HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 712, July 6, 1937Proceedings of_. - o=rd of Co-.r^135.oacrs .. City o! Paducah July � L`d37 At a regular meetin-1 of the Board of Co:amissloncrs hold in the Cow..lrsion.:•+•s, Cha:b.ar at the City HaIL, Paducah, Kentucky, at 0 o1clock P,L1. oe; the Gth day of Ju Ly, 1:,::7, .1ayor Pa.,;hburn presided and upon call oi' the roll the following a,iswered to it their names: Commisslon�rc< Hannl,l, Lockv,00d, Welton, Pulliam :.nu :.iayor Washburn (5). 11inutes of the previous meeting.were adopted as read. '1st Commissioner Hannin offend the following motion: I trove that the Board re- Jt.oL !'. consider Its former action ou the petition signed by residents on 21st street requestii t thct s7.id street be oiled. Lost on call of the roll: Yeas; Commis..ioner Hannin and ilayor Washburn (2). hays; Commissionc-rs Lockwood, 1°elton and Pulliam (3). Commissioner '_lelton offered the following ;.lotion: I move that the action of :.lotion resci: the Board at its called rreting on the 1st day of July, 1937, when said Board of Ing -otior Co ,:i aio cls adopted a statement and schedule of a.;ttcipated revenue and income for oil Ar— tics- the City of Pa:ucah for the year 1937, be now rescinded and held for naught. Adopted gated P.evcna on call of the roll: Yeas; Co:,•issio,:c,s Lockwood, ilelton and Pulliam (3). lays; fOr ,3 Co.n:!:lssioner Hannin and :.ayor V;ashburn (2). Commissioner :1, Lion offered the following motion: That application for license Beer' to retail beer and light wines to the following applicant be received and filed and Licensee U held until the next regalar meeting for final approval: ddH Ida Thomas, Known as "Dreamland" 1115 No.Bth Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, ilelton, Pulliam an Layer ;_shburn (5). Commissfoner.!lelton offered the following motion: That a license to permit the Be.:r Lice.'- retailing of beer a,.cl liZht wires be grt,:ted to the following applicant upon proper ses pt:ym at to the City Treasurer be approved: C. F. Haws 1F:J0 NJ.Bth Jancs Coffee Shop, by Geo. Polydoures, 107 11.4th St. 7urlts & Steve's P.L., by Chester :+tcves:s, 501 N.13th John. i.. Putters, Ki:orn as L:din n Village 005 Ky. ;We y o, t, : c:, c•.'_. of the r6iI: Yeas; Coz.tls..ionars 116r.i124, Lockaool, Co .....___..cr : ...._.. oiY :_.i i. in- follo;-11", :otlol.. I ...ova til i �r ,. ria•' c_' ..,:a_.... •....�r ..or..., ..i..lc'._... o:.;.t.u, for the --.o::th of o.y, 1-;;:11a 'j r 'ort ie on i•_._ l of the roe:. Y,c,..; Co ..1.:. :o:. .. }I , ..;.;;hbarn (5). n .. Ue following motion: I ,o„ try�j c," ti •. i . .. _. _ cf the City of Padacah, for iiia J , TCIL . r,: , .. ...:. ....t el; o; this Board: 713 City of Paducah J"ly Lr Proceedings of,�o', . _ .- _-� —_— _ - _ — Actl_ Ctty '_Igr. Caron released on Harman's bond i1J... �i !r Fr;. -::h 50.00 nte.,� SIdc no::,itto1 1:S, UOJ.(iJ O; � Grow, (; i Acry l,OJU.VJ l,. ,. ,• tsar!::� .•::n;;its a,.au..i0 ..r,"t !: :rc._: ;a. Coi._:.ctions JJj.._J City ac:.'_tz 51J.1JJ +'it_ntals, Lte LbJ.JU C,harfage . JU.JJ defunds2 UUO JO iiscellaneous receipts an r , Park Board Coil ctions (Pool) 9,000.00 52,4:;U•JO Total Ado,,ted or call of the roll: Yeas; Coiii:ai:;sioru•s Lockwood, Lleltor, and Pull Lam (3). clays: Coyis:;loz:�r Ha.u:in and :,:�yor ':7.,shbarn (L). BCo:aaiissioncr Pulliam offered the following :notion: I move t:•iat r. Lilthcr C:u•son be released as surety on the bond of lid D. E!ant.an as Actll:g amity �..agcr ai.d said bo::d be ca::ceLled sad that said Ed D. Hannan furrdsh a bond a:ad by a s;arety co:;zay in the sa::,c a^:aunt a.. noir bonded. Adorned on c:.' L oi' the roll: Yeas; Co:a...1sc ioi:ars Har4:in, Locx;;oo.i, :.•...ton, Pulliam ani :.iayor shburn (5). Comwissioner ..b,lton offeree the follo.An, Lotlon: I move that an Apportion_tient Ordli.an:ce for 19x7 ordinance entitled, "k] ORDI ,A!'