HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 767, December 23, 1937Thos.B.Russell judg.:ant filed Judg:sent NO. 'lti7 Proceedings of 30ard of Co:.r_as.::i0::u.., City of Paducah Ueccaibcr Lo, i..!..7 At ar, aujourned regular mcetLn:g of the Board of Co0..:slsc:IO::c'rs he Lu In the Co_v:+issioaers' Chamber at the City Hal L, Paducah, Kentucky, at ':&I ovelocx e.:1. on the ra day of Dece,,ber, 1967, :>ayor 41a: hburn presided ar.d upon c 11 of the roll the folloain., arswordd to their nmaes: Co;nnisslorwrs llannLn, .'all LL.. I1 ana .,.ryor 'Gasncurr. (oj. Lc;yor Washouru offerca tine following ::o,,Lo,:: I :rove that the certiii(:a copy of the judg-v;rnt oI' the :xCracken Circuit Court re+:du•ed on the :.7th clay of Dece:;ber, 1537, whereir, T'honas B. Husseil is p.lai)itiii ano t::n City of Paducah is defendant, be received, filed and sareau uponthe Iinutes, accepted ana approved by the hoard of Cor.:.jls.,Ioners, and tnat the cost bill a•ajudged rgainat the city in the sun of X35.40 be paid, and this case ordered stricken froa the docket: EXII':ill)LD _iOVh_ bLR TEa.21 THOMAS B. RUSSELL A V5. CITY 1014 eAU;ICAH, ET AL McCI ACrEi,' CIRCUIT COURT. 43rd Day, 80th Day of December, 1987 JODG &IT Ul�•F i., ut,,: r:: . 8 This case coming on, and by agreement being submittea by the �parties, the iollo::irg judgment is nlw agreed upon to be riled in this case: NNN That, whereas, plaintiff has withdrawn his claim for money sued about, nothing is allowed on account tnercof. It is further adjudged, however, dthat the plaintiff is eutitlou to be restored to his position a- .policeman and to his dace on the )olice force of the City of raducah with respect to the iseniority to which he is entitled, as eiai..ed 1): his petition, to -wit: Fron -arcr. 118th, And it is further adjudged that tge restoration of said DLairtlff shall take ,iace at once, by proper orders to be made by the board of con - mission -is, and the City _anager of the city of rauuchh, ai.d the records of ttho city of Paducah to show such rosLoratton, both as to position ana ser.Loeity. It is further adjudged that the alcantl.i'f recov,r of tho iefanda::tc his costs Ia this action exon:. ed, cud this case is strL•:ken fro.: t.h)' docket by t�agrei _�•nt, as h:.vi ng beu: fulLy settled and co •„a o..iseci, n. above sct out. The defendants, City of Paducah, ai,d L. V. Bean, City .r<aler, by -t-'-o-..cy of recoru, V:. V. Beton, object ai-d excc,,t to r. !I of tin. j'•:'. ' :.r -,y ar. apreal to the Court of A,,,,,eals, w;,Lch i:a '.:cV1ACKF:, CIRCUIT COURT' .'._se'nt T:11_, 4brd Ith day of J'.'....:... .. ,.. . .. .... ,, ... j cdlflea .. _ .j. ... ...... _. .. ., :,. ,. e•.. ., ., ,nil O:' ,a,ich Ot Poard of Cif Co.::1_• Lo::crs Deccubcr Proceedings of y of Paducah 'a ------ -- QTS-, OF :if':: UCKY j Cu`li1:T'? Of :iCCRACi;i l•......... I, F. 11. Fcezor, CLerk of ':cCrac:,en Circuit Court, do hereby ccrt.ify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Judgment and Supple::ental Jadg_;ert filed in the above styled action, as appears of record in Order Book KKKK, a:roe. i64 and 165, in .ay said office. Given under _y hc::d as CLeek aforesaid, this Dece.aber 20, .L;o7. F.P.Feezor, Clerk on call of the roll: Yeas; Coa-nisslorcrs Ra::rin, Pul.lir..., and :luyor Washburn (3) i 'ayor Mashburn offered the follo.ria:�; motion: I .wove that the ._ ey JO.:E" offer of co.r,pro dse fry m Lacey Jones in the action now pending in the :."cCracken Cit Co redac Court, •nhoreLn Lacey Jo:,es is plaintiff and the city of Paducah defendant, be receivercuid, filed, accepted and s read upon the :anutes: I December 20, 1937 :io::. ::ayor and Board of Co_:: iasioners, C'ty of Paducah j Gcntleven: J!u, !i I herewith submit for your consideration an offer of compro:aise 9 In m., suit against the City of Paducah, predicated upon the follovring tarns: 1st. Establishment of my seniority rights from the 10th day of December, 1935. 2nd. Reinstatea:ent to full duty as a c, c.,:b,r of the Paducah Police 3rd. Upon the pay;.u.t of the Court Costs and the expenses of ._u0.JJ td,at I have entailed In the ?rosecut on of this 1.1tivation agai:,.:t the city of Paducah. C Respectfully i Lacy Jones Auodtei on cell of the roil: Yt:a..; Coa:aissloncrs Rarulin, Pu111a,a and :::.yor ;rashburn (3) EEa ;Jyor 1asLLur:: oilorea the following, motion: I move that the t In ti;, action of Lacey Jones vs. City of Paducah no;; ending in ',`rcalt Court be received and filed and a copy thvrrof suread u,.on the c.uthorized to sign said agreod judgLv ut for and o:: behalf ', ;.?:, ' . .:ca the C; -:k of the :,icCrackcn Circuit Court be authorized :ve ;u ,j..r: :o ._ , :..? that the cost of said act ion -In-,t the o: :•16.65 be ;:ald az:<? thu case oo:i,red stricke:. r:lftCt.'.11' COURT ? F F' .. JJ:J.J_'t_...T .. ;., .; �•i. :;ubclttcd Ly thu parties, J, , j fudged to ty Of . wenh, t:... .. - City for ',o be i 'ii.t , Proceedings of=o'•<<= of Co ; .1:._ LonCece.-,ber %:•. ` �� City of Paducah l — restored to hLs ros.ition as ,;oliceman on the police force of the defcnd,rt, City of Paducah, and -pith respect to seniorlty to which he is ctrtitled, as cl.i.cd I!,. his position, to-vJt: From Cece,iber 1B, 1905. It is furthcr adjudged that the restoration of said plaintiff, to seLd porce, shall take pL ce at once, by proper ord,vo to be cads• uy the board of co_"Is_lon, a, and the records of the City of Paducah to show restoration both as to position and seniority, setticm�nt of the claim for b..ck salary. It is furth_r adjudged that the p.lainti:f recov r of th(. defendant ihis costs In this action exoenaed, :.ad this case is stricken from the docket by !agrr :cent, as h;xing been fully settled and co:.;proaLsed as above set out. Jc.T:es & Reed Attys for Plf. Attorneys for Piaint.ifi q Edgar T. Washburn, .layor City of Paoucah Adopted on call o1 the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannln, Pullian and :.,.;,.yor Washburn (3). Or. :notion meeting adjourned. ADOPTED ,1937 APPROVED -,YOR CITY'CLERK a