HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1163, October 1, 194611• Proceedings of =pard of Comminsioners City of Paducah October 1, 1346 At n RcCular ;,'retro of the _onrd of Commins loner a held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:3,': o'clock P.1.'. on October 1, 1946 C "ayor Protem Johnston presided in the absence of Mayor Jeaton and upon call of the Hol the following answered to their names: Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, ',illiams and ayor Protem Johnston (4). '..'mutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. "ester Fs ink% Commissioner Sims offered the following motion: I move that the petition e,,;. rs1,,n ..uc..:er Lane of Loren Y. Jones for permission to construct and extent a privately owned water line "Inerva Place on North 40th Street out Buckner Lane and out Winerva Place be granted subject to the limitations and conditions contained :In said petition and that the request of petition arsS. H. '.CN tt and wife, Alice McNutt; A. H. Gossett; Byington James and husband, E. I{ Palmer James, H. Shroeder and wife Vargaret Shroeder; Lillie K. .hemwell and husoan Allen H. Shemwell, Tom S. faller and wife, Lucille ^:alley; Ralph H. .regal and wife, Id Say Nagel; J. D. bellows and wife, Garnet Bellows: Earths Powell Young and husband, T. R. Young, Jack Thurman and wife, Sarah Thurman; 011ie didule and husband, Henry C. :lid le; 'artha *'ae Shepard and husband, Edward Shepard; Jacob E. Evitta be granted subject to the limitations and conditions contained in said petition. T.othin4 contained in the granting of this request shall be construed as a vuerantee of pressure or water service on the part of the City of Paducah or its Comm- issioners pf ',,star 7iorks, and nothing in the granting of said request shall now or hereafter be construed as an obligation or agreement on the part of the City of Faduca or its Commissioners of ._ester 7orks to purchase or acquire said water line or any part thereof or to maintain same; no such obligation shall arise should said territory where said privately owned pipe line lies be annexed to or taken into the corporate limits of the city of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, :illiams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). Cormissioner ..illiams offered the following motionL J. R. Finley, as the owner of Lot 11 in Llcck 6, Johnsons ,'.?aplewood 'Terrace r. loco t=rl outside the city limits of Paducah, Kentucky, together with I•:arl Penix, :^y ''. Lenix, Core Lonr,, 1.lartha Nell Tankersley, J. ,.:. 1'ttomas, Cora Thomas, ,1. 3. ,•r,t.rcrington, W. D. ::olley, Levi Tanner and Louie Schmidt, Jr. filed U..oir petition :q,!c3tinp nut.".ority for petitioner, J. T. Finley, to tap a privately owned water line .ccatea on Elmwood Avenue opposite petitioners residence a.as to furnish water to the ty o: tFie petitioner, H. L•inley,, ,earin;• Uust ti:c rcmainin signera of said petition are tha owners of two 7«n1,,! xater linea :.:lly 'eacriLed in said petition and each and all have 1 J. H. 'Tinley ire i.rnnted, L, therefore, mo vi that said riled, nne: that J. g. 1•inloy be permitted to to the p privately q ownm+i a•s•,:: nni.nt sr. tilmwool Avenue oppoolte i.ot. 11, in �loclt 3, for the � ;ur ')Be ^ zn3'Cr .. vice M t. he resirien^_e r.. an id potitioner. 1 _T cove , ..,. .. .....lrr: ., make uai'? tap Le [g-a.,ted, in uncordr,nee with ttn :^a:; _ an" that the Cnr:misnirners of :ester •,o:•::a t • autiorized in fiss 1'prr.et, or I for _..;lira outsiti!, tt,a city linit No. 1164 Proceedings of Poard of Commissioners Clfy of Padncoh October 1, 1946 q It In understood that neither the City of laducah, nor Its Commissioners of iI 'orka, ae.ree or o:li_-ate the City or its 'rater Works to provide pressure or water service; and that said service may be discontinued at any time when, in the ju,irncnt of the Eoard of Commioaloners of the City of Paducah or the Commissioners of t;atcr 6:orks, the supplyin:� of water to said petitioner through said privately owned i water line may interfere or affect the adequate supply of water of residents within is the City Limits. Adopted on call of the Roll, Year, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). circus permit Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the Dailey L-ros. Circus be per - load & unload 11 mitted to load and unload upon the streets of the City of Paducah on the 2nd day of October, 1946, and that a bond in the sum of „1,OOO.00 executed by Dalley Lros Circus I together Lith , as its Surety, be received, filed andapproved. Adop'ed on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, 1.711liams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). Letter Terrel>j / Liayor Protem Johnston offered motion that the letter of Mr. Adrian H. Terrell, . Re-appolntmen ✓ Veteranat Hou - Corporation Counsel, dated October 1, 19d6, and addressed to the Kayor and members of InF projects I the Foard of Commissioners regarding an ordinance providing for the appointment of the City of Paducah t.Iunicipal Housing Commission to manage the Veterensf Housing Projects, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, .7illiams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). American Leg o Yayor Protein Johnston offered the following motion: Chief Paduke Post No. 31 Excursion k No fee char- of the American Legion having requested the privilege of sponsoring a Moonlight ged Fxcursion on the Island :ween October 10th, 1946, the net proceeds of which will be used for charitable purposes, - I move that permission be .-ranted to the Chief Faduke ?oat No. 31 under said condition and that there be no wharfage collected therefrom. Adopted on call of the ug Holl, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, aims, Williams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). Feport ',-.-star N Mayor Protem Johnston offered motion that the ?inancial Report of the roducah r; O. AU?U3t �7.-ater 194, -orka for the month of August, 1946, be received and filed. Adopted on call of tee Roll, Yeas, rommissioners Friedlander, ,ims, .:ill is ns and Liayor itrotem Johnston (4). Zone Jsc'cson llavor Protem Johnston offered motion that on ordinance entitled: "ANTO[:DI:IAFC blot to +at. -a:...._.+l 0,.. :AL ,.,,'C3T OF 7-:. CITY i ,....,_„a ,..: O:;T::., ^.ia"'L.,S10it PROVID111(i ?'Or TF.F i; Cl: c071! 3IDE3 OF JAC},.10:. ,7i; .._T .. Iii_ 'i 0 25TH -TU, -,,ST r0 PREJCRIt ING TKE P-:7 L, 'U TO t:E !M?1)-;-iD hCh ':IOLATION 01, T E 77: _CTC•:;:.; ^;iTi IN A RESOLUTION ADOPTED EY THE CI ?Lri:::iii.' A11D 01:IG( ro1j,1- i ?.0th, 134G", to adopted. Adopted on call of the ;fall, Yvaa, -lanioncra .•riellonder, ams, lilliams and Layer Protea. J:hnston (4). !v L'ayor ..etc.. a:;nets. ;!':.,red motion tl:at an o.,:ii:....,_. ;ti!.lad: ",'•,r Oit 1.;:::03 ..—OLUTIOii h::.: lci,1J l • r.... 1... ;or irpten Johnston O.