HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 104, October 3, 1938NO... Proceedings of. ^^TM' ^ ^ City of Paducah Oetcber 1, i ra At a regular mcetim,� of the Hoard of Commiaolonors held in the Cor,;- I rac:,ionurs� Chamber at the Oity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 3 o'clock P.1:., on the arc: ;day of October, 1938, Comrzzioner Hank presaded as 1.ayor pro tem in the aboence of 1:ayor ti1achburn, and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: !Co.^Seaioncrs '.elton, Pulliam, StubLlefield and Mayor pro ton Hank (4). ::lnutea of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Wayor pro tem Hank offered the follo:anb motion: That deed granted to trc. B. Jordan for Lot No15 in clock Ho.4 in b:ausoleum Addition, Oak ;rove Cemetery, - = 'Irv -Paducah, Yontucky, upon payment of x240.00 to the City Treasurer be approved. Adopted n call of tl.o roil: Yeas; CO-Im-P.issioners Melton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and Mayor pro tem; Hank (4). :;.n 1:41yor pro tcm Hank offered motion that the letter from t'a Arnorican Cyanam-1 id & Chemical Corporation be received and filed, and that same be referred to the r✓r^ r Health Derartment. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Comainsioners ILelton, Pulliam, -;tubblefield and Yayor pro tem Hank (4). Mayor pro tem Hank offered motion that the payroll for the last half of e,tember, 1938 be allowed in the amount: of "10506.40, and that the City Treasurer be _::thorized to pay sane by checks on the General Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: "_eas; Commissioners 1.1,elton, Pulliam, Stubblefield and T::ayor pro tem Hanle (4). Mayor pro ten Hank offered motion that the communication from L. V. Lean, City liana-er, bearinc this date, together with statement of charges against Blzie Over- t --et and "..:ontie Riddles together with letter from H. Stnncil, Acting Chief df r071ce, be received and filed, and that the City L:anager cause necessary charges in iancordanee with the information furnished , to be prepared,a notice for hearing thereon _r•;eP, upon Elzie Overstreet and ':ontie Riddle, requiring them to appear before the I of Co-.r_ic:ionrro at 2 o'clock P.M., on the 7 doy of October, 1938, to show cause, if an, they may hour,, ahy :heir lieeracs issuod to them by the City of Paducah should on call of the roll: Yens; COMU,"Jia:lel•s Llelton, Pulliam, - -•-- or pro `em Hank (4). 1)f"'--Collowinj motion;th an oransa- . .. .. ...lC RTY 011. .. .-_. 7- NO 105 Proceedings Board of Comrilsnlontr_,� City of Paducah October 3, 1038 of I _.7 TO FOURTH: 3OUT"! ':,' 37: 3OUTE 'r.,,'OPI�Mff' . L1*,,'E OY :37, TO THAI NORTI, 7-7-: 7:0.-ITOU ():: -74, __OURTI1 THE, 1:07.',11 PROPERW Li','-' 017 11011TCF T;_ �OUM PFU' _7 LIUE OF !F�__ T :7LL7, THE .-IQ jTH .-,:ZOP21%TY T_I17, OF BRO;�X,Ay TI) UIL _' TL T__ '�-THIRD :T=LTFROMUSH IE NOR MOP' RU LI1:11, OF ti TO Tif- :CUTII LINE OF 14ILDRED GUMET AIM IT BEING NOW DET:M,711NEM FROM SAID ,)FTM DEDUCTING ME :-_.'.Olur.TT M CO:7711,IBUTrD BY THE ',';OPXZ PROGRESS AM'IINI,71TTITED STATES, Tlu'.T r..:E ATIOUNT TO BL CONTRIBUTED BY TLE '.7.;RIM PROG.IJES3 AD C,7 THE UNITED STATES, X-MrIT TO BE CONTRIBUT-D :,i THE ADUT.,`:Xi .!3 A3 TO EACH 0-7 SAID _-iZSPE!L AZUTTING FOOT L; ­-, :OLLOV13: ON THE FIRST PROJECT TZD CC,,--' FOCT $ 1.75 ON IRE S MOND PROJECT TED C 1111, FOOT 1.60 O'T T. T: 1] D -:-,C J_LC T OOT 1.75 ON T: _:,0JECT _;OOT 1.75 CT 1.75 S --cul i1,7.Cj'_._11 .:_J CC.-"-, 1.25 D TO CC: ON SAA I:"R0V=_7T T1.7 - Adopted on call of the roll; 'leas; Commissioners Loltor., Pulliam, ,tubblo. fl -id and7nyor ..: pro tom Hank (4). On motion mooting adjourned. U APPROVED LIM,