HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 8, January 25, 1932Proceedings of r ` t - City of Paducoh._1U.1' A!. Y—_ J:.HJ.LL Y-2Sti 1322..--- - At a rc;,-.Oar r:eet:ing of the Board of Commisstonern held in the __..loners' Chnmber in the Ci7y Hall Buil ling in the City of Paducah, Ken'.o^k.,y •�*; .^;ZO o'clock rJI., on the 25th day of January 1932, Iinyor Scott nresidod call. of the roil the Colle,^trnnswered to their nnmon: Corrin^ ; tone ro loci;, Prnrisbsw, Solt, Rieke and Vayor Scott. (5). Minutes of the orovicus meeting were adopted as rend. Maim of Yyyor Scott offered motion that bill of Cotton 7, I -skew, Certified Cotton & Public Accountants of Lo�tisvillc, Kentucky, for services represontiru. Seventy Five per cent (75;:.) of their work in completing the 1931 audit and tnstallntion of now Il a•ounting System mounting to ,0 1822.80 be paid out of the general fund an;l d charged to the groper account. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners 31ock, bradoha•.v, Bolt, Rieke and 5;nyor Scott. (5). Int. Out, ComAssioner Rieke offered motion that allowance be made from the on Cenernl Fund and the Com^:issicner of Public Finance be authorized to ply the 6 months funi n- Bon!si_'_ interest on the follorrinv bond issue due on February 1st, 1932 for amount of - 425.00 for deposit in the Citizens Savings Bank, General Sinking Fund. 11.0. 7, O.R.R. Refunding Bonds of 1928 ` 20,000.00 Interest rate r Annual interest 850.00 p� Semi-annual interest 425.00 Adopted on cnil of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Brn.dshnvi, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott. (5). F Int. 6 mo. Co.rnissicner Rieke offered motion that nllowonce be msdc from the 1970 Fund- ing Bonds I Oenarnl Fund and the Commissioner of Public Finnnec be nutlrorized to any the 6 aontlhs ir.tcrrc; and collection c`!srge on the City of Paducah 1930 Funding Porde due February 1st, 1932 for amount of ;; 4,824.53. {qy OutstnndinC 775,000.00 S Interest rate k i Annual lntcrent 9,625.00 Semi-nrnunlinterest 4,812.50 L'ank's coil 0ation charge- or L' 12.03 . Por t' cntY.� rr4a r ,s pits 1 Narket Nous* Total duo 4,824.53 Payment to Lis r..da hreu h the Citizens S^vim-n Bnnk to the Cl-emi�ol Bsnk rrn•' "rust CVRDany, New York, S.Y. Adonted on call of the roil: Yr•n;:; Cmmiss.'rsers Plock, Lrne'^tow, holt, Fiekn and Mnyor Scott (F). Gor_-rtnsinner Rieke affejco -otinn that alio .:nc• tae :'r. f. the Gsnerel Pund ane tte ^„-...^.iar.i^,nr.r of uW o Fi-tnnce la mttl:.rlr'3 tc. C, "n'the inter•rst ".r3 the fo:leufne. iss:>.ee for total natcunt of ;;� ;iRiC.On Cite on Fetrjrry le' , '2 108,OOO.f.+0 £treat Imoroverant: tcn?te 2,1f10,GC i*.C. `Arket 1-i NO.—. EUG --2 City Psocccdinga of. � �' � ��.' � . ==L - CY of Paducah Int, from Jnn.lP tc:aionor Ricke offered motion thet tn'• nmo:mt or i' 210.00 for to F0L. 1st 19fi2 due on :1.90,000.CO 6;- Inter st fro .- nuary 18th to February tat 1932 duo on !sb• 90,000.00 note note ;o C?-.eTicel �•nn17 Co. es.ocuted by the City of Pac7uenh to the Chemical Bnni, k 1'ruc1. Comtiony, Ne", York, on July 20th, 1931 be allowed and that the Commissioner of Public Finnnce t -e authorized to draw n. check on the General Fund in pn,nnont of name to the Citizen Snvingz Bank to be forwarded to the ChemlcAl Bank & 'Trust Company in Nc•r. York ,fl charge to the Sundry Interest: Fund. Adopted on cg11 of the roll: Yens; I Comrisnicnors Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mnyor Scott. (5) Unpaid claims for, :month of Decernber Charity Rewisi- tions - one half of Lackey's Groc- ery bill for November J: Dec. Commissioner Rieke offered motion thnt the unnoid clal'n contrnetdi during the month of December 1931 for supplies pureirsed by the +mrieus city denartments and ;hich ere*e not filed for nllo'.vnncc orovir-,s to January 2, l:i•'" nor; be allo^red in the amount of k. 569.38 and the Comninsiornr of Public Finance. be authorised to pay same and charge as n total to the "Unpaid Claims of 1931 Fund." Adopted on cnll of the roll: Yeas; Cowntsnioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and 67nyor Scott. (5). Commissioner Holt offered motion that the Commissioner of Pub- lic Finance be authorized to pay the Charity Requisitions issued by the Familc Service Bureau on Lackey's Grocer, for the months of November and December 1931., for toatl amount of,:;: 825.83 the some being one half of the entire bill for period and the other half }havinr been nnid by the county; the same having been apnroved for allarnnee and payment. by Pars. Olive Anderron and Comrrissi-ner of Public Safety, Emmett Holt, and that same be chni�eed to U1?PAID CT:AI':S 1931 MD. AdontAd on cell of the roll: Yens; Co:rnissicnarr. Flock, Prneshnr., Felt, and Yoyor Scott (A) Nays; Commissioner Rieke (1) On Motion meeting adjourned. '-- Vnyor 9 r 1 1 �i