HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 11, January 10, 1938NO. -It Proceedings of Bonrd of Co., ;lsslone. s City of Paducah T::nuury 10,1938 �_— ! o: Jr ary' _....::ot roved PcYucah `'rater 1937 report At a rsguiar mecti:;.; of the Board of Co:.caissioners held in the Co..caissionerst Chanber at the City Hall, Pa.ucah, Kentucky, at 2:00 o'clock P.3:. on the 10th day of January, 1938, :layor Washburn presided and u,•on call of the roll the following answered to their names: Co:amiss.ioners Hank, :;citon, Pulliam, Stubblefield and :layor Washburn (5). Commissioner i:Eeltotu offered the following motion: I move that approval of minutes of the called ueeting of January 8, 1938 be deferred; but the minutes of all previous meetings of this board be now approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, '�clton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and '.iayor Yiashburn (5) . Co�:ulssioner Hank offered the following motion: I move that the audit report of the Paducah Water %Yorks for the fiscal year ended October 31, 1;;37, as prepared by Cotton & Eskew, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cos:rissioners Hanle, S:elton, Pulliam, S tubblefield and t;ayor Jashburn (5). Beer licenses v ''' Commission r '9elton offered motion that a License to p:r:iit the { ii ('retailing of beer and light wines be granted to the following applicants upon r L:cc.: es i �... .. .�. .....,.. _.. a: J,... iy, _..-7, .v.'.t t.,.a 4 C'G... to "h. or ,u Ltd co.:, y zit..:`%: r• . 1 , the City of Pad:`^ah at c_y ate... ... jproper pay:.tent to the City Treasurer be aproved: :furl & Steve's Place by :lurl Lewis 501 V. 13th street Snappy Tavern a Steve Howard 2605 Bridge 'Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hank, Melton, Pulliam, Stabblefi:ld and :fayor Washburn (5). � Commissioner ::clton offered the fol'lo•;iug :action: That a license Ito perait the retailing of beer and light Willes be grant.d to the following 4 applicant, upon proper payment to the City Treasurer be approved: -+A.:E ADDRESS Boswell 423-25 Broadway i,lioscoe Frig:;it:gto: L: 14 Broadway The ..`array by Guy Flood 6:]U :;. LSth Leri. C. Wallace L.'iJ S nad �Lnke Edwards •_141 Bridge St. 11k. --es "core 1:;6 Ky Ave �Ja:_es C offee Shop, by lPexas GtirO:lU ij7 d. 4th !C. 0. :rice Lovelaceville Rd. cd.:one Daperrieu 529 Broadway "Golfo: Club, by P„t.•r Joaes 108 �. 4th ut Cha. Sciutider 5th Ky. 'file Hook 14:10 ii. 8th Buster Hensley 40�� S. 7th Gco. Tref o;. 404 Broadway "o. lt;ere Xr.ft::rjoh.:' lith CaluweLl do ,os Cef•., by Jour. Jo:as 1048 Broadway Eluct:on�s .. .• i �i� by SaILace Hudson 211 Broadway -ti.�.h i.o�: 6f; Aduas 'E'o •• 111.5 Ex. 8th J. H:_• 436 1Lth ":iOJi`Bridge L:.J l: :�t;d Sit,ctott .:+:.•:r::.0:.•;...:� ..y .. :,rooks ^rd Broadway 1701 Bridge r :, iy ,. .. ..t r:•..y 1.v0 Broaaway ._n,r ...... .. , ..1 ,. .. . ..c,Y 4:.i1 Ry Ave ' 8th No. I-: Proceedings of bo:u'a of CO._.: is i0...:'.' City of Paducah_ January lu, 1968 CoLlars to the faithful porfor:nance of the conditions thcr of, and which bond and obli- gation autocratically terminated on the 30th day of June, 1937 under the terns and co:;dltions of the license to said princlpal,- I now move that the City Clerk be authorized to enter an endorsement upon said bond indicating and evidencing its tern- inatiot: and cancellation as of the 30th day of June, 1937. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co: _.is:lo:: rs Hank, 'lelton, Pulliam, Stubblcft,ld and :'::yor Washburn (5). Beer / Co.r_:issioner L:elton offered the followl.i., motion: That a license to Liceses'Jer it the retailing of beer and light nines be granted to the following applicants u,o:. vo.