HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 544, May 19, 1936544 Proeaedings of EOAfiD OF CO:ZISS:,10::_:'o _ _City of Padacah.a.� WILCKY•a=:AY LJTHy 19:16 __ At a regular :aeeting of the Hoard of Comnisaion rs held in the `Co,:•assloncrs' ChzL ber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P..1., on the 18th day of cIuy, 1036, Llayor Washburn presleed and upon cal.! of this roll the itfoLiowfn answered to their nates: Co:.c:cis.;ion.rs Hannin, Lockwood, Pulliam and Mayor ashbar (4). ::t;.utes of the previous :aecti.igs adopted as read. Commissiober Hannin offered the following motion: That the pay - Payroll.; rolls for the first half of May, 193G, be allowed In the amount of $8130.89, and that Pa i May, T86 the City Treasurer be authorized to pay same by checks for the amount of $7475.89, and to pay the remainder of x655. 00 with Paducah Industries Certi:icates. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Pulliam and :loyor ':ashburn (4). 2nd St. Commission.r Hannin offered the following motion: I move that widen - Ing to City Manager L. V. Bean be instructed to investigate the feasibility of widening be in- vesti- southsecond street on both sides of the Market House by ta•-ling three or more feet off gated of the present width of sidewalks and to also see if it is possible to have this approved as a Federal project. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners a Hannin, Lockwood, Pulliam and ilayor Washburn (4). Commissioner Lockwood offered the followin,; motion: That a Beer License license to permit the retailin,- of b_er and light wines to the following applicants !'upon proper payment to the City Treasurer be approved: A. H. Habeck, 8th Ellis St. Walter Dunn, Union Station Cafe, Union St. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission-rs Hatinin, Lockwood, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (4). Mayor's Co'mission r Hannin offered the folloring motion: Received and letter to City ,filed and spread on the minutes: Ygr. filed "May 19, 1986 Mr. L. V. Bean, City Manager City Dear sir: Beg to advise you tt:t the sheriff of McCracken county served a suamons on me on the l6th day of 2Jay,1936, in th:_ action of L. V. Bean vs. City of Paducah. Also notice that on the 21st d-�y of Uay, 1336 at 1:30 o'clock P.rl., you will enter your t,.•,!orary Injunction agalnat the City of Paducah, nbt:rn, mayor, George Hannin and Tuttle Lockwood, i:;. of the City of Paducah. rn action instituted by yourself against the City fo, Thom you are acting as City Clanger at the t. t, ii000:: s necessary for the City of Paducah to R ! r%•s,•c'. the City of Paducah and the members of `gr, Lq.:.. .,. lItt„ation. 6 It Lao baecl r .. _.._,l:. i .n that Cm,poraClon Cowl,el, i". V. cyton, :;ty of Paducah is without authority l.c::1 Mu er th, notice v;i:leh has beer. fii :. t iL uouLd seem very i.0 osc:ible :or the CI'.y' r r!y r,. pr,:., nt, il:e Cl'y In Vne ...,. , .101, i •� 't%U O'clock '.coy tr. thv :+L:u::tion as to r.ecssc:r; i .y Lhe pendl,rg y , :i ..• .... .. �;:+ank.Ul'.i, d:mor" lAdopt"l 41n coli is roll: ii:,a.::lr;, Lockwood, iull.Ssa:: and wayor E NO._ 545 Proceedings of. _ BOARD OF Co 113610:7 �.:L City of Paducah s KENTUCKY,"�Y 19, 1986 .._ Cotdmisstoa.•r Lockc.00d offered the following motion: Application for Beer License Taylor B.B..,. license to sell at retail beer and lifht vines by Taylor B.B.Q. stand, by Roscoe Stand ::ec_dows, having been introduced on May 11th, and consideration thereof deferred, I now rove that N rmit ob license for retailing beer and light wines to Taylor B. B. Q. Stand, by Roscoe !eadows, 1.819 Bridge St., be approved and license be issued upon payment of the amount of license fee. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Pulliam and Mayor 1'!a.hburn (4). Commissions Pulliam offered the following motion: That Exoneration Tax Exoneration- B.Bernheim Estate 1758 be approved, covering four and three tenth (4.3) acres on Clay Street, assessed in the name of B. Bernheim Estate, at it is being used for a C.C.C.Camp. IAdopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission:rs Hannin, Locln:ood, Pulliam and 11,N Mayor Washburn (4). j' Mayor Washburn offered the folloving motion: The Colored Civic City Manager to make survey for colored play- ground City 'Banger's objection to motion sealing Chief of Police to meeting 'League of the City of Paducah having requested the Commission to take steps as 'Itlljearly as possible to provide them with a park and proper playground, I move that lithe City lianager be instructed to make an immediate survey and report to the I Board what location as may be available for such park purposes. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (4). Commissioner Pulliam offered the followi.n.g motion: The Board of ,Commissioners, at its meeting on May.11th, having adopted a motion to provide for the sending of the Cheif of Police In a certain meeting or convention at Lexington, and the City Manager, L. V. Bean, having at said time and before the adoption of said motion entered his protest against the adoption of said motion because it interferred with his prerogatives and duties as City Manager, and said objection having been disregarded by a majority of the Board of Commissioners, - I now move that said objection be noted of record by the adoption of this motion. Lost on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioner Pulliam (1) gays; Commission,rs y':Hannin, Lockwood and !iayor Mashburn (3). Mayor iiashburn offered the following motion: I move that the Charges against James Coffee "hog charges against James Coffee Shop, James Holland and Payne & Pugh be filed Jas.Holland ?I Payne & Pugh 7away c•ith leave to reinstate on motion of any member of the Board. Adopted on filed away call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Pulliam and Mayor 4Mashburn (4). Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance Ordinance en -ploy - 1n;?, L cclal ':entitled, nAN ORDINA:CE AUTHORIZING THE P-SPLOY11;INT AND P1i0VIDING FOR THE PAY OF Cowael for tax appeals SPECIAL COUNCLL TO DEFEND APPEALS FROM THE BOARD OF EJQUALIZATION TO THE QUA11T RLY CCU1tT FOR 1036," be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yea::; Commissioner;. llantatn, Loc;c+rood. Pullian and •wayor Mashburn (4). I =.yor «a::hburn offered the follor.ino motion: I move that this regular ! Aniccr..::u•�t n,:eting Le &,.jcurned until 9 o'clock A. !d., Tuesday, ;.:ay 19th, 1530. Ado!,ted on �((j call o.`• the roil.: Yen%; Commla:.loncra Hannin, LocKv600d, i'ulliam ani Jayor Washburn ��-w��"_:.. •`'`;, s•'t.-�... /mor City Cif-rk