HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1171, October 22, 1946NO 1171 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah October 22, 1946 Appointment, Lut1rr Carson, j Park 9oard At a hegt:lar Reeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commltsionersrl Chamber at the City Hall, daducah, Kentucky at 7:30 p.m., on uctober 22, 1946, Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their i names: Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and Mayor Seaton (4) Minutes of the pravious meetings care adopted as read. Mayor Seaton made, the following appointment: The term of office of Luther Carson as a member of the Board of Park Commissioners (white) having expired on August 11, 1946, I hereby reappoint the said Luther Carson to serve as a momber I of said board for a further term of five (5) years beginning August 11, 1946. Letter of ✓ Commissioner Sims offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive 'pl. Roy Vaughn, Ky. and file the letter of Corporal noy Vaughn of the f�entucky State Highway eatrol State H13hway, parking b'� a in which he requests free parking space in front of or near the Weille Building ti.eilla Bldg li and that the matter be referred to the City Manager for approrrlate action. Adopted on call of thenoll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and B:eyor Seaton. (4) City of rad f Commissioner Sims offered motion thnt the Corporation Uounsel be vs. VcCracken Co. re care of authorized to prosecute an appeal from the decision of the ivcCracken Circuit sick and poor Court in the case of the City of Paducah, Kentucky vs. McCracken County, Kentucky, at al, wherein the Court has held that the Fiscal Court of i.cCracken +county does not have the entire legal responsibility and duty to provide for the care, treatment aryl :maintenance of the sick and poor in the entire county, includ- Ing the sick aryl poor residing in the county, but that it is also the legal duty and responsibility of the City to provide for the care, treatment and maintenance of the sick and poor residin3 in the City. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co:rmdseioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and i+4ayor Seaton (4). Purchase of Commissioner Sims offered motion that the deed from the City of Paducah Lct 575, ,ell Ave., to Henry to Henry rouse for Lot 575 Block 10h on 'Neil Avenue, Paducah, Kentucky, upon Gauze payment of 1,75.0) to the City Treasurer be approved. Adopted on call of thenoll, Yeas, Comr.issioners :,'r iedlender, Johnston, Sims, arcs Uayor Seaton (4). S:tana:on of Coru,,issioner SSme offered the following motion: "+t appearing, from a water mr, in at 1nr,o 7er,tlo❑ letter received from the Cozrissioners of water Works of the City of Paducah of Joe rC1I ton i+riva and that there 1s at present a 6 inch water main beginning at the intersection of Joe rrinkleville Ron: Cliftfn, lid. v: ar_; r:dn'.<levllle hood extenddr,,- westirardly along the hdnUev111e Road for a dia.ome oi' approximately 123 feet; that by motion passed by the Commissioners I Of t -:e CS•.y of raducoh on July 41, 1646, allLhorit-y was granted the Comsiaaioners Of __., ';n•ur ':'or::a to extend sn:d nix .nr.!. water -Min alon4, the H'nkleville ,load or :ars Avenue for a dla.nnce of aPvroxi^ately 466 feet; t}v Concmiasloners of `et^;rr.:r.e4 r nt better writer aervice mu.3 prosiure can be rn,iz':eh t A ei tSzcna ,.. Of the ;>roposed extension by the _...vead of 6 inert, ,ruin n.zterniln� from the intersection Of ce :._.. ... .,.:vc arl i:ln<lcvi:la ::cad or ears Avenue as abova ant out and to 1, e_le r_e Qac:; ,;::.. na!n fl::: _., axte,t1 "':ch U inch wft%er rmaln as replaced olc:.r, rx rr,rf ;venae wnaCxaraly to Uc"uire ­,tnue, a d1:1tarce !nch a3n tel. n,; a'.11isticut ed for 6 inch main retofa^+: a9r ..r r.;:i _ e:. . r;her,:frra rc.ve L5.5t tr:e request of the Cc-lzsicirre cf .mater '100ria cf the ity or aS:,cah bm recelve: and filed arni that No. 1172, Proceedings of Bo.rd of Commissioners City of Paducah October 22, 1946 the Paducah Nater Works through its Commissioners be authorized and directed to replace the existing 6 inch main beginning at the intersection of Joe Clifton Drive and Hinkleville Road or ?ark Avenue extending westwardly on Hinkleville Read or Park Avenue approximately 120 feet with 8 inch ester main and to extend said 8 inch water main so replaced along the Hinkleville