HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 80, July 25, 1932No.----- ra6c cc -- Proceedings ^ _ �. ings of--!-, -_^ _ _...__ . City of Proceed', .: _ _. - _ .. _ - At a ro nUnr meeting of the Board of Comrnissionora hold in the Co=dsnicnerc' Chnmbor in the City Hall Building 1n the City of Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:00 F.'. on the 25th day of July, 1932, Mayor Scott presided and upon call of the roll the follozring answered to their names: Corumisaionors Block, Bradahaw, Holt, Riche an,i 1'.ayor Scott (5). Minutes of the previous mectinge e;ore adopted as read. Report 1. Mayor Scott offered motion that the report of the Paducah :later or Paduca'• ''orls (LSinieipally oemed) for the month of Juno 1932, be received and filed. Adopted --'ater Co=:pnn-', on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and I'nyor Scott: received, ' & filcd.y Commissioner Rieke offered the following motion: I move that the I! Cwrnissiencr of Public Finance be authorized to transfer from the General Fund to the transfer ) "PEOPLES RATIOTIAL BATIK" N" Gsncrnl 2nd Dist. Relief Sewer Bnnd Sinking Fund £` 1,250.00 Funs to Hard Surface Street & ight of Ilay Bond Sink. Fund 2,000.00 Peoples Island Creek Bridge Bond Sinking Fund 1,000.00 Bank: �11 City of Paducah Funding Bonds ;jl Sinking Fund, 500.00 Sinking p 3rd Dist. Sewer Bond Sinking Fund JB2 7,500.00 Fund General Sinking Fund !/2 6,000.00 Total The amount due to be set aside each six months to retire bonds at maturity. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block:, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Interest Conmissioner Rieke offered motion that allowance be made from the allowed - for six i General bound and the Commissioner of Public,Pinance be authorized to pay tho six conths on'` 1930 City months interest and collection charge on the City of Paducah 1930 Funding Bonds of Pnduc + oh Hund- ?i due August let, 1932 for amount of 4,824.53. Banda Outstanding 175,000.00 t Interest rate 51srL, Annual interest 9,625.00 Semi-annual interest 4,812.50 Bank's collection charge of 11$ 12.03 d Total due 4, '21_£T3,,• f Payment to be made through the Peoples Rational Bank Sinking Fund to the Chemical 0 fsanr. & Trust Co"pany, New York, R.Y. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeae; Comnissicner Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Vnyor Scott (5). Cea'missicner Rieke offered motion that allounneo be made from the r ..:.cr1:l bkind end trc Com .issicner of Public b'inanco be authorized to pa.y the six interrt '.lar folle,:In:; bond issues for total amount of v 3,030.`C due on S t r t. Z,•nrnve-ant r.:on.'s 2,180.00 Int. 430.00 " 420.00 " nk, r7ennrnl tin1:1az run!, to the, ':r:.te,_d 1., Chia. A-In"tod rn cn11 of the rr); No. Pn69 81_ _ Proceedings of -51 "_vPL*' O'_'IF.-.IC_Wf!f— City of Paducah_ July 25th, 1932, _ Sir ronti's Cotriisslorcr Rieke �Xfnre'1 :notion thot-sllownnce be mode from 41e Interest all.oc:ed V.O. & O.R.R. Gonerni Pune and the Cor!ml•^^Soiler of ruhlic Finnnce be nut1­ior],,.o1 to pay the on Refundtn_- Fonds or 192-9 six (G) rz+mtbs intercnt on the following bend issue duo on ':uguet Int, 1)32 for amount of 425.00 for deposit in tho Citizens SovingS Lnnk Gonernl Sinld.ng Fund, I 1'T O. & o.R.R. Refunding Bonds of 1908 20,000.00 Interest rate 4?r% Annual Interest 850.00 Semi-annual inturost due a 425.00 Adopted on call of the roll: Yons; Comfiissioncrs Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). ' Interest on Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the amount of ti 925.00 be v: 50,000.CO note executed alloyed for the payment of interest due on the note executed b,; the City of by city of Padneah to Paducah to the Chemical Bank & Trust Company, New York, N.Y. for 50,000.00 Chemical Bank alloyed. .