HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 664, January 11, 1937NO. Proceeding.of____ 1LO-r—TA Of -CO to,-,er.,i City of Paducah _j_1 anuar_ At a regular ncetiiig of the Board of Commi,oloia;j-o hcLd In the Cha:nber at the Uity Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 21 o'clock P.M. on the Ilth day of Jva.uary,1937, *,,.ayor Washburn preslded and upon ctjl.l of the roll the folto%,ln,; answered to 'heir names: Con .is;Loncrs Hanain, Lockwood, ;.IoLtort, Pulliam and —yor V;Lohburu (5). Minutes of the previous meetings ;;*ere adopted as read. Co.=Is to.-. r Ha:_.Ir. off,red the following mot Lon: :Irs. Ruby 1.1. House - F. kla,i is, havin ;i,lsc-:tca to the Board of Coiiiudssioa,rs, their deed d for oi tb 71 t; or7i, o::^_ -half of Lot V51, In bection. i,4, in Oak Gr ve Cemetery, Paducah, Ky., vrhLch oxecated and ackr.o,;,,Le,4&ed by E. 0. !.'eacham and wife, 'Iaggie Heacham, I move t -.i -t the con.vcyance of said burial lot as aforesaid be approved and that the ce.actery ­t:.ords be corrected to show said conveyance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cc i.;isslon rs Haruttin, Lockwood, Melton, Pu.Llia..i and wayor "'.'Q3hburr_. (5). Co.--L-Ussioner :1elton offered the followdng motion: That a license to Licensepermit the retailing of beer and IL. -ht wines to the following applicant upon proper ,pay,,:nt to the City Treasurer be approved: Harold Gilliam, 127 So. 2nd at. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Coo:UL�ilonrrs Hamain, Lockwood, Yelton, Pulliam and -o i. .'&=hburn (5) !1ayor offered the foll-ving motion: A letter fro:i the City ger, accompanied by a copy of the proposed agreement b, tween Luther F. Carson and r. B-:-,' for !­ ;sc and beucflt of the City of Paducah, hz,ving b,.e-n ol :.arch I as advised has bee: 111cd ;,Ith the City Clerk. 4 ;o' o% cr the 311. o-:. i -L; :3o_,ic investigations I am unable to find where o- %_ucah is authorized Ly law to E;.igage la this character of developrcent, 1", to to t' his the expenditure of *ZJ,000 would be but the initial cost if "..L-- sufficient to establish is cont•_T.,)lated Ln the: proposal. It is n by the records of the City of Paducah that even though a way might be D,-, -c accept riich ft proposal thc.t the city of Paducah IS f L.".are Lally unabl, to -Y ad .)ae" property, if the .)roposal could b-,: tj-cted It. this to supply to the Park Board ;core than bJ5 01 hat its :.o-7 c%_1 for. Ir.crc i. r -o L. to the h7,V(: b: c% c. old fair ground proixrt� ."!D!, :8tn V co lal. pur:lo-'en 'Y res'; t .1 U. 0 V-1 E.5 Proceedings of- of C°"'_'...-__-- , I- I of Paducah,, J.-inutiry oI -c, - zotion, Via- foLLowin. I Trove cr r'roC.B. ro?L 'n.,(! r(,I,-,r.UPf; tlhi 'etter fro. -,i C. B. Crossland, attor.,.-ey for I. HII tcnb,rg, be mcolvcd, flltd a:.d rcfr,-­: to City _Ianagcr. Adopted on call of th roLl: Yeas; rr flannia, Lockwood, :,'cIton, Pulilazi and ­.ayor ';.ashburn (5). mayor Via..hburn offered the foLlowing, motion: I move th.,t t;., Co :.I 1� fro'l -ick-cy r(,4�-.rd- Letter r fro-.'rs. Buckley be received, filed and ref.!. -red to City *.anager for l.-,5 tax` Z �Zlltl s I referred t Cit; :11g_ his rco..:er-'atLonq. Adoptaa oil call of the roll: Yeas; Lnd ..:%yoz Idasilburr. (b).:.ays; Cot -.miss -ton r :..,e!ton (1). Co 10,z r Loc.ivooa k;r­iclit but not vot—G. .ctltloi. for wator b _'.ayor -iashbat­ olfc.e. th;. foLlowin.: mot Lou: 1 :cove thint ell Levin Av,_ ,:o. ?' !c Ave to the p�t_tion fro.., residents of Levin Avei*.ue frofromVark to 32r -d streets, ._'t! �r 6' . vcce Lvc-u. ,the Paducah miter Conjuny's report, be recelvea and filed. A-109ted o:-. 7. 1 of the roil: Yeas; Co;.imissLoners Hanniz,, Lockwood, '14olton, Pulliam and 1.41yor washburn (5). .1ayor Washburn offored tba follows.:;; motion: I move that the s Ai fiance cm-leck for $50.00 City :tanager cause a check to be issued payable to 17ockers Alliance of America for the sum of "50.00 to assist in defraying expenses of their deLciatlor. to Washington, D.C. on behalf of %V?A llorkw,s aiid projects. That sux to be paid tout of the general fund, said expenditure to be embmched in the 1937 ap,ortioi�nent ordinance. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cozimis Lozacrs flam-.in, 1 Locxwood, '!.cLton an: 'Iuyor ,7ashburn (4). !Zays; Co—Ission--r Pulliaal (1) Or. .-ot L .-I Icetllz.ad j. Uri,ed. ArOMED 1937