head or ?ark Avenue westwardly to McGuire, a distance of approximately 468 feet so as to provide more adequate water service to the citizens in the vicinity of said proposed extension. I further move that the adoption of this motion and the authorization 1 1 and direction contained tB rein be considered as an agreement on the part of the I City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant arrl water main rentals as provided in the franchise on.the pipe line and hydrants installed; and said rentals to begin when said water main has been laid and water provided for as above." Adopted on call I+ on the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and Mayor Seaton. ✓ (4) Certificate of Commissioner Sims offered motion that the certificate of the U. S. U. S. Evans Insurance Ccrvans Insurance Agency showing that the American Employers' Insurance Company (Am. Em. Ins. Co.) to Cletus Jarvis, has issued be Cletus Jarvis, Street Jarvis and the City of Paducah a public Street excava tion liability policy under the provisions of an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND All ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DIGGING, OPENING OR EXCAVATING IN ANY STREET, SIDEWALK, GRASS PLOT, ALLEY OR OTHER PUBLIC .SAY OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCI'Y, AND FIXING THE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF", which was adopted by the Board l of Commissioners on September 24, 1946, be received, fib d and approved. Adopted I li on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ani a:ayor 1I Seaton (4). Bond Am. Emp. 1, uommissioner Sims offered motion that the bond in tte sum of $1,000.00 Ins. --P. L. Lindley and execit ed by ?. L.-dndley and C. T. Edwards, principal, and the Amertcan Employers' C. Tderards, StB1ionexcav- Insurance Company, surety, to the City of Paducah as required ud er the provisions of an Ordinance Qntitled "AN ORDINA M E TO kM END AN ORDINAITCL ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE RErULI TING 'THE DIGGING, OPENING OR EXCAVATING IN ANY STREET, SIDMIALK, GRASS PLOT, :.LEY OR OTHER PUBLIC WAY CF HE CITY OF PADLCAF, KEIITUCKY, AND FIXING THE PENALTY FCh ANY VIOLATION THEREOF" which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 24, 1946, be received, filed and approved. Adopted on call of the holl, Yeas, Commisslore ra Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and Mayor Seaton (4). Letter of kra• Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of •rs. Clara B. Clara £.. Ji3:m]kes Dismukes, Lupervisor of Jurses in charge of tte Paducah, McCracken County health .argrtment in which she reports the difficulties she is having in enforcing the ordinance relatir,,, to t=:e operation of food establishments in the City of Paducah, be received and filer, Adopted on call of the :toll, leas, Commlani.oners Fried- lander, Jot:nston, Sims, aryl +•.nyor (4). A.roint.mant of, 0e,•.;,133:oner 2rindlander ofi'ererl motion that the Board of Com•r.lsnioners :.vtmr ^arson to roirl or approve t.•] action of the Ybycr by appoint.lni., Luther Carson to serve as a mernbor ,ars: Con. o" the ".card o: :ar,c C,^•zia3ionnrswhite ( ) for a further term of five yours we l ar.; Cctober 11, 1' 4c, no It -at 311l1 tcard a3 nos: constltutod shall be cc aae:i c., tl:e fell�+rlrh mtmber3; Tc- rend wt:oae tArm expires At,3ust 111 1047; ter. r_ nac.c arose tern ex ire3 ;:eL ,a t 11, 1348; Louis 3tr ehof f whose term ex;:lr'es ilir':5: 11, 1545; '-nurle3 .,. da::c1evalile w;e3e ter 1 CX31]`ea August ll, .e. oat ttr ': 1!7.pi re3 Aub =a t il, 1351. Adopted or call of t:;e boli, Yeas, it--is-ic..._. rinslar.ibr, eehn3t0n, l.ns, aha, i,:ayor (4). No. 1173 Proceedin6sof Board of Commissioners City of Paducah October 2z, 1946 Pond of A. 5, V Commissioner Johnson offered motion that the bond executed by A. B. Presley! Presley, and U.S. Fidelity and Sons, as principal, and the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Company, their a rusranty , excavation surety, In the sum of $1,000.00, and executed as required by the provisions of an of streets ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE ENTITIED 'AN ORDINANCE REGULATING T_�E DIGGING, OPENING OR LXCAVATI?13 IN ANY STREET, SIUVIALK, GHASS PLOT, N ALLEY CR OTHER PIELIC tSAY lF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND FIXING 1HE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLA ]ION HEREOF", adopted by the board of Commissioners on September 24, 1946, be received, filed and approved. