HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 676, March 15, 1937NO- � �n Proceedings of 'o.:: s of Co :.iss lora` ` City of Paducah ;.larch 65, A t a regular :.:eetir.g of the Board of Co;udss.lone s IMId in the Coca - is Cha-,ber at the City HaLI, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 o'clock P. U. on the ,i.y of ::arch, 18371 Com:.:issioner Welton pres;dcu as mayor ;ro tem is the abser�co of :.:ayor :Sashburr: ar:d upon call of the roll the following answered to their names: Co.._issloners iiamrin, Lockwood, Pulliam and ::ayor pro tem Welton (4) . Minutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Coaxisoioncr Ha::nin offered the following motion.: I :-.ova that a deed ?earl `:gra-.-.ted to :ars. Pearl Hardin for Lot x/17 Block #50 in Oak Grove Cemttery, Paducah, Ky.,, Hardin lot Lnupon pAJ eEa of the,proper amount of $30.00 to the City Treasurer be approved. iidoptedl O.Grv,r on coli of the roll: Yeas; Co:amissioners Hacu:ln, Lockwood, Pulliam and ,ayor pro tem j:,clton (4). Brad_ j Coz_;issioner Haemin offered the following motion: I love that bill of shave ueil Bradshaw & Well and Fore:aan and Lackey be allowed and City 3anager L. V. Bean be In- c Fore r. g;ystructed to Issue check for said auourt of $50U.00. Adopted on tali of the roll: Yeas s _ JCo.::::isslo;icrs Harrir., Lockwood, Pullia.n and.:Layor pro tea aeltor. (4). alai lcc1 bo -:ds 1 I. Coru;issioaer Hanaln oi'fe ed the following moclon: I move that a deed rs;Iygranted to l:rs. Virginia Pilant Hogan, and J. R. Pliant for Lot n5 Block #5 in Oak 7. P. an HogGrove Ce:tetery, Paducah, Ky., upos payment of the proper amount of $140.00 to the City & J.R." Pilantl�Treasurer be approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co:L';ulssione,,s Haman, lot Ln;' O.Orv. Lockvood, Pulliam and Mayor pro tem ..eiton (4). Cos;missioner :delton offe d the following ,notion: The Board of Com - Patrol missioners hr.ving had under consideration charges heretofore preferred against patrol - ,.a:_ Holar:�man Jess Holman, and having heard said charges, and said Holman being present in sris- ,erded person and represented by Counsel, and the testimony of witnesses having been heard by said Board of Comissioners in open meeting, and the witnesses having been cross exa:::ined by Counsel for the respondent, Jess Holman, and the Board of Co:amissioners bc.i::g s:fficicntly advised decides, det.,rmines and adjudges that the said Jess Holman ?atrol_ar be suspe::ded without pay fro, the 15th day of February, 1li37 to and tiaa '.5th day of April, 1937, and the Board of Co..uils: Loncrs furter wishes attc_.tion to the fact that this is not the first tia,e the Bald patrolman has _ `j! -c the Hoard or: co:,olaint of :risco.-.duct, and chels i:ow suspeuacd and r:ot ro..dltLon that like offer:ses or other breaches oiduty or of co::duct na:•: ':..•:i. _ ::i:: d_:;.'.:.. :..i shall ::ot be excused. Adopted on cull of the roil: You lie ..,i:,,-ocks+ood, .'u_:._u.. G.d --uyor prb tem :.elton (4) 0.. .:c'._a:.::. eti..g a:rjour.-.c:. 1 .7 MAYOR v