HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1122, June 18, 1946NO. Proceedings of ''^`""i '' °DQ='a City of Paducah. June 1.0, 1'y4c t s Re-ular l'e•atin• of the Loard of Commissioners hold in the Commissioncrst C"amber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 8:00 o'clork P.1% on June 18th, 1946 ^y:�r 3eaton presided and upon call of the roll the followin^ answered to their Commissionors Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ;llliams and Layor 3oaton (5). t:'inutes of the previous mectin� wore adopted as read. .w -;esi^patina D' Payor Seater. offered motion that :dra. Vera Lockwood and Fred Newman having ^^ Loc'cwood-resirned from their offices as members of the Eoard of Trustoos of the Public Ll'cra^y Library, and it further appearinE that the terms of office of the said t.:rs. Vera Loclrvood and '.:rs. Lula Reed KinC expired on June 14th, 1946; I therefore move that Dr. Raymond Roof be appointed to succeed Mrs. Vera pLockwood and to serve as a member of said board for a period of four (4) years IbefinninC June 14th, 1946, also that Ears. Clarence Eennett be' appointed to serve i Idurin,, the unexpired term of Fred Newman, which term expires on June 14th, 1948, and that rrs. Lula Reed Kin^ ce appointed to serve for a further term of four (4) years from and after June 14th, 1946, so that said Loard as now constituted shall be composed of t^e folloti:•inC members: (1) Herbert Fallerstein whose term will expire on June 14th, 1947; (2) Guy Holland whose term will expire on June 14th, 1948; (3) Mrs. Clarence Bennett whose term will expire on June 14th, 1948; (4) P'rs. Lula Reed F;inr whose term will expire on .Tune 14th, 1950; and, (5) Dr. .Raymond Roof whose term will expire on June 14th, 1950. Adopted on calls of the Roll, ,?yas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 7;11118ms and / /'.'ayor 3eaton (5). Commissioner >ims offered motion that the copy of the letter written by re Corporation Counsel to the City Elana[.er •with reference to the liability of the city for Aynent of damages caused by the negligence of an officer or employee of city, to received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ayes, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, tillinms and Mayor Seaton (5). - •/ Cor-i:,sionar 't.'illiams offered motion that the letter of stanloy D. Fetter, ^ Fa^ily :erv.lcc ;society, concerning the maintenance of the work of ^e Jaciety be recoived sn9 filed. Adopted on call of the aoll, Ayes ;�r'.•ar, Johnston, ams, :Ulliama and l•.ayor Seaton (5). - .r Johnston offered motion that the payroll for the first half . _ a'_lo:ve•J 1r. the .;,;:r.`. n1' ,13,140.35, and that the City Treaourar to n':�^��:._ n a.•r, on the General Fund. G,'op*od on lasionor. _:1e:ila.;icr, Johnston, Sims, 1,Illla,.s ane: r.!.at: the board of Co:rmissioners _ . rar,atin C1rn,ult Court from t:he order of - .. - .. . ,,.. ._ , •t' 1r.1'e2`red a;-r.inst 49::: oi: :y -!Oth, LMC- Adopted lljams and No. 1123 Proceedings of Loard of Commissioners City of Paducah June 16, 194C ra�z,ca :ro:a Erao'cport _ Ct3th Streot Acceptance of John A.� Sa^E, Jr. Bid - street sweeper. Acceptance of R.E. Feters --id - 5 Police Cars jl numtera 1 to 16, inclusive of said aerie , aI*•-regatinr; the principal sum of .16,000.00 matured and were paid in due course on October 13t, 1344, and 1945, and that bonds numbers 17 to 127, inclusive, agrregatin4 the principal sum of -;111,000.00 have been called for redemption in advance of maturity and paid, and that all of said bonds and coupons wore thereupon destroyed by fire. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ayes, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Siris, ,iililams and Yayor Seaton (5). Payor Seaton offered motion that the City I-ianarer be authorized to communicate with the State Ili hway Commissioner and request that a line be run 6n both of the proposed belt line hiChway routes for the purpose of dcterminin� as soon as possible the route to ce followed from the Brockport Eridao to 28th Street. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ayes Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Jims, '31111ams i I and C°ayor Seaton (5). I r Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A;1 CRD1:;.NCE Pp ACCEPTING THE EID OF JOHN A. SUGG, JR., THE AUSTIN-VIESTERN DISTRIBUTOR, FOR T112 SALn OF A PATROL SWEEPER TC THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF THE SUM OF FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY NINE AND 07/100 i (;579.07) DOLLARS FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE FOR SAID SIYEEPBR, AND I AUTHORIZING THI CITY i'•:Al aR TO Ei;TER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE THEREOF;" be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Eyes, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ':Jillioms and Kayor Seaton (5). Commissioner :Jilliams offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN t : m;r;; ORJZIIA..N CE ACCE'rma" .ISIJ OF P. E. PETERS FO., THE SALs OF 'r1\'d (5) 1946 FORD DELUXE FORDOR SEDANS TO T'I_ CITY OF PADUCAH BY TRAD1113 1111 FOR SAID NE", AuTDi.TObIL-S POLICE CAR # 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATIOU OF THE SUM OF '2872.05 FOR PAYMENT OF THE R04A111"ER Or TH'E Fti;:C1IASE PRICE FOR SAID NE71 AUTO:i:OcILES AFTER CRL'DIT IS GIVEN FOR THE CAR,: TRADED 111, Ai;D AUTHORIZING THS CITY VANAGER TO EATER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THc PURCHASE P:.PREOF," be adopted. Adapted on call of the Roll, -yes, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, :Villiama and S.ayor Seaton (5). Revocsticn of Lisch" Commissioner ':.!illisms offered motion that the charZea preferred by the stand li^!ense - :7m. Jennin^a City Yanorer aSainst :'lilliam i'. Jenninga for the revocation of his license to onBaLe in the business of conductim; a lunch stand and restaurant at 211 Lroadwa;; in raducah Kentuc';y, nn' which char^es were filed with the City Clerk on June 17th, be regi^cd and t'i'led by tho Board of Commissioners, and that the said Callum II. Jennin"n ie ^ntl£i thn`a hearin!7 upon said charges will be hold at the next re u.nr r^est: •. on call of the 11011, Ayes, Coarlsalonora iriedlander, 4 r:n. :,ayor reaton (5). ..r.:�s v' '; ......,...'.'.r-, offerad motion that the .'.ayor Le requosted to and .;tnnQflel.? :c':? :r thea to support t" :,t1"In ._. _ . i'. ,er;p+•a .'•r the .....-n; n!Cut-s to crujatrur•,t �° .> .: r:er nE; e.^.r^.ar .'.,._ ; !:.L•�r. qb.: tS'v:r :.:' i. i .- L :.r.ierill .;nvernnent and ...11 n _ _. i1..• 3, in FGrI l'':, .. .... .......:!.,iteI [,a aUC.d. tr t t: ;nr•d Of ammisaionora • - _ :t , a` - ... .... .. _�.... ...,.t to 1ay over 3is ..INCH Proceedings of op r,!. -,: CnT-isa1nners City of Paducah Tune lf3 1946 :C';13J T!.`E FOLICE :. .,,.,...-'.;T A::- ...J CITY Ti",,A URER THMETO; A.;D TO PROVIDE . `::Ai.TIE3 f0 -i ".... VIOLATION THLI E 0:"' and that said motion be vacated and sot aside. Adopted on c91] of the Roll, Ayes, Commlosioners Priedlanier, Johnston, Sima, 7.illiams ani! Voyor .ieaton (5). On motion the meetin£ adjourned. APPROVED ...a y R A. o Ci 7 C erlc