HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 742, September 27, 1937�.. N 1! Poa1•u .i:;,:io.x:r c;,toab,a• ;,7, 1937 Proctcdinga o! ^___of_Co_. _ ._.... _ City of Paducah At a rc u.c:r .ncct!;.,; of the Board of Co::,1L..Lon, ra he id in the Coc.::i..:ior. rot Cha,ber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kontucky at o'clock P. 4. oa the 'r 7tlt� dc:y of Sep te::ber, 1937, :::.yot, „ashburn preslded and upo:: ct LL of the roll the fotLowLng answered to their na-c's: Coaaisbion.r- Ha..nln, Lockwood, Melton, Pullicm and :tayor ..asnburn (5). finutes of the previous noetings were adopted as read. Y P Commission_r Bannin offered the followlnr, ;lotion: I move that the .etltlon signed by residents of Paxton street and Blooa; Avenue, asking that s street Bloc--, 11;ht be placed at the intersection of Paxton street and Bloom Avr:riue be recelved and l:ed and tete request be grrulted and that the Kentucky Utilities Com,,any be instructed to L.—diatcly make said Installation. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Com- _..:,Lo:.ers Har:in, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and Meyor Washburn (5). Co:nr.,issior_er Hannin off,red the following :notion: The Home Owners Lon;: Corporation having petitioned the city to approve the laying df a 6" water line ` a:oag the Blandville Road, beginnLne, at the city limits and extending westwardly a istance of approximately 1-200 feet, the cost of said installation to be p:.ld for by the Ho3e Owners Loan Corporation; the Paducah Plater works haviv.g by their written ,.:;orse:aent in the form of a letter approved and agreed to said installation in the ...er as set out in said Home Owners Loan Corporat on+s proposal, - I now cove that Home Owners Loan Corporation's petition and the letter of approval frog the Paducabl orks be received and filed and that their request be granted by the Board of �L:sionera. But the City of Paducah shall be liable In no evert for failure to ,r;--Lsh water or any specific water pressure. Adopted on call of the roil: Yeah; __sstoners Hannin, Lockwood, _Ielton, Pulliam and itayor Washburn (5). Commissioner :.:elton offered the following ::otion: That ap licatlor _,r lice --.se to sell at retail beer and light wines by Walton Smith, 739 No. 10th St. i::t odaced on " terber ::0, ld'a7, I now .,;eve that pev hit or license for >, beer anLight ,• _:.es be ap,,roved and licc:se be lasued u}on pay.:ent of the :o -,ted on c::ii of tht ro11: Yea;:; Co-- Ls:Ionurs H,%n-i,t, .'.1. Ila : yor Yfashbur:: (5). Pulti;•._.; offered the foLLoa1:,; :::otlou: I ..ot•. that the ttc iv. : .it a..d blue print pertaining to the Czv__sloa of a Lncy 111111 to w—. -o connect with the ::unlclpal Colored Pork, bo of the roll: Yoas; Co�.cissio:_c u Hr.: :i;y .-alurn (5). r; he foLLo-,:i:;; :.;otior.: I .'_07-_ i .? the tai., l;o 'ort.t.o:. �O meq:. i•t fel• s , THE NO. 74$ itD OF CO.. City of Paducah Sej te73bcr .^.7, 1J-',7 Proceedings of_uE01. Of A SEA WALL FOR SAID CITY, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAY`P21T OF I:T REST ON SAID BONDS Ai1D TO CREATE A SL. KEIG FJLD FOR THE PM',LiT OF SAID B0,03 AS LLD WiICP. Tii-Y :.ATJRE," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cornalaaloncrs i He::nin, Lockwood, aelton, Pulliam and .:ayor 'Vashburn (5). Ordinance to emDlq= ilayor Washburn offereu thL, followin;; not Lon: I nove that an Ycager x V.-hite in trod,iced to lay ordinance entitled, "A. ORDINANCE AUTHORIZI +G THE E PLOY:3L.dT OF' YPAG AiD WHITE over CERTIFLLD PUBLIC ACCOJS3TA;ITS TO iAKL' AN AUDIT OF THF ACCOU TS OF T:L: CITY OF PADUCAH FOR THE YEAR 1957, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAY4.I::GT T1I11-2LOF BY SAID CITY" P, be introduced and lay over. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co.mis,ioners Harlin, Lockwood, Uelton, Pulliam and L'ayor Washburn (5). i On motion ,aeetirg adjourned. / ADOPT --D \ 0=_�&I___ ._ _,.1957 APPROV,�,(ii!/%% � i CIT' CLERK