%r +ay. nt to the City Treasurer be approved: Elgie Overstreet 124 Ky. Ave ._lgie Overstreet 128 Broadway Tony Bates 115 S. and A. H. Ray 905 Ky. Ave G. A. Chandl,r 163 S. 2nd R. H. Chandler Union St. Lost on call of the roll: Pays; Commission[.rs Hank, Llelton, Pullia,,;, St.rcblefleld and ::ayor P;ashburn (5) . City for Commi_.sloner Hank offered the following motion: I move that the sendore,city of Paducah agree to bear the expenses of one member of a committee ,iho will call c.:.ber Of Cbl- :upon Governor Chandler in an effort to retain the West Kentucky Industrial College for to r'kt.11 1, "KIC our city. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comuisslon rs Hank, :?elt-on, Pallia , IStubblefie.ld and :layor Washburn (5). Liquor J Commissioner lelton offered the follor:ic:g motion: That a license to license ,sell intoxicating alcoholic liquors be granted to the follo,,ing applicant upon payment Hodge :.itchel :.of the proper amount to the City Treasurer and the execution of bond as required by be ap roved: f Hodge _:itchelL 8th & Ellis by drink L: AeC d or call of the roll: Yeas; Co_;issio-e.s Hank, [lelton, Pulliam, Stubblefield .yor i;ashaarn (5). Coc"is5Loncr .lelton offered the following motion: That a .license to r '' 'rc the rctallin� of beer snd light rines be granted to the following applicant pay:xnt to the City Treasurer be ap;,:oved: Hodge :litchell 8th Fllis o;t,ad o; r_r;1L of the roll: Yeas; Comsiscior. rs HaL-1k, ;lelton, Pu1Lia�.t, Stubblefield Tor ..i:Lurn (5). Co--...1...Lo::,-r Pullin... offered the follo,;:lnG motion: I .:ovo that the f,Or: ':he Lo::e Oak ::. C. :IU. be received and filed. Adopted on cail of Lhu catio,. filed r o, ; : 'leas; Cc _ .:., r i;, r:: a:. ;, ' l.o::, ?ullfam, Stubblefield and 4ayor Aashbura (5) . C - - a.: r t.h•a follorrLn,; z:otior,: ;,ilium F. Hannan Water Vain ell- h-vL:,: �6ti lo.... ., _ ; O • , ,,_ov of a 3/4° water LI! o::r; the iLtn - i or, b" d'3 v:l to Road, br. y .. _ . z' ... ? [y; v+cstva+t , ly .. z a.,,.ce of YY2.H4 ti a;a,•.roxl. � at,::.r , . , f '., : -..t. O' .:_1 i :.. 1 t - ,.., O.: to b, _ 1, for hy he r + r. L. t:. . r . of tks; Rsa... 9r:4. ted a y the 0"r' c cr o sor fc:il- :are . . .. ... ... .... .. . ... _. .. _ . ,.. .. roll.: /3 board of Coc...L..;Loiters January Proceedings of Clty of Paducoh I Co.z::.i,;-'ioncr Stubblefield offered the. fotlo..lc; .no ion: I move S,c.t:rl:orks 1;ov. 1J27 report tnat the financlaL report of the+ Paducah Dater Works for the moc;th of I:ovcaber, 1937 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co n:i.�:loners i jHazk, Melto., Pulliam, Stubblefield and ".ayor 1Vazhburn (5). idayor Washburn offered the following motion: I ;cove that the objlphet Rowton - i obection to co:r,sunicatio.i Tro.c Ralph Rowton obj:.cting to the .license placed on phonographs or license ordinance Tvending machines, vending music, be received and filed. Adopted on c! Ll of the roll. Yeas; Commissioners Hank, 'delton, Pulliam, Stubhleficld and Llayor Washburn (5j Potltion agai .st ✓I :!ayor lVashburn offered thu following notion: I :cove that the Sunday clos.i:.g & :petition addressed to the :Sayor and board of commissioners containing the sig- sel!i.:;; beer tures of 536 citizens, including persons engaged in the sale of beer, protesting ,that Sunday ciosing is unfair to their business, and asking that In the event there no modification of the ordirance, that all places of business and 6ccupations stopped under the provisions of the closing Laces of the state of Kentucky, be ceived, filed and referred to the City ;tanager. Adopted on call of tha roll: as; Commissioners Hank, :Ielton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor V.ashburn (5). On :notion meeting adjourned. L938 AP,'ROVLO:.% ::AYOR c. '