HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 732, August 31, 1937Proaeedingaof__ `Of�'�. a ._.co"'""` City of Paducah—_August 31, 1837 At an adjourned reg:lLar meeting of the board of Co.,::tissfoners held the Co::,missionersl Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 olclock an the moist day of August, 1837, :iayor Washburn presided and upon call of the roll the, following answered to their names: Commissioners Hannin, Pulliam and :,ayor Washburn 3 Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: I move that the "..h ;ctition of residents in the vicinity of :48th and "ller streets be received and filed, er,d that the Kcrtucky Utilltles Com)any be authorized to install a street light on r8t street near the intersection of :ailler street; said :Light to be located near the bridge or culvert across the small drainage ditch. Adoptea on call of the roil: Yeas; Co::nfs: toners Hannin, Pulliam and ;,layor U.asnburn (:5). Co:,missioner Hannin offered the following .notion: I move that the yetlt:on a, citizens and residents in the v:clnity of 11th and Jones streets asking Jo::es for a street .light, be receivea and filed and that the Kentucky Utilities Company s authorized to install a light at sala intersection ia,r;ediately. Adopted on tali of :he roil: Yeas; Co2missioners Hannin, Pullica. and .layer Washburn (3). ;rater Coau:,issfoner Pulliam offeree the following motion: The City of air. ej Paducah desiring to furnish water to the colored park, known as the Stuart -Nelson Park, t<_.^.ded '� to Coij, north of the Hinkleville Road, anu the State Highway Commissioner having indicated that Park 1 permission to extend a water :rain for such purpose may be granted, to be placed in the { north side of the right-of-way of the Hinkleville Road, - 5 I move that the Commissioners of Cater V+orks be authorized, empowered and instructed, upon the granting of such permission by the State Highway Commissioner, to install and have installed a 2 inch water main or pipe from Levin Avenue at the end of the present water main; thence north to Park Avenue; thence west on Park avenue, or HinkleviLie Road, to the lane or ariveway leaai,ig to Stuart -nelson Park; thence north through said lane into the park prorerty to a point there indicated as 'he end or ter._,_:]s of sato line. Ado,ated on call o: the roil: Yeas; Comrls.loners Hanntn, a.rd ::uyor Viashburn ( ). w yor r',asnb:rrn offered tnt folLowine motion: J. V.. acott and nur:erous tcl' a,e other ,;etiT.io:.e:s having petitioned the City for an exteaa:on of :rater mains along extc% c: "', Harr :.,r. stru.t eastw rely fro.a o4th street, a distance of approxL:;, tely a"JO feet, and Harri- so:, c, t it :,. _ ....::.; from said pctLtLon that the oeti.tioners agree in writing and bind them - y vis t, -.:.y for water at the price equivalent to three (3) consu.::ers for each 500 d feet o ,Ch water i for a ;;eriod of two (2) years,- I now novc that said p,rition be rt c v a and Mod, the ComnisoLoners of Viater Corks be authorizel, ®m - Powe cl :-'f r:acted :,o c ;iter main by the use of a 6 il.ch :.it, on aar- r?so +rr•.t fron 14th ya instance of approxi:ately 6Ju f.._•t, ana the a ,._ty of "c r c r,., P - tnc adoption of this ..olio:, to Pay the water rr. .1 r .so roa ,. o !r.-cr1:;e; as id pay;,.ts to co.::•,encu wher, s -id p w..to ..a t -�c G.` uta. x ,tt c:: t]rheG L%tO :..,ne. I farther.nov;; that the' i .i.tt[ 1"0. K •.,C at 1 rar:❑ Gr �,: v t' ,t 1 1!LC.,. 1..01A 1 u'.. i•:._. .:1 the rot.1 f'o; GN1. of+�,.: ,. '.uv; t:s+: the ;:..t.ltt<5n� ::ox at of .: s:ae:as o:. i..::: _ i iliur:.ar s:_y re• b6arr box az tr.a ca,of rn a:: Y,r:an tt t , t r_! a:d flied, I and i. s5a°ach as the Boarj rr:a,.i ­a:.c,s h„Oe ,,�: o..v_:y +I r... tn. .,_..ratio:, we do not thl4k it 13 mos;foie or =.r:.cessr,ry at :.ui., t,..@ for a a. _i.: -i. :o cc 0,;., t d at t1w tatrrsertien of But4 al;a isxsr-Aw. stiret:ts, a-: th ra are -ow light- !oChted F urocks froa said int rseetion 2m UWOO aireetirr.s, b;t a fire a:ar- bdx a;,pv,..rs to be 1 No. 7 -ice Proceedings of_Bo}irci of. Ca__isatorte rs --City of Paducah- .,-- cersary. aducah_ .._cersary. I, therefore, move that a fire alarm box be .Located at the 14iter- :;ection of 1; ula and Thun.an streets. Adopted on c:.tl of the roil: Yeas; Co mLssloners Hazmin, Pulliam ana !ayor ashbur.n (c). On motion meeting adjourned. ADOPTLD -\- -\ kR ,L957 APPROVL 9 � '1AYOA �? — CITY .tHK At a Ca -L meeting of the board of Com-Ussioners held in the Co..Ussionerst Chamber at the City Ha Lt, Paducah, Kentucky, at 10 o'clock A.M, on the 2nd day of September, 1937, i;ayor Washburn oresided and upon ca Ll of the roLL the following answered to their names: Co:imissionevs Lockwood, :-.elton, Pullfa,a and 7.ayor Washburn (4). n L;ayor Washburn stated reason for call, to -wit: For the purpose of 'alLowring the payroll for the last one-half of August, 1937 and to transact aziy Cother busLness that may properly cove before the meeting. Commission r melton offered the foLLowirg -notion: That the payroll �ayrol.s - last half August, 1937 for the last half of August, 1907 be allowed in the amount of $11-45.16, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by checks. Adopted on call of tie (roll. Yeas; Co Ussiorers Lockaood, ..LLton, Pulpae ana :.ayor WLsnbura (•1). R. L. Co.:_issloner PaLLla..i offer -_-d the foilowli,g t, ;.lot Lon: It a.,peari; Lr. Taagae authorized to orforce that the paolic health requires tae abatln:g of :.._.,ae:ces occasioned by surface or,.::w;:ce reyu-ring to_:cts to be con. �toiLets in the serer area of the city, - I _.ov, i:_a Dr. R. c. Tengue, 1%1rector :.ect€d a.tr, seders of the .:cCracten Co.;i:ty PuuLIC 11 alth Uiat, b�, c,ithorized to take such stel;s as pay be necessary to enforce the orr..in ance rcqui r.,.,; tit:.t sr.ld toiLcta b,, co•u:ectca rltn the sewers in saia sewerea area. 6.0 ,:tec o:. e .t 01' tht. roLl. ]cc::;; Co:...,icsla:crs oc.:;oo:z, ..coon, PuU.i:... a_, _,,o: :hburn (4). On cotion ,eeting adjourned. A'. 101 L ��L �/� %,' l ii' -l✓!�I