.CE F'IXI11G THE APPORTIO : Lt�T OF TH7. PUBLIC 1 17M 01 TIL CITY OF Pt.GDCAH, KL::TUCKY; FOR TIL YEAR 1937, 0D APPROPRIATING THE PUBLIC BE :;UG A:1D I!:COtd', 01 SAD CITY TO SUCH PURPOSES'= be alopted. Acopted or. call of the roll: Yeas; ComAission%rs Lockr+oo7, Belton and Pulliam (3). Nays; Com:aissioner Hannin and .11ayor 65ashburn (2) . Commisston r Harnin11 Co:amissioncr Hannin offered the folLortlnG -iotion: I sove that my writ -en letter on budget explat.ation for -y vote on the apportionment ordii:_::ce be received, filed and spread upon, the Y:inutes: "Paducah, Kentucky r July G, 1937 i 'board of Co:.lssiouars, City ::a,:ager, Voters of P:>cacah, ar:d General : ublic 4 Da4r , ..rs: I.. c.:. L:Ln,,,,- :•y vote on the tax rate and budget, I voted no o;: tho tax rate b c- I �c .l:t•.d the lags:lity of the procedure. I also objected to tine tell t subyLttcd by the City �anager in 'lay because I believed the antic.= ,rJ:_, r .., auc r:a:: too lora, and op.rattng ex,t(•nses of thea city too high. I also objected on June 28th to the budget ;=resented. ':y reasons for tilts obje•cttor. PPere 1{; same --that the anticlpatad rev..nyc ^aa toobw, wni the oper::tlog ox,,cnso,: too nigh. By reason oil iq action, the third budget ,;as forced on July 1 --four days _%ter. This aas submitted by the city -aLnager ane thr..e eo::- nisciorcrs. s::;; .nes of the city were reaaced 017,U95.79, and the a;:tLclpcted rcv..srae e. cr_..s.J "38,830.58, thereby balancing th,. budget at $959,1)3"i.98. L:cc J,:1; :nt th. anticipated revenue alas raised to t!: ;:ua of °975,:..'8.19. The c.o tib- SlL $475,U4`0.93, b: lanc:u::; budget :.rd tir.:e. :ova d i;y co.acrtions correct, yct I ;,'as er:• .ctsed by •.ii. city .ncag(r .o 0 0-.:_te. I only did my savor. ..ty --At I bciiev 1i !o be rL ht thing is failir.; to , then. I ala ;uLL ty. Howov, r, I is Illegal, and the budg,, ..at fairly balanced, so My vote A. Rc:: ctfully s•'.l , C• orgo A. H: ...., i'aI 1 Aao,;teu a.... a: :•a Co As. NO. Proceedings of :ioard_ef Co_,_;. lo:r •_____ __ City of Paducah *'uly G, 19_;17 'rayor Veashburn offered the foliov.L.., o: Lon: 1 .cove that zy written explanation Mayor Is. letter for my vote on the apaortion::nt ordinance be received, filed and spread upon the on bud- get !'.l: Utes. e "July 6, 1937 "To the Board of Co rzissioaers, and C iera! 2ublic, Paducah, Kentucky Today there Is offered the Ap_.ortiormeut Ordinance for the year 1937, and I find ;self unable to vote for the passage of this ordinance. The tax rate was fixed w1ttout a oroqci, budget being offered to the Commission. had .".o set-up before us from v.h.ch to knori the amount of revenue required to operate the City of Paducah for the year 1937. This was a hap-hazzard leap in the dark, and in _ny oersonul opinion, it was dors without legal authority. The vote for the passage of the ordinance fixing the tax rate was a three to two vote, Conmissioners Lockwood,.Ielton and Pulliam voting for its passage, Commissioner Hannin and %Iyself voting against it. At the time the city manager offered his budget or apportionment ordinance I did not consider that the amounts that he alloted to certain depart:rents of the 6ity was proper. In other words, a comparison of his set up for the year 1937 as against _936 convinced me that more money was appropriated in certain departments than could �IoSlcally be spent during the Fiscal year. I knew of no requirement making it ptupon eendorse rsuch a the Citywanagerwouldbeableto say set-upat ts could uean tthing, year,Ihavelivedwithin thone j!apportionmert ordinance and spent so many thousand dollars less than the amount appropriated as took place in 1936. I am still corvLnced that the ap;?ortionment ordinance is out of line, and that the tax rate was fixed without legal authority. It has been said that there has been a lack of cooperation on the part of the Co:!uiscioaers with the City Manager. I believe that every member of this Commission knows that this is incorrect, but In my opinion they would have been perfectly j justified In declining to meet the :Manager in conf,rence, due to their experience of last year. For the reasons above set out, my judgment directs me to vote "No" on the a o;!t tor. of the AoJortion-ent Ordinance. RespcctfulLy sub:mltted, Edgar T. Washburn, ;Iayor" :';o r, on call of th. roll: Yeas; Co:u;is�tonars Hannin, Lockwood, -lvlton, Pulliam and :,yor ..4shbarn (5). O:::.otion meeting adjour:.ed. '�CITY CI',E,FLY