HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1167, October 15, 1946NO. Proceedings of -oard of Commissioners City of Paducah October 15, 194G „t a ;;e."uinr :'oetln;- of the Board of Co:nmissionera hold in the Commissioners, Chnnber at the City sill, Paducah, ;:cntucky, at 7:30 o'clock i. 1. on October 15, 1946, i "ayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the followin- answerod to their names: Co.--issioncrs 1riedlander, Johnston, dims, 7.'Illiams and Mayor Seaton (5) Linutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commissioner Sims offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive and C. Rot"_crin-- and file the letter written by Colonel Doyle Hammer of the United 'States Engineers, fences across to :':r. Charles A. '.',illiams, the City Nana,7er, dated October 7, 194G and containing e the teras and conditions upon which :•-r. C. A._Rottgering may be permitted to maintain fences across the levee of the Paducah Flood Protection r'roject, Section 'A', at Stations 125/10 and 132/28, together with a copy of the letter written by the City 7ana,7er, %i:. Charles A. :Cillisms, dated October 10, 1946, in which the said C. A. Rottgerir,^ has been advised that he shall be permitted to maintain said fences subiocY to the followlnc conditions: "(1) That Cates be maintained at each fence on top of the levee wide enough to permit U. S. Engineers or City vehicles to pass at any time for .maintenance or other purposes. (2) That the City may at any tine request and you will agree to immediate removal of these fencoa from the flood wall right Of way if it is found that they interfere with proper main- tenance or that the flood well is in any way damaged due to their erection." "'I further move that the granting of a permit to the said C. 4. RottCering by the Adopted on City hanager upon the aforesaid conditions be ratified and confirmed." call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, :Silliams and Mayor Seaton (5) Commissioner Williams offered motion that the fond executed anddelivered oll by the-outhern Fell Telephone & Telegraph Company to the City of Paducah, Kentucky, :"elFnhnne-- ntreat pursuant to, an ordinance entitled:' "An ordinance regulating the dlgging, opening ezcavatlon or excavatin7 in any street, side:•ialk, grass plot, alley or other public xray of the City of raducah, Kentucky, and fixing the penalty for any violation theretf." be received, filed and approved. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Conuninsioners prier?land Hr, Johnston, Sinn, '.7illiams and t.:n yor Zoaton (5). :. V Cornnissioner Johnston offered the following motion: "Fred G. Nouman r, teed of cnnveypnco executed and delivered to him by David C. ^.lager 7, 1D46, under the terns of whish is conveyed to him all of r -!,:ht, title and interest in and to the following described property: :ter: r.^-hnlf of Lnt 09 in Section 5, of Calc Grove Cemetery, less and except r•:o]' occuniod by i-ravea. '"he plot hereby conveyed is 15 by 22 fevt. cnre lot conveyed to 'avid Latta on March 6, 1345, deed of 4- 'crranxe:r4 County Court Clerk's Office.' 1 move `rr.frt ti;e - ..cyarce ,.. ee.^etcr,^ to 09 G. NcUmain of Paducah, Kentucky, be t... C1' clerk ".e autr..r7::r ;.'ie propor notation on the Cemetery -1•t^. saf ; mese. Ado,t,. Roll Yaas, COmni :icnera 111aa.s and a:>1 .... ..-:nzt.n offered rotir.r: nt executed e a^.d ; delivered by the :.,.tnern %ell ^e:eprn a n,: ii., of -xc$V*ti On d ;.n''bz^ify I luesn under n .1 pursuant to an srdinance .... ;t e ra,' 4I ..,:.'`:peeing or exeavat#aJ in any street, sidewalk, ;,lot, alloy or other ab; ::ty of redurah, seize<y, and fixing tiv penalty fcsr ar.y .:? .ie -h wsa adorte:' the L rd of Commisaioners an :;eptem r the Roil, ......is3loners .ri .:arye. NO. -116 3 Proceedingsof Uonrd of C2mmis3ioner•s City of Paducah October 15, •1946 Exonerat Iona K Commissioner Friedlander offored motion that exonerations Nos. 124121 12421 to h i5£> to 12,56 be exonerated on tax bilb as shown on said oxonerotiona. