HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 705, June 21, 1937NO. j'!5 Proceedings of Board oI Co :oA.c:v City of Paducah 'r 1 At a regular s<ct.i,r; of the Board of Cc^.L_—LLoe:c ., ha!-: In the Co ;j io r:rsI Chamber at the City Hail, Paducah, K- .Lucky, at i00 o'clock on the :: Lzt d:.y of June, 1957, '_ayor Slashbur 11 presided and u,'o:. c:. t.l of (h, ro: _ j th, foli.o::..:;; .:.I ..cre6l to th_ir namos: CocmLc.;iou Hcnnin, I.ockv;ood, PuL11,% and :I:.yor 7,a.;hburl: (4) . A t a_ adjourned regular t;. o1' r..•c of Cc .__ hold the Co - ' ; ro:r_rsI Cha,!b•. I, at the C.11:.., 1 - I '., o!. Lire _r,.:_y o£ Ju.;.,, _.:c:7, ..:,�o�• ro I arsi Hca i e,:aed OR:: 3R';CE !'. Ft1#: . _ _. PD':: 1:inutes of the previous me,tillgs m-rc a optcu a., rca:i. i r Pulli='U offcrc6 the folLOv.ine L:Otlon: 1 -10.,- ''.,:.t :::I. or- i.:�.: to np?ly�for action of the City ::an.:gcr in applying for, assistance through PPiA under to.d 777A F.n.is - .._. Hosp'_tal 1 pursuL.nt to resoiuilon heretofore adopted by the board oi' COMIF5101:^rs, be ratified and approved by the Board of Co:;:arissione s. adopted o:: uc.LL of the J poli: Yeas; Co:n.;issian_rs Harerir,, Locicaood, Pulllarm an, ;ayor Piashburn (4). Co:::!issio::cr Pulliam offered the folloc.in3 cotton: I :.^.ove that ::Cis Hospital - option on Cha:abers E. B. Li.l'In3ham be authorized and empowered to procure an option. on Lir. •ro,.:'ty p.-ogcrty authori- zed from ..rs. Daisy Chawbers crest of ZOth street between K.;n'.u,'ry Avcuue a'Id t'.s,1•L:,;;ton Streets i:: the City of Pacucah, at the rate of :>Lxty (.60.00) Dollars per r.o.ith for tv.o (x) :months from date. Adopted an call of the roll: Yeas; Coa::lssionurs Hannin, Lock;rood, Pulliam; and :Iayor Washburn (4). ilayor Washburn offered the fo.11oalr_ :cotior_: I aovc that an Construction Sup.rii visor ordir_ar,ce entitled, "A:< ORDIWi. CE CHLATIIBG TIE POSLT,OI: OF COi:STi.UCTIO:: SUPF-VISOR ,i A A:iD CONSULTANT, 211-SCRIBIi:G THY: DUTIES AND FIXI-G TH: SALP:RY TH.REOF,° be a:iopte :. t.iopted or. cr-li o: the roll: Yeas; Coca:,lsc o.:o:•s ila::.::u1, Lockwood, PuLLL%. ... r yo:- 'irashburi. (4) . yon' '..w_hbarr: o£f(,red the fol_oaing :.otton: I :ovc that this Adjourr_aeat rc.,:.rlrr ::. tIng be wujoarned until June zLrd 1037 at the hour of 1:07 o'clock !� P.:,% :.do )tcd on call of the rol:: Yea::; Co:: r.Ls. tone.'s Daum!::, �ockr ooa, ]IL", I L'a.: ar.d :LyOr . u. hburn (4) . r; ,1:''07 APPROY A t a_ adjourned regular t;. o1' r..•c of Cc .__ hold the Co - ' ; ro:r_rsI Cha,!b•. I, at the C.11:.., 1 - I '., o!. Lire _r,.:_y o£ Ju.;.,, _.:c:7, ..:,�o�• ro I arsi Hca i e,:aed OR:: 3R';CE !'. Ft1#: . _ _. PD'::