HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 603, August 24, 1936NO.— Proceedings O. Proceedings of__.i 0.'.'�.'L_ Ol' CO . : L.., LO_- w City of PadocahL=" •'` 'Ch1, PJ 1 T ';4 ,1.9 G At a regular JeetinG of the boa d of Co.unisslone•s hold in tht Cc:�,Lzsloners Chamber at the L,ity HnIA, Paducah, Kciitucky, at l: )'cLock P. X. on the 24th day of August, 101Lii, !ayor 7anhbavri presided and ti,oi: tail of the roll the foiLo:rin:, answered to their names: Co:amissloncrs Hannin, i,ockwood, i.!elton, Puiliae as d .;ayor Vla.,huru•:i (5) . *'Elutes of the previous meetingswere adopted as read. •: ..... -vote Carmissioncr 1Lawin offered the following notion: I •nova thnt the Board of Co.i.alssLon:.rs extend to Her.. Ed D. Ha_t;:an their sincere thanks for his cooperation as Actinig City har.ager, and especially for his L:vltatlon to the Board-'.e:abers to confer with hila oa all matters p:,rtal.:ing to the City Cov,rrrr.::« nt. Adopted on call of the roll. Yeas; Commissioners Hannln, Lockwood, Meltoa, Pulliam and ...ayor 6vashburn (5). Costissioner -elton offered the f0l!Owing motion; That, a icense - lice: -.se to permit the etalling of beer and light wii;es to the fol.lowin a•, Licant R. _. Leeper - ap- g ,P plication received be received and riled and held a till the nact regular Jiceting for final action: and filed R. E. Leeper, 415 W.Srd St, Known as Hivt-rside Lunch Room ;Adopted on ca Ll of the roll: Yeas; Cotaaission•_rs Hardin, Lockwood, :.:.lion, Pulliam land ..ayor Washburn (5). Y Coomissioner Pulliam offered the foLLov:ir:,; motion: I move that Q- the petition of growers heretofore received and filed, w:d ti -.e prtition of i;arket !,'House renters be received and filed and both petitions refrrved to the Cityauager for investigation and rcco.�:raendaLions to the Board of Coarmimloners. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Cor::,issior._rs Haaa.:t, LocKwoan, .Leona-, P,;i!iau a::d ...yor Washbor•n (5). .•...yor i,ashbarn offered t2:� fo.L1o.,11:; ::;otion: I .,ove thaw ehc letter fro:,, Ed D. Hannan, Act ' o .. City r:anagen, aduruascd to the '.-.ayor a::d of Commissloncrs, be received, filed and spread uoo: the rii.nutes: "August 1,4, 19,:6 d"ayor and Hoard of Coti:SteLLORCrs of the City of Paducah .City h o '-o you ,-y very deep ap,reeiatfo;: of the cooperation a:.d hero : uvier time that I have beer, c d u on to act for ti:e Ci Ly QC, ;u:d I a_so wish to say t i have round �i of tho t •its very cordial a u r. L l caled upon to Jcr; ;or this cord.Lal and pa i:i--L, ; 'aLsn to add ti:at this unusual c NO. Proceedings of— City of Paducah--z-:iiY- "Jz;T _Iw'p lo$6 Ai. Wil: L :ovc that the- reqizes- n 1, lort; L ie tth Az; so o, ;-J. 50 to be usu.: ;or t4 o. .o _conic c::.,).-Oycd be provided cCracl;,. - County ;-v::. 0-- _:aid by the Treasurer am, chargea to the Co,l i !,1u: -J. C 0: ", -0- CO :.yor ."shbir� (51. 4 Co,—issloi;ev Locivevood oflered th, fo..'owl!. ..o' W :.o%,- Th".t the rcq.last of i-. rzh- 1 1. for a Loading zone be rui to ,h, U,,6y ager .,o..cr to act. htio,tca oai caLL of the roll: Yeas; Co, Lockwood, -5,o. '.'.ashburn (5). On :..o'.1. .-aetiug adjourned. -619,36 APPROVED C 7'. 1