HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 68, June 27, 1932No. Proceedings of THE-DOAK➢ Or_.CO=SSIQNEH�_. Ciey of Poducoh_lu-NT_i[Ch1_—_Juno_i'l_01 1939— At a regular mecting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Com:aissionersI Chambor in the City Hall Building in the City of Paducah, Kentucky at 3:00 o'clock P.M. on the 27th day of June," Mayor Scott presided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Commissionors Block, Bradshaw, Bolt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Proceeds Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public from sale of Funding Finance be authorized to pay out of the proceeds received from the sale on Bonds pro- rated to June 23rd of the $ 5,000.00 Paducah 1932 Funding Bonds the following amounts: respective' conks. Citizens Savings Bank 2900.00 Peoples National Bank 700.00 Chemical Bank & Trust Co., W.Y. 1400,00 to be applied as'psyments on notes executed to these respective banks by the City of Paducah in the year 1931. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Interest Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public due Cit- izens Bank Finance be authorized to draw a check on the General Fund to the Citizons Savings allowed. Amount Bank, for the amount of $ 50.10 in payment of the interest due to June 23rd on tht $ 50.10 ti 2,900.00 paid that date on the notes of 1931 due said bank by the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the.roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Allowance Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public of bank's charge for, Finance be authorized to pay the Citizens Savings Bank, the bank's charge of $ 2.50 handling role of for handling the sale of the $ 5,000,00 of the Paducah 1931 Funding Bonds, and charge bonds same to the proper fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Allowance Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public of Charity orders Finance be authorized to pay the charity orders issued by the Family Service Society Issued by, Faaiiy for the month of May 1932 as follows: service. A. Switzer Produce Company j 128.70 J. U. Houser's Groc. 24.34 Hack's Grocery 2,00 Total —ITS;aT_ and charge soar, to Miscolldneoua Charity Fund in'the Department of Public Snfety,snme having been properly verified by the Commissioner of _ublic Safety. Adopted on call of tl.e roll: -font; C-1-misniorero Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Ai.lowaro(" Cc^^ciasioner Rl.oke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public of In,,t -e C!''- i'!nancC be suti:orizcd r•e fmy t?:e !nt•:rent from March lot to June lot, amounting to zone • ;. •. - in;�.s i7Ef.95 on th,, calorco of ". 125,OOC.CO due on notes executed to the Citizens on ts• oI r., r• _avires Parr t:^ the City of Pod,:esh in the yoor 1931. Adopted on call of the roll: In lam: i. Yeas; Cc-•la^,!c^rr L•lcek, isradshaw, 1101t, F1rtx tang Mayor !'Cott (5). R..1+x.-" Coarissioner Rieke _ffere•.d motion that the amount of �'. :38i.flC'. for to Pe r..;.ec inter=;st dae Jsae 30th, 133r cs: tie 'ealanca of 0 51,:00.c.o Cit, of paducala notca Rank r.; no, Q ere ^:tz .. ' . ,, . _ .r:l i s ui: a2 :rn e: , nrvi the , of Public eAe :1: LEG a:ri l:ar•da to Interest i'c: 15.31 5111nw, Adc:pted on -'=_' l¢sir,ai•rs lily k, Era..oaw, holt, Rio;-, artl yayor :!Cott (5)1 I NO Pn�:C G9 Proceedings of_THE BOARD_ OR_CC?"'IS:'I011I RS_ _ . City of Paducah KBNTGCKY June 27th, 1932. _ Allowance madelCo:mnissioner Rieke offered motion that allowance be made from the from General Fund for General Pund for deposit in the Genoral Sinking Fund, and the Commissioner of Pub - deposit In General Sinking lie Finance be authorized to pay the six months interest and bank collection Fund to retiro Bond '6 and charge, and to also retire bond 116 of the following bond issue for total amount to pay interest for six months of v 1632.58, due on July let, 1932. C.O. & O.R.R. Ref. Bonds of 1926 0/S :'� 28,000.CO (4y%) w 630.00 `I.0. & O.R.R. " it #6 for 1000.00 Banks Col. Charge of iN coupons -1/10,, bond 2.58 Payment to be made through the Citizens Savings Bank Gonernl Sinking Fund to the Central Hanover Bank & Trust Company, Now York, before July lst, 1032. