HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 538, May 11, 1936No. __ isr.eJnwgtof _._BOA!i OF_ COLSISSIO ERS __ City of Paducah.L KENTUCKY, MAY 11TH, 1936 At a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Coaw,issioners' Chanber in the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., on the 11th day of "lay, 1936, Aayor Washburn presided and upon call of the roll the foLlowl,:y answered to their nazies: C ommissioners Hannin, Lockwood, :felton, Pulliam and �:ayor'Washburn (5). :Unutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read Uayor's Mayor Clashburn offered the followin motion: I move that a copy of / letter a letter addressed to Mr. L. V. Bean, city manager, on the date of April 30, 1936, regard- ing Citypertaining to the intoxication of the city engineer be received, filed and spread Engineer upon the minutes: "April 33th 1936 Mr. L. V. Bean, City .tanager City Dear Sir: Confirming rLlephone conversation with you this date, I am giving you by letter the information that I have received regarding the intoxication of the City Engineer. I It is reported to me that he has been intoxicated for the last several days and has appeared on different projects and jobs in the city in this condition. The source of information suggested that an investigation on the part of employes and others in charge of the projests would verify this statement. Yours very truly, Edgar T. Washburn, ilayor" ft. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Yelton, Pullia-n and :1ayor Washburn (5). City Mayor Washburn offered the follorrlrg motion: I move that the letter 1 ; Itaragcr t� from L. V. Bean, city manager, dated February 3, 19362 addressed to the Mayor and the ,.otter regsrd- Board of Co:::,lsiloaers in regard to raids and convLctLons during the month of January ing raids cc:d a copy of the letter signed by, the _:ayor at the direction of the Board of f Co::.L atc..e:s directing the cit,, :aanager to prefer charges agat:;st the licenses Le received, filed and spread u+o:; the minutes: "February 3rd 1936 11o.:. Edgar T. ihashburn, 2ayor, a::d the City City 8erttc*.�z: Lwtri. ; t: ^.c -ontn of Ja.uury S:'. raids were ,::ade against ga:-.ln, +: the egal aale of whiskey. Of those raids -,ado we fo-_nd 7 who were fo,L:d ;v_:lLty o5,d waived to the gr*.;,l jury, who are in legitlu:a to bu.1:�c+su. For your ls:forratlo:., aad for weft furth6r a,:t.to:: us You d6sire to ta46, I sub:,lt her,:r:il:h :, il:;t of those i' ir_11viduals and thttr ;,resent !.lctc,::•! 1:,.3.. iiaan Tir':6r, 17:.i. n 11q':o: a.4 CG -Lr _.... -ch ; .. .o..y ::otea, i7 .0 h- st: :.t, sisra & Proceedings of B9A3{D OF' CO- --SIO SISNE1Li City of Paducah , " TUC[4C, [SAY 11TH, 1936 _ J. E. Shell, 222 Broadway Cigarette & Cigar license Lydon & Settles, 130 Broadway Cigarette & Cigar license Dexter Howell & M. Levin, Hotel Cobb Basement, 6th & Broadway No license fir 1936 Peacock Garden, 3D23 Broadway No license for 1935 and 1936 Yours very truly, L. V. Bean, ii City 3lanager" f H. "February 3rd 1936 i Hon. L. V. Bean, j City :".anger City Dear Oir: In response to your communication of this date beg to advise you that afteroconference with the Board I have been instructed to say to you for and on behalf of the Board that under the ordinance there is no alternative other than that charges be preferred against the seven persons listed in your letter; said charges to be heard by the Board at its earliest convenience. Thanking you for this report, I am Yours vary truly, Edgar T. Washburn, layor" H. Ado?ted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Loclaeood, Melton, Pulliam . ar_d Mayor Washburn (5). Z'-'t7 ^_'anager'r,Chief ;layor Was$burn offered the following lotion: I ::love that a copy of Bryant's and Nayor Plashbu.rn's letters the letter written by L. V. Bean, city manager, to Chief of Police, Y!. E. Bryant, regarding enforcement