•'ihich matures November ld, 1932 and that the Commissioner of Public Finnnce be authorized to pay same and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on call or the roll: Yoas; Cemmicsioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and t'nyor Scott (5). Proceeds from Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public sale of B„ * 25,000.00 Finance be authorized to pay out of the proceeds received from the sale on Funding Bonds i pro -rated to July 22nd, of the C 25,000.00 Paducah 1932 Funding Bones the following amounts: respective banks Citizens Savings Bank '' 13,600.00 Peoples National Bank 4,500.00 Chemical Bank & Trust Co. 6,900.00 to be applied as payments on notes executed to these respective banks by the City of Paducah in the year 193x1. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Coraissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Payor Scott (5). Charity orders Cenr.:issionor Rieke offered motion that ti'ie Cor.^issionc:r of Public for month of Juno, 1932 Finanen be autr.orized to pay the cl=arity orders issue_' by thel Family Servic_ allowed. Society for tiie month of June as follows: A. Switzer Produce Co. : 36.75 Coop;r 1.55 rraniC Levin 1.67 Toto. 1 _=797— 'i and c*.argc sa7c to Fiiaccllnncoun Charity Fund in the ropartmont of Public Faf_t , ,nn l-oving been properly vcrificl by tho Co­_•,13::i?n,-�r of Public Safety. Adoptcl c._ :el'_ of the roll: Year,; Oomvis::ionors Block, l+radshn-::, Volt, Vtelce and Mayor Scott (-). Lloy9 H,:user Cc: lat:io r Rieke offered the follo',:1-Z roti,n: ':7h:mca< , Lloyd fr :.. payla Ls r, ,tc. 3, i.­ta;_ c,,. mpLod from paying a ?,011 tax for '; 1.50, Inclaec.' t : tare% acr'�.nt of a n'.'- .Y. .111 ': :'1.84 for :` 19,32, on account of bei na a non-resident, I :-,':ova that roe! -tent. r.>. of nr.."a. Adapted c,rt onll of tYu roll: Yeas; Rieke and Wgor Scott (&). "t. A Bcyd 1 •n :.::ertbo follcvlln� exordrated from poyina Pell Prroaooluz In .. r in the tran:,rur of real f,sl',+,; assessed tax '!C_ tnt of orrc::^,a assess on P. F. & 1 _, io _ ?:rfr. ^oi' 117",. to ^oyd wnl1 .. poll tax nmll t, Roti'' . , net orount: !A'1.24, 1 -ov" t`At to ax-ncr,.... , for ti cod on .v- c era plc .:, ::.!n*a-, °cntt u Proceedings of��-.;: '_+oi::1s" CC�1:.:;=:`:i:11��-_ City of Padueah_.T_l�L. '�--'+---`-- troy F. ConmIcsioner Rieke offered motion that Urcy 11. Rice be Ric. excncr- ... ::"ro:: the v 1.50 poll tax paid on tax bill 3780 for yoor 1432 in the ate:' Paying name cf Urcy K. Rice & Pearl Rice, 432 north 35th St., as he is a non-rosldont, Poll lax. and thst tl,o Co!__aa ssioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay namo nd charge �i ' .o the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshar, Holt, Rieke and MGyor Scott (5). Commissioner Rieke offered motion that r. B. Merritt i 3107 Clark cxcncrnt- Street, be exonerated from the 1.50 poll tax paid on tax 'Zill ?' 3047 for year f'rc-- pnylno 1 1932, es lie has reached the ale limit, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance .,11 be 'authorized to pay cameo and charge to the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cos^issio^ors Block, Bradshavi, Holt, Kielce and Mayor Scott (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. i APPROVED -l/ - Vayor C_ty alark