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissions I Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and Mayor Seaton (4) Letter of Com. Friedlander offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive Herry A. Henna- berger Ins. • and file the letter of the Henry A. ddenneborger Insurance Agency dated October 16, Agency -- street excava- 1946, in which he advised that P. L. Lindsey and C. T. Edwards have applied for a tion oublic liability policy in order to comply with the provisions of an Ordinance entitled: "AN CR DIMINCE TO AI.11:D AN (i: DINANCE ENTITIED 1AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE MGra ,,, OPENING OR EXCAVATING IN ANY STREET, SIDEIALK, GRASS PLOT, ALLEY lR OTIER PUBLIC 'k AY 9 TE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND FIXING THE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION T?E5EOF1, which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 24, 1946, and that the footnote of Henry Collins, the City Treasurer, that said insurance is in force and the liability of the City of Paducah is covered there- utd er be accepted as full and complete compliance with that provision of said ordinance under vhich public liability insurance is required before permits be do excavation words are to be issued, Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 'Sims, and Mayor Seaton (4) Certlf. of Com. 2riedlander offered motion that the certificate of the Hummel Brothers Hum -el Bros.; Conn. inden. Insirance Agency showing that tiie Connecticut Indemnity Company has issued to : ios. -­nton Lzceva- Thomas Benton 7,hite and/or the Oity of Paducah a public liability policy as re- t: on of s rree t quired uner tie provisions of an ordinance entitled: "AN a1DINANCE '10 AMEND All ORDINA::CE ENTITLED tAN ORDINANCF REGULA TING THE DIGGING, OPENING OR EXCAVATING IN ANY S MIM SIDF.IiALK, GRASS PLOT, ALLEY OR OIHM PUBLIC '',AY OF ']HE CITY OF PADtr'AH, MNPUCKY, AND FIXING TtIE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOPtI, which was adopted by the board of Commissioners on September 24, 1946, be received, filed pn9 approved. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Oommissioners Friedlander, Johnson, Sias, and Yayor Seaton (4). !:cad of A.E. Com. Friedlander offered motion that the bond in the sum d V1,0DO.00 f,'rci) Cole, 1:iedty execZ ed C/ A. L. (Jack) Cole, Principal, and the United States Fidelity °< % ;uanty Co. --street G'.tarvnt� t:.nn Ccapnny, his surety, to the City of Paducah as required under the c-zcnva provisions of an Crdinance entl tle,:: "AN ffiDI; .?iCE TO A11END AN ORDINANCE s'1;3MED 'A'1 :;it ItA ^. i0o.Gd111.rIM THE DIGGING, OPENING lit EXCAVATING IN ANY A-LIY G� Gr"Lit tlJR1,IC ;MY lP THE cI rY lk^ PADdi)AH, i :Y, A.. .' L! _.., ^tE &!--AL "'I A': Y '.I W_% V ONi TdLIlLOP , ,.11 ICH was adopted ty t.,,e 2card ,.. Co^t-:se`.o:ers ::n tieTterGer 24, lU4G, be recetvod, filed and a,..ro,ved. Alcptei or. Dell of t.._ coil, Yeas, Cnr.,,ilssiornrs Prledlander, Mayas v Deed 1,t layer Sector. offered =,tion tY:at tae dear' from the City of :at:ucah to %rsner hos, o :ers. Nt za _.rntr P<r tte east cne/half of Lot IC, 310cv 2 On'Lo, Avenue in `::ausola:.._ A-;! , .. r:e:; t ca y, ,v, yment of 32c J. h to ;};e city 'Etas rer, ce a:;raval. L.dr„ e3 :n sail of tre'toil, 'fear, Co.•:-::ssionere 'ried- lander, 70Inscn, -s, a:C ,y:,r _=3t_.. (4) VSFOr :er,t.., _.fere_ ._.. _._ .ny'�.ameolicy i p ssued :,y the Conn- rs 1174 Proceedtngso% Board of Commissioners City of Paducah October 22, 1946 Ins. policy of V ecticut Indemnity Company, Policy No. 44537, providing public liability coverage Conn. Indemnity Co --Lee H. Davis, of Lee H. Lavis and/or t.