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, bradshaw, holt, Rieke and Mayor Scott (5). Allowance made I Commissioner Rieke offered motion that allowance be made from the from General rund for amount. General Fund for amount of ,^, 255.00 for deposit in the Peoples National Bank of is 255.00 for, deposit Sri Arcadia School Bond Sinking Fund, and the Commissioner of Public Finance be Peoples Nation- al Bank Arcadia authorized to pay interest coupons for six months on the Arcadia Graded School School Bond Sinking Fund, #1 -Bond issue due July lot, 1932. and for 6 months interest Outstanding 85 000.00 thereon Interest Rate 611.1 Annual Interest 510.00 Semi-annual Interest due v 255.00 N Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Holt, Rieke and it Mayor Scott (5). I Exemption of Commissioner Rieke offered the following motion: The followinS persons from Paying poll tax payers being exempted from paying Poll Taxes, on account of either being taxes. deceased, double-aaaossed, non-residents, or having reached the ago limit, I move `,� they be exonerated for the , 1.50 poll charge on their tax bills for the year 1932 i i Henry Leonard, Route #6 Tax Bill # 2661 9 A. Folks & !.life State of Mo. " " 1541 Leslie & Lula Holcomb, 1930 Broad 2110 0. T. Durriham 214 Ashbrook 1231 J. A. Warford 2007 Guthrie Ave. 4898 R. E. Goodman 1128 Madison 1687 J. M. Agnew 502 Ohio St. 28 Alonzo Miller 1214 Park Ave. 3093 Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Commissioners Block, Holt, Bradshaw, Rieke ad Mayor Scott. (5). Deed grantod C07-issioncr Block offered moti-n that a dead berenbod to to .C.Can for g for lot in ltra, C. C. `andcrs for lot // 435, block 13, in Cal. Grove Cemetery upon payment qa'r, r,r•ovu Cenctery of ; 75.00 to Cc-.71asionor of Public Finance. Adcptel on call of the roll: Yess r 1siionera Block, urndshaw, Halt, Ricke and ?'aycr Scott (5). :'ranaf,:r �cw_.iaaLonar Hloclr offerod mots I that a cortain dded of crmviyonco dat in .k Gr;vc. ,.._.,rry of 1.ot !? 262 in Kock " 1.7 of Oak Grove Cc:ne a P to - t. ry, aucah, Kentucky from Kra, betty 7,. Atkins ,)f 7u'.on,;aahc: a, to biro. Batty 0-m1th of F'a<luca};, Kentucky of tr. fr,m June 15th, 1OZ2, LE. a;:provod. A'ieptod on cell of the roll: Ycae; q,re 1osLnera ^.. K. Atkins T-lcck, ors'tahaa, Holt an;! MayoY' ;cont (4). Co:m.la3io%or Ricko piasent but net voting. Proceedingrof ?H_F'_ CARp 7M City of Paducah K"II'NCKY .June 21th, 1932. A Re solu- Mayor Scott offered the adoption of a resolution entitled; tion au- thorizing " A 1^.7SOLUTION AUTHORIZING TRF GrAYOR OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH TO ENTER INTO A COTITRACT the ?'r.y- or to `7TTiI THE AhTRICAII SECURITY CREDIT COi.*PAIIY FOR THE' PURPOSE OF PROCURING 79-1F SFRVICES enter in- to OF THE AvFRICAi1 SEC"Okil CREDIT COMPANY TO COLLECT ALL DELINQUEIIT AMOUNTS DUE ACID a contract with the C`N1%G TO THF RIVERSIDNCSPITAL, COVERING A PERIOD OF FIVE (5) YEARS IIEXT BEFORE American Security ,JULY 1ST, 1932, AND TO FIX FEES ACID CHARGES TRER370R." ,Adopted on call of the Co,lpany roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, holt, Rielce and Mayor Scott (5). APPROVED Q"G� 1932 mayor