dcr, Jchrston, Elms anti i.:yor r,(,aton (4). Proceedings of Board of Com::issioners City of Paducah November 26, 1946 :xecute Con-/ Mayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All 0IMNIANCE trace Black J Veatch AUTHORIZING TI:i; MECUTION OF A CONTRACT UITH BLACK AND VEATCH, CONSULTING EM,112,,ERS, Intercepting Sewers FC1t T:.L P;23PARATION OF PLANS FOR SEVIER FACILITIES IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, A:D APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF NOT :DICEEDING N40,000.00 FOR THY: SERVICES TO BE R:'NDERED BY THEN IN THE PREPARATION OF SAID PLANS", be introduced and remain on file for public inspection one week in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and Mayor Seaton (4). 11-4. sect". on / ::ayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE of Zonin- ✓ a:ii:_nce _ nNDING S-'CTION FIVE OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: 'Ail ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LIiFORCF-ENT 7.11THIN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY OF AN ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSU'mY OF TI>. STATE OF YENTUCKY ADOPTED IN 1928, COI:iONLY KNOl1N AND REFERRED TO AS 'THE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING LAW VaICH WAS ADCP ED BY THI, BOARD OF C004ISSIONP,RS ON THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF DECELIBER 1928 AND Al ENDED ON LARCH 19, 1946" be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims and -ayor Seaton (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 1946 APPROVED l .,ayor Acting City Clerk