HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 652, December 10, 1936Proceedings of-_ _o., CoMLI LssiO City of Paducah__ c_­_-t)Sr 122 l"G i-tto i ry 7 i o; to board oi held of .c. . ul L706; ii. the Co.-..Cha;.b:.r at the city ..tucly, at _j or; ,o,, os-. th, ;Jta day of LCcc,.,c­r, i90op for the j t- o. of City V. Bean Oil Q-11fIL-3c's prel'crred of Co. is, Lu -o uga L,.., atall, Cor.iorzii.lon Counsel, :t �.. V. .:ayor Ilaslibut a ca -11 of the ro Ll the following ansviered to their nuxec: i'o --n. ­rj Loek%sood, Xelton, Pulliam and -ayor 'uc nburI (5). 'iayor It7ashburn offered the following motion: The City i.'Drauer, L. V. h&vin6 b: -on notified to report to the Board of Co:::rmlsEioners today at this -ectLn JI. ciiorges filed cy said Board of Cor.LiszioiiL-rs against 1W. V. Laton and said 13ariagcr to file scla report, 1 rove that this meeting be adjoarried. o� caU of the roll: Yeas; CoLimissioners Eannin, Loc' -.wood, ,.eLton, Pulliam anc, "01, ,mourn (5). ,13:.6 Api�li.���4-,� At a call meeting of the Board of CoiruiilssLone s held in the Co.- 1,.iz,sloners' Chamber at the City Hall, Pa.iucah, iKentucky, at 11 o'clock A.::. o..; I -.Q :,,i4: y of Deccbt:r, 1936, :.Iayor Wastiburn presided and u.,oi-. ca!L o_ the, ro.'.' I e followLnr to their riaxes: Co:. 7s,loi-,rs Han:,.iii, Lockwood, Pulliam a.,A :,yor ,yor Washburn states rcaLor. for call, to -wit; !or the purijo3c of ccial co­s�I arid to trai:-:_ct ai.y other buslne.,:Z; ti!Lt _iz.y .1,0.-1.V,co ':.e '-o*;rd. ::,!Yor S,U.,;hDirn oflere.-i the following Lotloi.: 1 -Ovo 11rit the Letter tY r V. !-,G3!; to the Rayor -,Id Board Of Cos .1:. Loners In regard to Lhc r; -c. 1--i t,iLt the b6ard 1... r, :;.,c. to j14.i r�_rj jk:,t .0 'O� Ircolt f the C, Cc ,, 0,_ u.to_ NO. G5� Proceedings of Boar(i of Co tsloni�rs City of Paducah.-' hi-. for such derellction In hLs duties as the board has or flA. on ca.11, of the roll: Yea.,;; Co.,.,xiisoloners- flaijAn, T_oc4Nvoo(j, ;.syov Wn5hburji ,j). -y:;; Coa_-nL:;�Ioners Je.l.ton and PII_Ilar` On motion To(!t.jjjg adjouvixd. Is CM CLE,K APY