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and ' Mayor Seaton (5). Slroy Lemon-- i Mayor ueston offered motion that the Board of Commissionary receive a^nointment as at. Verchants�t and file the letter received from i,:r. Roy M. rrather, President of the Retail Police 14erchants Association, in which he requests that i:r. Elroy Lemon be appointed to serve as an Assistant Merchants' police, that said request be granted and that the said Elroy Lemon to appointed as an Assistant Merchantst Policeman, I with full po;rer and authority to make arrests, but the appointment is mnda upon the condition that the said Elroy Lemon shall not be a member of the police force of the City of Paducah, nor shall be acquire any right whatever under the civil service rules governing police officers in cities of the second class, and he shall not receive from the city any compensation whatever on account of the services rendered by him as such officer. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionera Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ';lilliams and Mayor Seaton (5) Zoning, V" Mayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINA`x E Jackson St. APPROVING THE FINAL REPORT OF THE CITY PLANNING AND'ZONING COMMISSION PROVIDING FOR THE 'ZONING OF PROPERTY ON GOTH SIDES OF JACKSON STREET FROM 25th STREET TO A FOI:1T 50 FEET EAST OF TiE EAST PROPERTY LINE OF 26th STREET FOR REST_DENTIAL PURPOSES, AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY TO BE IMPOSED FOR VIOLATION OF THE RESTRICTION- SET FORTH IN A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY PLANNINO AND ZONING COTT133_ON ON SEPTEMBER 20th, 1946", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims; nay, Commissioner 'illiams (5) Veterans ✓ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN Housing 0rdinsrce ORDINA?10E AJTHORIZING Tri. APiOINT;r'.ENT OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH MUNICIPAL HOUSING COE''I33IONITO PREPARE FOR APPROVAL OF THE LAARD OF' CCi.::IS,�IONERS A PROJECT :A::AOEEi i::T PLA' A:1D TO ACT AS IT3 A0,211T TO MANAGE THE VETERAN4 HOUSING FACILITIES CON3TRCCTED I?: T1:E CITY OF FAD'JCAH by TEE FLOERAL 11UbLIC ti01,3114G AUTHORITY, AGHEE- ING TO A FORL. 0r AGENCY AGREEMENT UNDER ,gid ICH SAID CU:.E;IS3IOP1 311,PLL ACT AS ITS A,E';P, AND A':T'dORI'ZINO TKE EXECUTION OF 3AID f.GHES;Li;','1"', to adopted. Adopted on cull of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ::illiama, and 1'eyor Leaton (5,. «equest of Payor euton offered motion that the Loard of Commisnioners receive and 0. M. Reffirly-; Els ck inter- g file the re,vcat of C. •,affidy and others that a p._roprlate action be ta;ton by aactian of I.itclr. « tt:e C;ty of .bdceah to ;.r,.vent locomotives and trains fro^ L1oel:Sn, the hirtrsay an.''. Iralnare3 n: t. mint wt•ere 'rn railroad line lmersecta Little ..venue, and th&t the City 99 do prorml, drnlnn,e If ttc ;,lock :it the a)-+ thO 111Lnoia Contrul Rallroa:: Cronsinf. ado, to<1 rr :, .ens, ^sc:.r.inaic•n rs r'rie?1r:iJor, Jot:nston, 3ir:s, .71111n::1o, Li:n letter written t,y Lradsrzw the rad,icah '%ter .:errs ure insured ...110 110tilitJ 1,01Sr.y ;vovldirg aLilScy 1Sc:.:. a Pao+:' .1 ar"i filed, and thuL ::019 1.'.or 1,0 accr,•ltad a 1 •,f tt:e taduoah .,o ter NO. Proceedings ofC"^ " •s ° `` a:, "' City of Jcr,obor 15, 1346 -V OF PADUCAH, AND PIXI:I:7 THE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF", which waa adoptc7 by the Board of Cow-misaloners on 3eptembor 24, 1946. Adopted on czill of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, '.7111±ams, and mea ton (5). ".,:_0 of Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the bond of Graves and +-•orrow, Graves and 1:o^row-- as principal, and the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York, in the sum of street excavation x1,000, pial executed pursuant to an Ordinance entitled: "AN CHDINANCE RLGUTAiING _.. CPEIIIA.G OR EXCAVATUG 1:1 ANY STREET, SIDEWALK, GRASS PLOT, ALLEY OR 1-1r ._AY OF THE CITY OF FADIY'AH, A:d1% FIXING THE PENALTY FOR ANL VIOLATION T:'S'E:^'", which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 24, 1946, be received, filed and approved. Adopted on call of the Roll, Leas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, .711liams, and i,:ayor ::eaton (5). Commission^r Friedlander offered motion that the Certificate s howing the Issuance of a policy by the Fidelity and Casualty Company of New York to Mrs. Lula F d:ilty 11 ao9 rssualtg,Hannan, executrix of the estate of Ed D. Hannan, deceased, providing public liability !.