*e City of Paducah as required by the provisions of an street excavation ordinance m titled "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN (N DINANCE ENTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE REGULATING 1HE DIGGIN;, OPENIDG OR EXCAVATING IN ANY S'IRELT, SID&VALK, GRASS PLOT, f , AWL j' ALLEY OR OTHER PUBLIC 'NAY OF RHE CITY OF PADUCAIH, KENHUCKY, AND FIXING THE PELIALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF"', which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on Septemter 24, 1946, be received, filed and approved. Adopted on call of the Holl, i/ Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and Mayor Seaton (4). Letter of '.ioodall' Com. Sims offered motion that the letter of Woodall & kelton, Insurance & Melton advising that A. B.Presley Agents, addressed to Tom Bradley, City Engineer, dated October 1, 1946, in which & Sons are insured with U. S. Fidelity they advise that A. B. Presley & Sons are insured with the United States Fidelity (street excava tloia) & Guaranty Company under a pdicy providing public liability coverage be received Iiand filed. I further move that said agents be notified that the said A. b, trealoy & Sons have not complied with the provisions of the ordinance relatirg to the iissuance of permits for excavating in streets sidewalks and other nti , , public ways for the reason that said letter does not provide that the liability of the Citi of 1 Paducah is also insured under the provisions of said policy. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and °-ayor Seaton (4) Bid for preparatL n Cam. Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION of audit AUTHORIZING THE CITY LIANAGER TO RECEIVE BIDS OF QUALIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTS FOR TIDE i ! PREPARATION OF AN AUDIT OF ALL ACCOUNTS OF 'PPE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, IN TIjE YEAR 1946, AND PRESCciIBING THE MANNER IN WHICH SAID BIDS SHALL BE RECEIV301', be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, ✓i Sims, end Mayor Beaton. (4) Ins. policy of I Com. Friedlander offered motion that the policy of The Connecticut Conn. Indem. Co.,11 Thos. Benton Indemnity Company, No. 44736, providing, public liability coverage for Thomas yihI to I, (street excavatio' Benton 7hhite and/or The City of Paducah as required under the provisions cc an fff� ordinance entitled: "AN CBDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE ENTIrIED 'Al; (RDINAi;CE REGULATING THE DIGGING, OPENING Oh EXCAVATING IPI ANY ST rli,P, SIDE.7AL.K, GRASS PLUr, ALLLY OR OTHER PUBLIC 'bAY OF THE CITY 0' 1ADUCAI1, KEN'iLCKY, AND FIXING THE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLA ITON L'HEREOF", which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on uSeptember 24, 1946, be received, filed and approved. Adopted on call of the Roll, GYeas, Co:cmlssioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and :anyor Seaton. (4) v i.enry A. Com. Friedlander offered motion that the Board of Lommissionars receive „.' rJ"r and file the letter of the Henry. Hennebar er insurance Agency dated October 16, soul:: _ ,.,t Y g Y 1046, in ;:'Rich .3 advised that P. L. Lindsey and C. r. EcIvards have applied for a alive spilled "or public liability policy in order to comply with the provisions of an Ordinance liability policy t3tre,•t excavation) entitled "ANCFADINA::Ci r4 AMEND Ali (RDINANCE ENTITLED 'AN ORDI':AXE REGUL' 17 NG ,-iE D110 NG, OPhNI1:C (ii F./.CAVA`PI.NG IN ANY SH(F.h'r, SI 3E SAL:, GRAS;) PLOP, ALLEY (H .:,'i F nil'. CITf OF ,,Aj!!CAH, KE.,lrvC::Y, %. FIXING THE c'hNAL'['f Foie Ar( which waa adopted by URO dOOrd Of Com^iasioncra on Septombor 24, l';Sd, ani s:at she footnote of a'cnry Collins, 610 City Treasurer, that aald ins;annee is in farce ar,! tno 110,111ty of tt,.e City of Paducah la covered tbore- 'Inder t.e ac�e.tt�! as full ani rrmpli,te compliance with that provision of said Brains..^e .:_c.cr aaich Public 11rtili,ty ir,ti:rerce Is required b:fore permits to do excava%' n ..r.c :,ra to to .saUed. Adop'tad on call of tine Roll, ieaa. Co-missioners I r :rle ia.::er, CO:nso. iiia, Pru Payor -eeton ;q), NO. 1175 Proceedingsof Soird of Commissioners City of Paducah October 22. 1946 — — Irdirance V concernla3 street excava t1 on Com. Johnann offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN ORDINANICE EN 17TLED 'AN (R DINANCE REGUTA TING THE DIGGING, OPE14ING OR EX- CAVATING IN ANY STREET, SIDE'3ALK, GRASS PLOT, ALLEY OR OTHER PUBLIC 'WAY OF THE CITY OF RDUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND FT -RING THE PENALTY F7R ANY VIOTA TION '[HaEOFI" which was adopted by theBoard of Commissioners on September 5, 1946, be adopted. Adopted on / call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Thna cDn, an, itayor Seaton (4). Orltnance- Com. -Friedlander offered motion that an Ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINAVCE Niational Cast Iron AUTHORIZING THE SETTLEI NTT BY COMPROMISE (F THE LIABILITY OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH TO Fipe Co. r.qE NATIONAL CAST IRON PIPE COMPANY BY PROVIDING FOR THE RENDITION OF AGREED JUDGMENTS is IN ry:E AGGREGATE SUM OF $23,000.00 IN THIRTY (30) SUITS INSTITUTED BY THE NATIONAL CAST IRON. PIPE COMPANY AGAINS r THE CITY OF PADUCAH IN 1HE McCRACKEN CIRCUIT COURT: PhOVIDINIG FOR THE APPROPRIATION (F THE SUM OF $;5,515.99 for the immediate payment of LHE AGREED JUDGMENTS RENDERED IN TKiEL OF SAID SUITS: AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND Y COPDITIONS UPON ;,RICH PIE REcAINDER OF SAID JUDGMENTS SHALL BE PAID" be introduced and remain on file for public inspection at least seven (7) days in the completed form In vhich it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and Mayor Seaton (4) 11/1 Zonin of South Mayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Side of Park APPaOVI1r, THE FINAL REPORT OF THE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING CDMI.SISSION PROVIDING FOR ;ve., 21st St. to Thompson P'E ZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE SOU14 SIDE OF PARK AVENI;E FROM THE ::QST PROPERTY LINE Ave. OF 21st STREET TO THE EAST PROPERLY LINE OF 'THOMPSON AVENUE, IF EXTENDED, FOR RESIDE lTIAL PURPOSES, A14D rr,' ESCRIBING THE PENAL'Fi TO BE IMPOSED FOR VIOLATION OF rim i' ?ESTRICPIONS SET FORTH IN A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY T1 -TE CITY PLANNING AND ZONING ICOYY.ISSION ON LC TOBER 18TH, 1946", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, i i. Commissioners rriedlarder, Johnston, Sims, and Mayor Seaton (4). V/ Com. Friedl rder offered hesolution motion that the Corporation Counsel be authorized to prepare for prot.es ti L- oSePreJoval introduction at the next regular meeting a resolution protesting against the Ln3. nee removal of tae United States Engineers' -Fleet from the City of Paducah and request- ing Senator Alben W. Barkley, Congressmen Noble Gregory and other officlals in r:aahln;ton and elsewin re to use their influence to prevent the removal of the fleet froa this city. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners Friedlander, ,nntan, Sims, sal Mayor Seaton (4). Cee- Com. Sims offered motion that the indemnifying agreement executed and e11 de1!vevel by tYeSouthern Pell Telephone and Telegraph Company to the City of Paducah, s; date- October 22, 1346, and which indemnifying agreement Ras been executed as required ur:ier the provisions of an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANTCE TC AILEITD AN i IAN CH >:': , Jr,I: tic:;U .t Citi THE DIGGING, OPENING OR EXCAVATING ALT.S;Y Ort O THhSi PUBLIC .:AY OF rHE 0117 OF I r =Y, r^:.`.' r6NAL:Y tL . ANY VI OLATION THY-RBOF", which was t o sc*,r•: of Ccc--.nnioners on September 24, 1J46 and amarded on October =:e received, fl le! F rW, roved. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yda9, n:ci .,.ayor .`;eaton (4). :-.9 offered ^.et One letter of i:ichurd T. Byrd, dated CC,,;:cer cl, 1'a4$, ...'cram. re ^,LLM'ts to tae Citrj ra urnh an offer to ;purchase :or tt.e s..m c. rr.l.�J ..".e strip oN ,Lround avin.; n t'ront,.a of teki feet at the interlectien of 'P"enbj-n'n:r: w'd :.asnirj on Streeca Le recelvaa a :d filet, rx,d u:at ":e _crpera: No. 1176 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners CJry of Paducah October 22, 1946 Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims and mayor Seaton. V Property ofli Mayor Seaton offered motion as follows; "air. Fain King havin;3 offered Fain 13n,; to donate to the City of Paducah a strip of land located at the corner of 13th I Palm Streets; I move that the question as to whether it would be advisable for the City of Paducah to accept title to said strip of ground be referred to the City Engineer for his recommendations and that the City Muns.-or, Chas. ,111111ams, be requested to furnish the Board of Commissioners with a report as to the exact N location and dimensions of the strip which the said Fain King Proposes to donate, whether said strip of Ground would be usable for any public purpose, and whether 1 the cl"tj would incur any liability for payment of state and county taxes, city taxes, or public improvement assessments by accepting ached to said propeaty. n Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas Com. Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, and 1:ayor Seaton) On motion the meetir_, adjourned. ADOPMdD�� °�_9 tQ� 1946 APPROVED y`1r Mayor i I huay a ITwAr