HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 687, April 19, 1937- I NO._ ii87 _ Proceedings of __Poard of Co.xaisz;I01 _c,•c City of Paducah ,^u_U _14 147 At a regular meeting of the Board of Co;r:uissionc*s held in the 'Co-,clssloners' Char:ber at the ',Lty Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 o'cLock P.14. on the 19th day of April, 1937, :,:ayor Washburn presided and upon call of the roll the fol.iowiag answered to their names: Co:ucais:;.onars Hannin, '..elton, Pulliam and '_yar Viashburn (4). fl :Si;:utes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. rove l by th,: l0 of .,a_. ..lorr, to:,'is .. .. .. .. ,. ..., -. _... Ai ..li..; L:. ctor for J ... .. ... .. ... .. .. . .. _.: i'...G:.�, ;:;tor .gc tank Com issIor.r Hannin off.red the followin:; motion: That the ?ayr•o'-_S- first I AprL:, ;'`7 �payrolls for the first half of April, .1937 be aLlowed in the ai:;ount of u8767.77 land that the City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by checks. Adopted on call of the roil: Yeas; Co:mnissloners Hannin, l(:eiton, Pulliam and :.tayor Washburn (4). Luther Carson Park- Commissioner Hannin offered the following mot Lon: The Board of City's position in Commissioners having heretofore expressly declined and refused to accept a conveyance defense proceed'ngs I'to the City of Paducah of certain property known as the "Old Fair Ground Provorty" I�Iwost of 28th street and north of Llonroe street in the City of Paducah, and which Bg 'as tendered as Luther Carson Park, and there now being certain actions pending In the 1icCracken 1,1tcuit Court involving said property, and in which the City of I Paducah is being made a party - �{ I :Hove that the Corporation Counsel of the City of Paducah be %instructed aaor_g any defenses that the City may have to offer in said action, that 'it a:so set up the defense of the refusal and fallurc of -h, City to accept said atte,.pted conveyance arra dedication, for the pu_pose of avoiding at:y liability on the part of the City because of said attemdted conveya;.ce to it. is Adopted on call of the roil: Yeas; Co.n.alssLon•-rs Haml::, :!elton, Pulliam and :.ayor Lshburn (4). Beer Licer:ses CoiLdssLoncr Melton offered the followi:rg motion: Application for -license to sell at retail beer and :Light wines by: Jaxes Pharr, 901 14. 9th Street Phillip Rogers 1205 Broadway international 6afe, 1::4 11. 2nd St. by D. A. Presley :.core & Hose, .1.26 Ky. Ave. by Don '.:core and C. F.. Rose Cooks Beer Garden, 1`14 Broadway, by Ray Humphrey Faving be.n introduced on the 12th day of April, 19371 I nov; :cove that d r::Lt or 'Been_ -c for ratalll'ng bear and light wines be approved arr., license ba Is::ued upor. Pay = r.t 0: '•„ c. o.;..' o: license fee. Adopted or; cal i of the. ro i l: Yeas; Cot: asp i.-.)nJ:s .:(:_ton, ._.._ ..::d ;.;ayor ISashburn (4). Co,.:isaio,_r .(elton offered the folio°ring :notion: That a lice: se of beer and light wines to the following applicant u.ol. C'.ty Trca:;urer be approved: _avarr., 2605 Bridge at., by Jack Sherrill o..: Ya"' Co_ :La. io.s rs H: . .,. ... •• ,..,i:., wi:L'.o::, ,`u1l.La::: aruL �:ay0r• rG'__o.. o. odor: it appearing t.:,:t _i .... ...: ?ar :. to ncc: 8 t%,.dard 0.'. (Jo , ::: y to erect flve (b) rove l by th,: l0 of .,a_. ..lorr, to:,'is .. .. .. .. ,. ..., -. _... Ai ..li..; L:. ctor for J ... .. ... .. ... .. .. . .. _.: i'...G:.�, ;:;tor .gc tank Proceedings of CO•aaliS?:anr!•s _ City of Paducah_.r moo„ c'i1 1.�, 1Jc7 ;wcor.l':g to plans and specifications which have been sub.aitted by the Standard Oil J Co.::;:&.:y to the buildin,; Inspector be approved, on Condit on that the required dykes for the protection of said tanks be constructed In accordance c,ith the requlrewents of the State Fire Provc:.tLm Da;-artment. gG� Adoited o:: call of the roll: Yeas; Coa.: Ls ioi:. rs Hannir., ..ockviood, .aeltoo, Pull.ia4 k:d _.ayor isashburn (5).(Co:_:as_1o..,1x Lockwood arrived at the meetir.g in tine to cast his vote on the above :;otfo.:.) On aotivn meetirne adjourned. ADOPTS —z- ,IU37 APPIWED � Mayor .- CAty Clerk �/