HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1061, March 12, 1946NO. 1061 Proceedings of 'card of Conmisilionors City of Paducah Parch 12th, 1940 At a �%cgular :":acting of the ward of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' F� r Chamber at the City (fall, Faducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 otclock Y.?:;. on March 12th, 1946, ?'ayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: ii ?'embers Friedlander, Johnston, Williams and !:ayor ooaton (,). Commissioner Sims 1, beinC absent (1). N Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. J.:'.Standfiel:l Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners receive and ;tasror� file the letter in which the City ?tanager advises that he has appointed ?:1r. J.P.I. 1 Standfield to serve as Yarket Piaster for the purpose of filling the vacancy created by the death of 1'r. Roy Bryan. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'Leas Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, l7illiams and :.Payor Seaton (4) Report of Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the report of Dr. ,.J.rass, City Dr. Bass ✓ Feb. 1946 Physician, for the month of February, 1946, be received. Adopted on call of the Raj Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, ,+illiams and L.ayor r,eaton (4). "r. Y.cElwoe . / Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners receive, Resignation file and accept the reslnnation of Yr. H. U. L'cLlwee, as City '.anagen of the City of' Paducah, and as requested by him, that the same be effective as of this date. I Adopted on call mf the Roll, Zeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, :Villiams I. and : Proceedings of " rr-,..,a ^n{ on rs City of Paducah "arch 12th, 1946 et'und "ayor acaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "r.;: OiiDi;IAt:CE AUTiIORic:?;;C :'earl>.al ,j Fan:'s `7 FNIVIDI':' POP T.IE I33UAIiCE OF UINETY-EIGHT IIICU3A:D DO_LAR3 (.:08,000.00) 01 :;C3 _^AT. R'*VE::UE FEFtNDING LONDS 0. TC —' CITY OF !HF:SUANT '1'0 KENTUCKY REVISED S7A^2"7213 PI -.000 TO 213.240 FOR T:E FURIO: - -:: ,'.. ,',::D RETIRING PART Oe AN OUT - _.JF HUNDRED i ']c.:! T u OI r .::S (",111,000.00) OP' SAID CITf`r (,-.) ::�3FITAL ,•"., _.. ...:)::;-' .:,7J .. ;:7RIYED LY AN ORDINANCE PASSED S`1C.: 14, 1944; RESC*, . _:. C:•:: C -Alf) "OOHS A`77 OF '11.lE CCUP01I5 C:'' ,''i .",I :. , "Olt T:E CCLLuCT9.0", _, _ ..._ .. _ ,:JD DI3'C:ILUTIO!T 02 HE PF.OV-TDING FOP. TiIE •,......_.... PROTECTING APD PAYING OF D_IRZCTI?:: THE CITf N NAGER TO ADVERTIJ-. ::.._ I;OLD A fUbLIC COV.?PETITIVE 'SAL OF ,.:'-) ^' V: A'D PROVIDINr FOR THE A PLICATION Ob' EHE PROCEEDS OF SASE "IC THE IU�I'03C 35:'1' FOP.T HEREII'", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Holl, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). r•cs' "ayor :eaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A:' a.DINANCE ;nun'^" ✓ IN"i ..3 rONTRACT bEVIEEN Tid CITY %' PADLCAH, KLi4TUC1a, AILD THE UNITED STATES, sit.. ;.CTs':: FY Tr"L COP".*'I:i°IOI'ER OF 'r'E h'EDERAL PUELIC FIOUSItiG AUTHOPITI, FOR P'ROVIBLv`C. _.