HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1036, January 22, 1946NO I .01 Proceedings of City ofPaducah -January ;:2nd, 1340, :-'Yeti.!" of the -oard of Comr.i^:; ionors hold in the Comnlo a lontrz -V 9" the city :'all, :�,,.hicah, Eentucky, at 7:30 01010cit on January 22, 194G, Jval:,n rrooldo­ :,nf: u,ion ca11 of the 011 the followInC, answered to their names: ';icllanlor, Johnston, :;ims, .'Illi=o and .'ayor ;oaton (5). tnutaa of the rr:etlnr: wora -,09I)t0d az rood- r� lorlo_-,.Ioncr Dins o fered motion that tno !ztter .,n,it1.on by son, ;,tint r eat of the Yal,iah llar1� Board,ard, i-ccnrLn-nf.1InZ: the z1*.,.00 aount to !.propriated 1he oporat. on of par, 1. urinZ the year 1040, La 110forrod to the City .'.bnaZGr for d nio-mat'on :!-.on proparin., the budget for said year. .dopted on call of the ell, ica ^or-iinoloners Friedlander, Johnston, ..'illl=s and ;.'.ayor 'eaton (5). -m ane Commissioner aims offered that W �oard of Commissioners receive .c the lo ttor of Dixie Greyhound Lines, Inc., written to !1,. H.C. r'cFlwcc, City L'anal or 'Irl, January lCth, 1946, reque3tinE police protection of their riChto to continue the bus nervice at their local station uithout Interference by strikers, to.-othor with t'no 1^ttcr of -1--ion E. Terrell, Attorney for the City of iaducah, addressed to the rnr,-r, In he advises the city officials withrespect to the duties imposd Ly Is,.,., in connection vjith the activities of strikers. Adopted on call of t .c, Co-umiroloncrr Triedlandor, Johnston, ­lTio, .71111ains and .:ayor Zoaton (5). Com-miosloncr Johnston offered motion that the payroll for the first hall' "nunry, lc.:! be 'allowed in the amount of ,11,775.48, and that the City Treasurer to -a y the van, by 7hcc1:s drn,.P, on the Cenci -al und. Adopted on call o o4 ol onors - �riodlandor,Johnston, ,;ins, ..1111ama and ?'agar Co,:mlscioner Johnston o,.fored motion that the loard of Commissioners recciv and file a copy of t. c nrvn-ided potitlon prepared for fIlIn,, in the 0,,.it of City of 7ontuc al., 'u--. ­xn tucky IL'tilities Company noa n.-ndinc, in the 14cCracke the Attorney for the City and for the -lectric z1ant -oard of �,Utho-izod to file said amended patiLlon for cn '_,ohalf ni* tie y 'n or n,:'. the Corenlo-31oners of anid City. Adopted on call of th :.,,n J,,hnston, olma, -.1111wan z;:;l ajoi, ,i,t)tun 'crudd, r0t10n that tho lqLtor sr ­,n the .�.D. ­ional f'-nd,-, to La or vn11e(1 '3 n ,,-;Lh He h x wort nivl filled, and that tio ynnr i, ti o i 1037 NO. Proceedings of_ , enrd of City of Paducah January P2, 1'32!, Lualn000 district, and especially ,.re cost of square cans on rrt,irh Lh ai;vertiain .,^,a o:: all cantainere ,;i -ht Lo loasodto a -,ma parson cttTo, In turn, `.:jalc Lo per;,,.LLto j; to lease said apace for advertising purposes to anyperson, firm or corroY`ablon l:;t'.rcoted In such mean.T o: advertioing, in,! if !'