HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 639, November 23, 1936No. Proceedings of Board of Co.a.missionerc City of Paducah November 232 19 6 _T - -- - f At a cagu.lar me,.ting of the Board of Commissioners held In the Co:nlsnt,•nersv Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2 OTClock P. Y. or. the 23rd day of November, 1936, ;iayor Washburn presided and upon call of the jI !!roll the following answered to their names: Comm IssLane .s Hannin, Lockwood, ;.etton I ,Palliam and aayor Washburn (5). winutes of the previous reetings were adopted as read. DLnksle Briggs - Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: That a deed ::ecd to lot in Oak' ranted to Dinksie Briggs for lot X24 in block #5 upon a Grove lig gg a a p �m'nt of $30.00 to the City Treasurer be approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co.noissioners Hannin, Lockwood, `elton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). Julia Robertson - J Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: That a deed deed to lot in Oak Grove granted to Julia Robertson for lot ,#'21, in block #5, upon payment of 030.00 �to the City Treasurer be approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and ilayor Washburn (5). Beer License - Commission r Welton offered the following motion: That a Harold H. James license to permit the retailing of beer and light wines be granted to the Hfollowing applicant upon paym.nt of the proper amount to the City Treasurer: iHarold H. James, 31st Broadway, Known as Peacock Garden !Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission_rs Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam land:Iayo: Y:ashburn (5). mayor Washburn offered the following motion: For the purpose of i Paducah tJosan's Clubladvertisirg the trade, commerce, manufacturers and coTaerc.ial resources of the :_ppropriated 810.00 'cit of Paducah - I move that there be T y , paid to the Paducah l4oman s Club the sun x of Ten ($10.00) Dollars, same to be charged to ac ount for advertising. Adopted 'on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and l :.ayor W.,shburn (5). Colored Park - wire Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: On November 15, �cn_raiyor andtansw r ✓1::06 I wired the Honorable B. ::. Vinson, Attorney General of the State of K:antucky, r. - fro ral and Atty. creating as follows: "The Board of Cow:.ils—ioneI's havr. created a colored and <otion creating park. Do we have colorea ?ark board ,:the right to create a colored s park board. Or. November 16, received a roply fron Pthe Attorney Generails office as follows: iIf a colored park board is in your opl:aoa n•,cescary for the proper conduct of the parks, the Board of a , nh•ve the authority to create same." I now clove that the Board of Co.c-a_sioi; rs create a colored park board -.it:, s._ the rights and authority and restrictions embraced In the Kentucky I <;tat:tc;s to take charge of such ,arks and playgrounds az say be desl"t :ted fro..- 1 s to t_:c ty th;: L,ar,� of Commlueiorc s as c'o.o:o:i _auks and 2t;.y ro:.,ds. Colriis^,loners Ha,:. -_LL, Lockwood, Welton, and 'Sayar j {A). ..;:y::; Co:r_....r.io::• r PuLJ.ie.m ('L) -,ur •a: `..i:,••,: fii'f':evJ the followi:,,; :.olio,:: I offu:^ to the sr•_. - .-.. ::ear:. J-, I' r . ,o.,.-._....,,.. 1'0r *.i,eir :,L+provc,l t'is, r.:;:,os Of the Rev. Vance U. ;,i(cl.bo, E Z. - ::, S.t.i. ? 'J;rI t .::..(ei Belen at:d L;h[4les 1. Boyd as co:orca j a y :o .... _. h io_ . 'ie% , Co .ic. L :. r:, .. n:.l• j , 1 j At.f .. _....... •.71