-...;"3 A:"D TS%lR FAVILITE 75ITII TEI/FORARY WMLING ACCO:•;I•:ODAT10;!5, A, -ID ALTHORIZING "A(03 A;;7 'WE CITY CL5Ri TO EI{TER INTC AND EXECUTE SAID CONTRACT bOR A''D ON 0:TEE CITY 0w PADUCAH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ro-;r:inaloners Triedlander, Johnston, 71illiams and 1•'ayor acaton (4). I:'.ayor Seaton offered notion that the request of Richard J. Vansfield and others recuestinR that a street light be _nstalled on South Fifth Street in tile Twelve "th:undred Lloc7: l.e referred to the -hief of lolice for invcsti^ation, and that the of Police be requested t-) report to the Loard at its next regular meetinz his recorren'.ations as to whether such li ht is needed and whether materials for install- 'n,- the na.^:e are available. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiasioners Johnston, .:lliams and Vayor Seaton (4). ro.,�isstoner Johnston offered notion that the resolution of the .Ioctric Plant 41 ,Lrd requestin^ the a,.propriation of the sum of ,50O.00 for payment of the fees for for legal rervlces rendered from October 23rd, 1945 to 104 In connectlon with the acquisItLon of the propertlea of the 7'1!1cn 17orcrllny be receiver! and filed, and that said aum be appropriatod _..- ..,... -onrd for that purpose, the amount of said a,pronria+,.icn to Le . funl ,:Fon the a,9eot1on of the apportionment ordlnonna for '�" the icoll, fens, Commissionors Friedlander, —ton (4). the letter of '..E.Lr nnt, 31 o: :olIc®, 01 ir,n force ha reee lve,t •7n'] t i1e'9, • tilont of tt.e ..1 y a, ..dlucahl _ "oud upontlte minutes. ,r, Johnston, .iliinr:a NO. 106:', Proceedings of ronrrl of Comn(i ,stoners City of Paducah ':arch 1Tth, 1940 Liste:l as to Bond Book Enterod on ran'c of seniority 'iame Sirned Payroll Sumner, ^ene 5/22/2a 11,20/25 2. Glenn, Glenn, :. F. 5/26/27 5 2. 27 3. Stencil, "7.11. 7/18/27 8/19/27 4. 5. Clarlt, Troy Sheehan, Herbert 1/30 33 5/4/29 5/10/213 5/3/29 i! 6/ Swenter, Fred 5/24/2) 7/2.1/29 7. Green, Joe 1/30/30 1/30/30 8. 9. Garrett, Hugh Bryant, .i. E. 5/14 30 4/1/32 5/16 30 4/1/32 10. 11. "ercer, L.A . Plock, Lester 5/31/32 11/16/35 G/1 32 11/15 S5 12. Champion, Charlie 12 1/35 95/36 13. Stewart. '?erald 9/14/36 14. Pies, Rucsell 11/26/36 11/27/36 15. Cote, Hal 11/26/36 11/27/30 16. 17. Holland, Iaul lade, Tilghman 11 26/36 5/1/37 36 11 Y63 9y7 13. P.,organ, H. Duke 6/9/37 0/9 19. Johnson, Raymond A. 3/27/40 3/27/40 20. ilolloy, Lyle 3/27/41 3/27/41 21. 22. 31au,-hter, Julian Fletcher, Alvin 6/2'i/41 7/71 0"/2'1 41 7/7/41 23. Odonley, John 1/30/42 2/1/42 24. Elliott, Rulie 3/12/42 3/15/42 25. Dossett, George 5/9/42 5/10/42 26. 27. Simmons, Durard Weir, Burton 10/30/42 3/21/43 142 4 1 43 28. LiGon, Rankin 4/30/43 5/1/43 29. Arent, James 7/6/43 7/7/43 30. Hamm, Loy 2/5/44 2/6/44 31. Jeffords, Yarshall 6/21/44 3/2G/44 32. Johnson, Joe 9/21/44 33 i 34. 35. Harris, Charles Barclay, G.L. Paschal, Jesse 10/21/44 11/8/44 1/5/45 10/22/44 11/8 44 36. Davis, 'r;.W. 1/17/45 1/5/45 1/17/45 37. :';heitlauf, Charles 3/26/45 3/26/45 38. 39. 40. Holt, Ralph Roach, Gaylon ^ Stubblefield, V.C. 5/15 45 6/5 45 5/15& 0/5 41. Barrett, Carlos 11/15/45 45 1 21/46 11/15/4.5 1/ 246 42. Bandy, Frank 1/22/46 1/24/46 43. Rouse, Elmore 1/23/46 1/24/46 44. i'sy, Robert 1/24/46 1/24/46 The information on these sheets are from the time you entered the police department with continuous service. You are listed as to the date you were enterod on the police payroll, also when you irned the bond book. ..