HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1120, June 11, 1946NO --- Proceedings oCity of Paducah Juno 11, 1948 At a Rerular '..lectin„ of the Board of Commissioners held In the Commisalonoral'. Charter nt the City Hall, Fac7ucah, Kentucky, at 8:00 o'clock F. Ii. on Juno 11th, 1.04i: ':ayor Frot-em Johnston presided in the absence of Mayor Seaton and upon call of the Roll the follotidnr answered to their names: Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, '_.11inma and :'ayor Frotem Johnston (4). "irutos of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commis -loner Sims offered motion that the letter of 1. II. Eich and others, owners of property adjacent to and north of the floodwall and southeast of the } D-2 Husbands Rand near the point ticbere the floodwall crosses the :I. C. & St. L. R. F.. Company's property, in which they request that the Diversion Channel D-2 be increased in depth to avoid the floodin,, of their lands, be received and filed and that the City :'anger be authorized to get in touch with the United States Engineers and arrange, if possible, for the deepeninC of the diversion channel by them in order to prevent damage to said lands after heavy rains. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ayes Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). -otter of Y Commissioner Williams offered motion that the letter of F. t;. Gholson, n' -Olson 's -train Chief of the Fire Department requesting permission to use the lot on the South side of 3rd Street, between ::ashington and Kentucky Avenue as a place for training employees of the fire department be received and filed, that the present occupant of said property be notified to vacate the some and surrender possession to the city within 30 days after said notice is liven, and that the use of said lot r^.vert to the city to be used as the City :.'ana�or may direct. Adopted on call of Roll, Ayes, Conmissioners Friedlander, Sims, "'illiama and 1layor Froton Johnaton (4 Commissioner 'Jilliams offered motion that the City Yanager's report of the --ale of pro-erty held on June 3 to received and filed and that all of the bids w^ich are sho:•rn in said report be rejected. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ayes, r.-issiarers i-riedlander, 31ms, Williams and L:ayor Protem Johnston (4). / 00, .issioner 'iillisms offerod motion that the letter of J. Stephen Cocrissloner of Hirhrs ys, in which he advises that the first section t-lir:e hl:•hvm y will be`in on the connection between the Ea,'.ucah-2rookport :;erect, and if the funds are sufficient to Zet at Leant as far as „ i:r,.', nnl filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ayes, Co=liasloners ;1111nm3 and :•:ayor Irotem Johnston (4). r I -� "ay;- ',rotor .'ohnoton o,^tn_rr,! motion that the letter of `:,ra. Cuy Lockwood as o nenber of the uoard of Mrusteos o: the i nr.:i filed and that her real:nntian Lc occepted. ed r• '! . ::nil, Ayea, Ccrmissinnern Friodlam7cr, Sims, ;;1111ams and "a� ,r ?rote•. ......._ .... , _). i ... !1n ­ %r ..:e the Litter ul' Cr, Jay damuol .:arttand i ll:r.•r-, ,tt,, ."ann ler, an,: Slott. I rafarenrc t ti.e cause alcai .,: tr. pr:x.^.rf.i,ea of Lha isntac:cy Anna, I No. 1121 Proceedings of Hoard of Commissioners City of Paducah Juno .11, 194G pppp AUTHORI2.h:: :. C17f 1.IAi aGER TO ENTER INTO A CO!,*TRACT FOR I iia I WXHA3E Pi:c EOi� )" be introduced and remsin on file at least seven (7) days for public inspection in its completed form in which it shall be put upon its final paosa;3e. Adopted ggg on call of the Roll, Ayes, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, ',';illiamo and Mayor Frotem Johnston (4). Roy C. ,:hayna ✓ Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "ASI Supply Company - Street machinery i ORDIYAIiCE ACCEPTING THE 6ID3 OF THE ';WILSON nACHINERY AND SUPPLY COIiPAdY AJD THE ROY C. Fetition-Civil ✓ Aeronautics Board Sale o3`Lots%O E: 29 In Block 2 of i'ausol ;d:7ltlon to Louis Kirchoff and wife. Bi? of 'i. E. Peters .`. police cars. �RIAYNE ..UFFLY COI.IPANY bOR THE SAL: OF STREET MACHINERY AND EkUIPM113.1V TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH, PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OP THE SUM OF x3751.18 FOR THL PURCHASE OF SAID MACHINERY AND EC,UIP;,ENT, AND AUIHORIZiNG THE CITY L!A';A9ER TO ENTER VRAC9-0 FOR THE PURCHASE THEREOF" be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ayes, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, Williams, and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). ;,layor Protem Johnston offered motion that the City of Paducah file before the Civil Aeronautics Board a petition for leave to intervene in a proceeding instituted by Transcontinental and ;1.1estern Air, Inc. for certificates of public convenience and I necessity in order to establish additional commercial air routes which will be 1 beneficial to the City of Paduca!,, its citizens and inhabitants. Adopted on call of the Poll, Ayes, Commissionors Friedlander, Sims, Williams and Mayor Protem Johnston (4) Commissioner Sims offered motion that the coard of Commissioners approve the sale of Lot 30, Elock 2 of the Mausoleum Addition to the City of i�aducah to Louis Kirchoff and his wife, for the sum of �p480.00, and also the sale of Lot 2J In Block 2 of said Mausoleum Addition to the said Louis Kirchoff and his wife for the sum of ;;480.00, and that the City Clerk be authorized to execute deeds of conveyances to said cemetery lots when the purchasers thereof have paid to the City Treasurer the sum of X960.00. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ayes, Commissioners Friedlander, Sims, tl111iams and Mayor Protem Johnston. (4). Commissioner R'illiams offered motion that An ordinance entitled: "AII N OTttDI.iA?ICE ACCEPTIti> TIE LID OF 13. E. PET013 FOR THE SALE 0r' FIVE (5) 1846 FORD ry DSLU(E FORDOR S2DA11%; TO Tli.S CITY OF PADUCAH LY TRADING III FOR SAID NE";; A: l'O;;OL=Ej IOI.ICE CAR 11 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, FROVIDiN FOR TI -12 A1'YROP2IATIOPI C1 'Pi[3 3Gi.i OF 2872.05 FOR PAYMENT Or 'I :E : EMAIUDER (F THE PURCIIA3E I ,ICE 1`0% .,A'_D NE', AUTOI.;OL ILE: AFTER I :., :IVZ; :;OR T11 -!--CARS TRADL•'D IN ::: , A:tD %UPHORIZII:'; T C177 VAI:A,:EIr R E:IPER I.." • !, r,,NTRXT b01i TKF r"URCIIASE THEREOF", be introduced and remain on file at least ore (1) xeec for I,,It:lic inspection in the completed form in which it shall to put UPON its final paaaa-e. ,donted on call of the Roll, Aces, Commissioner-" Frlecdlan,'er, o:i Snyor I`rotem Johnston, (4). t;:^ r.—ti.r.- odjourned.