.osaiblc, that ti -:e City :.t:r_a;or -=-ort to the 'ooarcl at the !:ext regular mceLln­ the cost of acid containcrs aZJ his "� :•xa:;en%at'Lona. ::d pted on ca -1 of the ;co;l, zeas, Co:-.na:sLoners rri<r3larder, Johnston, Zims, •:illinms and i'ayov .;eaton (5). :_ce Co:vniso one :P_cdlnndo: o:fcY•od motion that the City ..ana::er Lo ': c_ o � _neiuic In :';i, Ludgct for t:.e year 194G an n:propriation in the sum of ,1..,,..G `or pnymrnt o.f t!ie c-::-rr.;;c Burin; the year 1946 for rater 2ercicc furniche-1 ;,onto, arca, = o' h'rr vessels vri ich tic up at the shore line of the Ohio !liver at the foot of 'Lroadway and Kentuc:cy Avenue. Adopted on -all of the Roll, Yeas, Commisoioncrs i ::`iedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and :Sayor Seaton (5). j rhzs. '.ondevcld l:ayor Seaton offered motion that the resignation of Charles Vondevolde ao a Resicnation // ' nn�^ 4 , _ .e::al u�r o!' the _oard ,f Ecunliza Lion for the year 19:8 be received, filed and acct+p ted, pc': -_ that ^oorre Lloes be a -pointed as s m : ember osaid ward to fill the vacancy created _ by the rest -nation of the said Charles Gandovelde, and ti.at the said icor-e -lock, i after bein, first duly sv:orn to faithfully cdacharge Us duties, Le directedto meet lith t..e other members on January 23rd, 1946, and tc proceec; with the ec,::alizinE of acsescmcnts on real and porsonal property in acsorclnnce v:lth the provisions of law, zap-, �or�o zlock to receiva 'or his :zc••vicor _ - onnncnoatlon horotofore fixed by orc3lnaacc. adopted on call o;' Lho ao::l, fcas, Co:u:i::::ion°rs riodlan:cr, John;itoi ,lir.:s, ::i-li^ms and 7syor :eaton (5). :Aneoln Eei�ht' l:oyor-Ssaton ol'fered motion that the _pard of Co.: 1 ion"r:: T-aceisc• :,ii ,il the step^-7.etters leLtcra 'f Lois .iutherland, Treasurer o. thn -aduea uter-'.or:a In e;l,ir.h aha ac:visos t!:at the resif:ents of Lincoln ilei -las are no: for ::a for service under t!to franchise 'olat_ri, to the: extension of ..:,Ln: ...sins. Adopted an call of the :;oll, ie�,a, t�re_i.aioners 1-T-IoZlander, Johnston, .,_,.. , ..1111.::-s snd .syor Jeaton (5). -'.'or.!i^•°nt o Baton of otlon 'hat the t t n :: i:- nn`'. the riLy r - c:-. _7., _ ...o • ._. .. _.. __.. .... ail. for the four 1':, ... .. _:� .lft ...:i'T:..':'y lit, r"ial:.an;.r, .: ',iS: ;tin, ..i..:, .•i.111ama and . -;uer, "or :•n'�or ,.. ..... .:otion thnt the n,:.. .,... - :nt. a! the 'rp _iCe ....socintion ;n•, . .. .. . .. ,. ,')f le k _.. _ -. ..... -o._. of rot::.._ o lom-rs ss t.n !.s :'Gala to a -d `aj0^ .,eat n 13'is ^•caT' palls p. ler saticn that an ordin;,,<. .., ..1 ales v P,er r. yd '-&ra gal ...... s -1. FOU i. � Proceedings of -,n,vs City of Poducab 0 In, ic Un: I :_u, C 61.;,1 101.; :,-:11,.r7,z -1 L,';. CRT A'_'.if 15th, 1946", be adopted. L(2-)pted on 11 0- tho :-.oil, -nr lsolonorr --riedlander, Johnston, Zino, 1,I711nms and -_.ftt-n n-, f3 a t m o fe-c:1 r,..,tlon that nn o­dinn-v-.,, D C i L Z J5 XC..ZD L.: ;i-_'.npted on pct of the :Zoll, "ens, Commingioners %*,icdlon5cr, iAirlston, ..Illiwns and nyor,ratan (Z,). c,' .,,'!on that the City of .1aducah, in conjunction with the nOu : plication I- a C-_, :dcrRl ;ulllc iounin,: �uthorlty an ut1 li tio for n oat a rons tvu(7 t lon of 2.50 tcraporary houo units for the u _31 n if 0evvice .en, veteran_- o-rl their families, ano. ,.,.-a, le veteran insti: in the city. �6-)pLed on call o-- th. ;,all, (cao, '19 nc!cr , ' . :,n.: t on , JinS - . Ill lariv an,: z na,,or Zen ton ( Z ) . am e I