-s has nothing to do with the pension plan you work under. t.�- Commissioner ::illiams offered tho following motion: I move that an ordinance r: ^ntitled: JE'CT10I1 2 0r' AN OP(DI:!;i:C': _...::L6U: VAN ORDINANCE d6D RECULA'f10Pl:i 1,011 THE POLICE _.,,:('c_ ::.' f:i_ CITY 04 PADUCAH :nDIaANCES Iii CONFLICT THERE,71'11i' , ..:,C•; ',.; ; ADOFfnD BY THE i.OAP.D 33FTEL'bER 29th, 1936 A -ID A'E:aDsD OC J.,:,UAit'i 15th, 1,940, be h•ior,L'ed on .all of the Roll, yeas, Cor,,mlaaloners srledlnnder, Johnatan, nn°4 "a,or ..Raton (4). or .:eats:, offernd motion that the petition of Thuwson Jackson requeatin,, thatl the `". of in'urai: Vrvvido l.i,hts for vlackburn Sark, and also bus aervice III to an! .^ron ari on "oll°layn to referred to the "hlef of iolicc for lnvoati=•atlon� nn,i for a re; -:ort an to •a±-_et.hcr aa"I 11=•1:Ca an=1 tura oarvlce is needed enc) +'bother ::uch I - .&cea a;•� avr::ntls at thls tarn. nd',pted on c a' 1 of the Roll, Yoas, I - .... .. .on=iar, JoF-inat';n, .;1111err;i rin-.i "eynr ..este:: :otlon that r,r;n ^.ity sf' te,'uonh o16ronrinte an ad in the program of the minatrel I;e °/von in 1«=16 fort r a I t tt.e iolicemen s and iremen'a ..:;aloe .nn?, tie a;wunt of oe,1d ® r ^':a`.-,. to ra r.,.�+ to the c^ntin:7ent ,,.r: iter the ad,i•tion of the i t%.e yr... AA•. nail of the loll, fess, Jahns..., •_. _...., Baton (4). NO Regular T.:cetIng i:arch 12th, 194E 2c Proceedinasof `L - Ligl0nors CityofPadacab Acljourned 1(arular-aetinv lurch 13th, 1946 Co--missionor "Illio.:s offered motion that this 11CCular meeting of the !,card o Co=iosloners be adjourned until todnesday, Larch 13th, 194E at 11 o'clock A.:'• Adeptod on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Tilliama and ,ycr Deaton (4). I.r� nr a 1946 A: PROVED or t At an Adjourned ReCular 1'eoting, of the .-card of Commissioners held In the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, 7.entueky, at 11:00 A.I.I. on T:arch 13th, 1946, 17ayor Seaton presided and upon call of t`,e Roll the follov:ing answered to their names: Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, V11liams and t'ayor aeaton (4). Commissioner Sims bean` absent (1). eat.. Mayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE ^REATITa THE G -FILE OF ACTING CITY TZANAGER, PRESCRIBING HI gUALIFICAT2ON8 AHJD THE 7AT:RER OF AT OINT'•311T, AITD RHE DUTIES TO BE PERFORMED LY HIE;", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, ••illiams ohd "a yor Seaton (4). —Int T:ayor 'saton offered the following, motion; Pursuant to an ordinance entitled CE CRLAT d IME 0: FILE OF ACTING CITY EANAGER, PIiESCRILING HIS q•UALI'rICATi r 'i'i r F 7 n :"."::ENT, A. -.TD THE DUTIES TO BE FERFORYED EY HIM", which was adopted at t:_ -'a 7.djourned regular T'eetinr• of the Board of Commissioners on Parch 13th I move that Charles L. 'Williams be appointed to serve as Acting City ranag,er e city of Paducah, Kentucky, and that he be authorized to par Corm all of the =.s of the city manager after qualifylnC as Acting, City VanaCer as required by the c:iaiorc of V,.s aforesaid ordinance. Adopted on hall of the Roll, Yoas, .rr.iasicrers iriallonder, Johnston, 111111ams and E:ayor Seaton (4). •-.otlnn the meeting{ adjourned. L lJ=.S-w_". _ _