HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1145, August 6, 1946NO. Proceedings of "^"1'' City of Paducah of Cr.:aiar,:oncrs hold in Li:c ,^. c.:elnnionsru r entue.'cy, at 13:00 o'clock, on ,ti.,u3t 7, INC, ., or -,: the 111oll ':he follor.t .. x•;:11 _n^ anawcred to their narrCa: L o, ::111larts and ''nyor Seaton (4), Cocmi.+a loner Johnaton r nut ,._e,_n„ .,Cre adopted as read. ✓ Cit; ihysician niorlon that tho renortn of tho Firo Dopai tment/for the �• _vo:: arc' fticd. .dn?ted On call of tl,.o 'oll, Zeas, a, ::illiars and Y8.1or .]oaton (4). '_'_rod rotion that the resort of Oak ;rove ^o�,;otery for the ` .- ?, . ceived and filed. :tcloptcd on call of the Roll, Yons, y ;ndlarc?er. Lims, ::illiams and 1'ayor Soaton (G). a Zims offoro.! motlo. tk:at Adrian .1. Terrell, the attorney for the ^a1': o"a:hrca^., *,e^?r„ltted t, withdra'rt from the oificial records of the City of t o orl• inal of the letter written Ly Jay Snmuel Hnrtt and L. i. : or:;oa to i^^s Cit; ",naSer of the City of laducah, Kcntucky, and to _. ... I.. o.” t",C 7.r.tuekp I tilities Company, dated June S, 1 ", a of o_• tt „ ori_inal and filed with the e r! at soif'. a `ornr.y to permitted to file aald ^rl.:1 let.Cea with reply to t1- dofen'.nnt's second ancflment to its na::er and Countercla m _n 4.,�I,amity of .n'rcah vs. ntucicy Uti1i"lea Company noe: rancln- in the e•r t• .. ,,tcr' on ^_n71 of' tho :;011, Year, Co•:nrvisa one'rs t�ricdlendot ` ---- .. .,,,,ton (4). i -= ^=' •%-': o•. - Dt:.or, t`at tho Corporation Counsel prepare for _.: ,' ... .. . r:—;t nn ordinance authorizi-17 the sale to J. a;i'... _. ^1st .street bet:^can iar:.- .':vonuo and Lir 0 -1-71'.-', Cn call of the Roll, Ycao, Cornminsioners ;or ,-oaton (4). _.._ .;1!'.i.• ,notion t^at t'•a lune' of Col. 9,u?.lcy or the i ich he rar,ta rarrrinaion t, the Clt; or a;?,scab nr:'[ of t'^ Ohlo :Aver at tt:, f,ot of ..oadrray at :;tatcmcnt of ^.t:ar:-es ; rofer:'e,' Ly ;:.'.c ':fo3loy, a police officer of he nttcc an:?... -,.7,J .+. eat 1st, It.) .11 Le lve5 file:? t. • _ r .ar.st .. I :.xecci ice sa:rietar t etr a• dltk: c: c••, of the Proceedings of. Z, fo n" City cf Paducoh Ll—u:;t :,11 11-mc'motion that a .,.solution entitled: "A Ult Ion, j,iD ':TIT 4 CC o 0. CO. T., `TzD, � GO'!Dl PiC:'.; TO L.. IN Tr,c .,'-CCL'"FIJL LIDDER .,ILL 1.6 and ramain on Me for one week for public Inopoctlon In the completed for- in which It shall be put upon Ito final passage. Adopted on call of the ;!all, lona, Comicaloners vviedlander, 3irm, '..'illians and 7'ayor seater. (4). Anprove -!at Com:iisnioncr jl:ma offered motion that an ordinance enbitic,-': rnb,.11v1c1on of pr,,,perty l7th 7 . LAT O� 'MZ JUDDIVIjIC-'� 0--' 1.:C11ERT,1' 3:; IDE O�' ITJH ffiEET "Vo . I :'� ... TjCiKt AVE:= AID —'SKUNIM17 STREET I;: '.!i� CiT. P. '�C' .M'C I -"CZ. TED :i EiE MY FLA:,.TR1rG A:.D Ci-1,1:1jilCIN i,,' IT6 ,1::AL .D ADOFTED ON T-JLi 22nd, 1946", be adopted. Adopted on cull o the 71oll' cos,"Cormissioners Friedlander, :;ims, 17illiams and r,:ayor Seaton (4). 'nrtaee Connissioner Williams offered motion that an ordinance entitled, "A;'� ORDL-i*,'�CE M 'Ina , mcc ' d1ofinin.— v" DSFININ'G IjARLAGEI, 'TRASH', ;.:D 'ASHES', PROVIDING RULE) A'JD REGUL.liONZ; '1A'Z :;ulez for rnil,et-lon, ct COLLECTION A'.D DISFOSAL 7"!::2EOF El ':11E CITi Cr PADUCAH, i��NTUCXZ, E:0-jIMIG Thnf crn. a In .*P ter ",ear n^ t-1 rcnilnued kzrce—nt %ecolved ond Flltd -71'131;jEFLN" TFE COLL&OT-OU Tt'EREOv . ;:;A -L LE PAID i_ THL' UZU4 OF THE JERVICL, A.'.D TROVIDINI-1 aOR THE Z`FORCEICIEN`T THEREOF, TOGET.HiE, ...r PH : AUNG C—ERTAIi! 0r'vZ.3SJ AAD b :0- 0. T,'13 0,ZDlNq,;CE PUljllAbLE, AND Z11 1'---NALT,: 1,0311 .,LOCH VIOLAT10116", be inlro<lucod and remain on file for one iveolt for public inspection in the completed form In which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, 4'�C3' Commissioners i'riedlander,.isms, 71illiams and I'ayor Sontoh (4). Coriiissioner 7.'riedlonder oPfcred motion that an ordinance entitled: C':t�I' 'J ...... 1:. wLE iGJO'::J T:;E 0.- .'ATERi;Mri61 I E., r":., J;.0 ,,.ALL 3-7-10,,.' -:17EOUT 7,C ;.jrCEED TdS ce a".orted. z.doptcd on call of the ',.all, 'Loss, Commi.-.oloneri 7 7 1 -',qrm (Zi y, Mayor 3aa ton ( I or tac n!'fare6i the followine motion: E. !nlnor jaiw)z ani "';Ivhavd ryon, :.-lc :11loy havin� moved We Loard to -.'von% a continuance of the -,f hn ' arin- rhnrZcn rvcrorrn�! against _e City of the nald Lyle �,*olloy, & -ollne 0, �jccr of tt, 1 nd, I crA h; ':,n the ,-Tnntin of a continuance af a r,, said t';.-.nV '-;le !)n—'nu�,! and :-"ny is held nt .tin "'Inptel nn .6,413 at .-,QQ o1clo: AiHorted an call of tre :o1j. Yaa::' 7:,'41-lisloners % rA ��-4A 3-1