-n j. coverage for the City of Faducah as well as the executrix of said estate, under and pursuant to the provisions of an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DIG';II:G, OPEIlING Oi, EXCAVATING I:i Ai]Y STREET, SIDENALK, G7;AS3 PLOT, ALLEY OR OTHER PULLIC ::AY OF T?E CITY OP PADUCAH, AND FIXING THE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF", which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 24, 1946, be received, filed and approved. .-Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnstcn, Sims,'Williams, and Yayor Seaton (5). Certi.i' ^.ate Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the Certificate showing the no In. - .icy, issuance of a policy by the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company to A. E. Cole 1,,,; It • providing public liability coverage for the City of Paducah, as well as the said A. E. ,ale Cole, under and pursuant to the provisions of an Ordinance entitled: "AI: ORDI:I-ICE :1.._... THE DIGII:1G, OFE3'II3. OR EXCAVATING IN AXI STRELT, SIDEWALK, GI AJJ iLDT, 7'7= Or•LI^. ':JAY OF THE CITY 01' FAWCAH, A3:D FIXI:St} THE PENALTY FOP, AiiY V,O_ ::hick was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 24, i.e received, filen and approved. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Co:ncLsaionerl a :rrler, Joh'ston, maims, :Sll±ams, and Iayor Son ton (5). V � asnioner Sims offered motion that the bond of Ed D. Hannan Company and r.", its surety, in the sum of „1,000, doted Cctober :, 1✓46,j ::❑ "rilnance .--titled "AN OIDIiIA':CE LEGULITI:,G THEOI3'I-,- ? J ILOT, ALLEY OR OTrraTt ` SLIC 1A -1 L VIOLATION 'fIis.. 0.", which vias Lt:.::ara cn ,; t ....., 24, 1J46, be received, flied and e i. ea cr,l.l n;' ti•+ 1, -:'er,a, L':,,. Ia::loners Friedlander, Johnston, f:avia ar:d the _. which rrl.i Ce"i, filed i� , Johnston, NO. 1170 Proceedin6s of Poard of Commissioner., City of Paducah ort.ober 1,5 104E f, L1aLil.ity po1Py, I-' Coimnissionor t;illiarns offered motion that the 'Board of Commissioners Conn. Indemnity Co. (Hummel Dra receive and file the commitment of the Iiinime 1 Brothers Insurance Agency that; Lee i:. Davis, I Street hk said a^oncy has bound the operations of Lee H. Davis under a public liability Excavation G ipolicy of the Connecticut Indemnity Company, said policy providing public t liability insurance coverage with V10 - ;;2- - •;,1,000 limits and insuring the City of Paducah, as well as the said Lee H. Davis, under the provisions of an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REGULATI'M THE DIGGING, OPENING OR EXCAVATING Ii; ANY STREET, SIDE:SALK, GRASS PLOT, ALLEY OR OTALR PUELIC '.TAY OF TUE CITY OF i'AWCAH, AND FIXING WE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF", which was adopted �i 3eptembor 24, 1946. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 'Williams, and f,ayor Seaton (5). Liability policy,l; Commiasioner dillioms offered motion that the liability policy issued to Graves and =,orrow, -treat Fxcavation� Graves and i-orrow and the City of Paducah, by the Fidelity and Casualty Company IIof New York under and pursuant to the provisions of an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REPULATINC THE DIG,"ING, OPENING OR EXCAVATING IN ANY STREET, .;lDEJWALK, GRASS PLOT, ALLLY OR OTMH PUGLIC :lAY OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, AND FIXING THE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF", which was adopted September 24, 1946, be j; received, filed and approved. Adopted on call of theAoll, Yea a, Commissioners IIFriedlander, Johnston, Sims, :,illiairz, and Wayor Seaton (5). Letter slack & I Commissioner Williams offered motion that the roard of Commissioners Veatch to Fed. '.orks Agency, receive and file the copy of the letter written by Black & Veatch, Consulting re sewers Engineers, to the Federal 'Aorka Agency with reference to the plans for the intercepting sewers and sowage treatment project, together with the information sheet and other papers referred to in said letter. adopted on call of the Roll, Zeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnson, Sims, 'Villiams, and ::ayor Seaton (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOP`r'•%� Qq_ a -V,, 346 Ai i itOVEll Ru y ., ,251