HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 20, Page 1022, December 11, 1945Proceedings of-- City qfPaducah —ac moor 11th, 1945 - -::: - o '. o:irdl of Co :1.,jloncra h,-,ld In the Co,,i;tl.:!)Ionors- �i 1. I-aducilh, '.,n Lucky, at 7:30 o I c loc!c v. t'. on L'ecomber 11, 1 43 answered ill-cn ided 'In". upon call of the loll the followln,, to LhDir names: Johnston, lullism anti :a,!or Seaton (3), Commloolonivo 1:Icrce Vb,ner of t'�e previous rn"t1n7 .*.,ore adopted ns road. FUlllsn offered motion that th.e Corporation Counsel prepare for n at tli,, next moet-Inl- on orellnunce ouLhorizin•: the ::ale to -',-'la Dunbar of a lot on 11:1c .:.)Uth alio Or L;ct*.,;cen lGth f-. 17th 3trocts for the sun of nrh, also the role to John Z. 'lodges of q lot at 23rd r Jorca Streets for the sum or 5 C. C 0 cash. Adopted on call of the Roll, "fens, Commissioners Johnston, Pulliam and '-,yor .-.eaton (3). of j Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the reports of Calk Grove Cemetery and V. -r. ":. J. -ass, for the month of lNovamber 1545, be received. Adopted on call of the 'foga, Commi9sionern Johnston, Iulllam and '.:ayor Seaton (3). 9..-+r Seaton offered the followin,7 motion: I ,.-love that the '-card of Commissiom c - file the copy of the letter of Charles L. Lawrence, Jr., Director, ReZion 1% f the ::ational Hou3in,7 Agency, addressed to l.r. Executive Director nf tl,o 7unIr1rq1 Kowqin;- Commission, dated Eovcmber Idth, I945, to_. -ether with the copy of 1.hc rennl!ation of the City of TaOucah !1unicipal. ';'Iouslnl- Commission wherein said n-r­o*,rcf1 the amenrMent Of the co-operative a,.*raorv3nt with the City of an o nuillty that provision of tnc original aLru%:Iont under •.-:hich It"'cif to zone for &;._�roprioto residential cla,'31fication the -1y on ':),2rin,- :nrojecta are located and the proporty 1!.,mediatoly thereto. j an call of the :..all, Zoots, Cominio s Loners Johnston, 1-u I I lam eyor Cea ton ,at:n n," cr,3d mot *,on L'nn t tie letter .,,,rI L tcri 1 kille ,j. 0­derj 711f for r: unuel for the :CetlLuP,'cy 1,L 1111:!QJ Company, to Adrian Uy Of J,,q(lucah, and v, ..:a11 -:r, Attorney for the of loluvah, In -`;A.ch thriy ndvl3o th2L :,p. j.;all . uel L,:,jn o; -points 'jtillt!�O Company to the order o,, the T 1,lCo of Jul; 2,V �,u C 10-'5, on further o, -,!!e o f cid Judie 0 1:' said Court wherein City of Companly, a •oration, is lninuto. .-r 11, 1-045 Proceedings of. 1 r City of Paducah Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, -'.-'o,w,drnloncr.s Johnston, iutiarn ani "over Caton offered the v:ot7on: novo thnt an or-JUnn"Co CILU4 r-: Tail; ri,ty be pted.Ad, op ted on Pall of '-"Cllas, --one.lcnlonorr Johnston, l'ull-I-In, '.-arncr and !.ayor -Zcaton (3). !' ea eny '-ayor -IcatDn offered the followin,- motion: I move that an ordinsinno ontlIA. i o- d Aulllt-rz— •-5 i.:. 0 1 C. 01 YLAC3!2 & -'ORD, CERTI.-IL-D E;LLIr ") ' !.: CF TNIL' CITY 0!, L�A-IjJCJJ: -10".1, VE 10 5 1-.11 IDi,", T 'Al T:-:-':-- 0.- TIIE 3Ui-' OF ;=0.00". to adopted. Adopted on Pall of the Roll, Yeas, Comnissionern Johnston, Fulliaip and '-,,ayor Seaton (6). Deeds to Payor ieaton offored the followinZ motion: I move that an ordinance ontit.1 Christ Jtelnhai or F. .-ruober ki:7rHORILI:'.'Q Ti,'�-. JALE 70 CIMI.;T Z. , 3v A LCT'LOCtT'M At' 322 '.,-.V.0helbj 11 r. L. 77ardy ALZO THe' SAL"v TO HIM A. MjF-'-ZE;R 011� LOPS31 ALD 32 OV J.7.1'atter ' lohn 3. r,-ri harn .,...'::I:: IDDITL07i; :.L -O TQ V. ,'.-IELEY Ov LOT 24 !N LLM' 5 Ii. iL-- 'Z;73.4L AMITiON; AL30 T.'-' L. i-'4TI'-Y C. z,. LOT 0:.' 29E! �:'D 315T STREI-;T3; ALJO E'-- TO J. 0: 1 LOT C:.- 7, ."QU71 ;ITjE O'_7 --.E:!TJC.:Y ANZINUE 23- 297 :,TFZZ'7 11: D :;0 7!' T 71.^,E Z71- .—.AL:Al: 0- - LOT .;. U'Iil 0* - lith .%:-D :-:2.,OR A:;D CII, r,'LLi't . TO C.- I30 be adopted. Adopted on an) l of the Holl Yens, Co:!.a.I,clonera Johnston, -;ullism and '.',qyor :3eatan (3). On motion the meeting adjourned. A— 1— 7, 'A., i-OVED mayor I&t4c �11^—