on date of February 4 1936 directing said chief of o. motor bus ordinaree �' ' , , g police to enforce the ordinance regulating motor busses and motor coaches and a copy of the letter under date of :Say 9, 1936 to Chief of Police W. E. Bryant, written by the Mayor at the direction of the board, and the letter of the Chief of Police W. E. Bryant in response to the tayor's letter be received, filed and the three letters referred to spread upon the -mutes: "Fc�ruary 24th 1936 Chief W. E. Bryant, ,ucah, Xy Gear Chtci': After diaeussir:g the :::atter of e::forca-e:it of a:: r.;;.,lating the opw•atlo i of _otor buses a:ai ", rr co:.ohas, which was pa..sed oy the Board , of CO:: Judy 15, 119!9 s •. , iL is tu:uer- J.:,;; ordinance h Li ::,:ver b:en strictly :Lscus:.lr'e tho ::at Ler with the CO C.5 tnry are !u ngPgb!ei;t that this or..i .:.:: y__ ,:.:forces to the letter aA you are so Yo rs very truly, V. Bea:., City-tr,ager" H. Proeaediagsof $MRD.9F._�0 �a.I9:_IOC1,ItSi_ _City of Paducah s_�"ALJC_K __� AY 11TH, 1936 _ May 9th, 1936 Chief W. E. Bryant City Dear Chief: On February 24th, 1936, Sir. Bean advised you IV that the ordinance regulating motor buses would be enforced to the letter. It appears that this has not been done and the Board of Commissioners wish to know your reason, if any, for your failure to carry out the City Manager's instructions. Yours very truly, layor" ""day 11th, 1936 4 Aon. Mayor, Edgar T. Washburn, Paducah, Kentucky Dear Mr. Washburn: In answer to your letter of May 9th,1036, regarding the instructions given me by City :tanager, Mr. L. V. Bean, on February 24th, 1936, advising the regulating of motor busses in the city of Paducah. Upon receipt of nr. Beams letter, I immediately notified the Bus Companies, or their representative in the City of Paducah, in regard to ordinance as instructed, but was called into conference with City ;manager, lir. L. V. Bean and Corporation Counsel Mr. W. V. Eatoh, and advised ordinance could not be enforced. Yours very truly, WEB;W. E. Bryant, Chief of Police" Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioncxs Hannin, Lockwood, :ielton and Mayor Washburn (4). ;lays; Commissioner Pulliam (1). Bus Fra-- Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: The Kentucky nchise Hca-�pted,Utilities Company having beco:.:e the purchaser of motor Bus Franchise as provided in by ::.U. _otor nus Franchise Ordinance No.l as amended, and it having paid the purchase price, to -wit: 01600 to the City of Paducah, a::d having, in writing, notified the :iayor and Board of Co=is--ion_ss and th� amity of Paducah of Its acceptance of said franchise, - T_ r;owr-ove that said written acceptance of said franchise bearllig date of '.lay 6th, 1936, an,- sinned Kentucky Utilities Com any by H. W. Watts, President, ba received, filed and spread upor. the ,jSr:utes of this meeting: "To the Mayor and Board of Co=issioners, City of Pads;cah, Ke::tacky, i Gr:r.t �t..;r.•::. curavant to ,:rovi.loc of ::otos Bus Franchise :lu.ibcr 1, a; a.c--Uoi, wh;ch mai :o11 to the undersigned ot, the 4th day Of _ay, 1G;6, .:.u.;.t to ltc t, r.:;s, thu urda:rsigaed as parcraser of said fra::cr;lso it rciy for.:ally accepts said frar-ckise a_.d t17, tvrc:s th rcof, an.i agrccs in all ren;rcts to cozfor: �o ;h.: proTl,aIo., : til r of dur1rg the life of :all fr::..:i:.i:. , ...achy tet;:irJ a:,d uu:lvcrs to the. C!ty of ti:_reof, eviuenec,d by ;:roper plkyVu rjt 1 of t... ._..... bid n;,iait 1a payaDlc to the Lity Treasurer i ry ... ts.'aFztts, r631dG:.°p No.__ 511 Proceedings of _BOARD- OF COS:,MS105L.RS-- -- - - City of Paducah: KENT UCRYA— 11TH. 193fy _ i Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and :layor Washburn (5). Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: I move that the L.V.Bean's letter tol mayor and Board eorrncunicatton und,-r date of April 27th, 1936 from City wanager, L. V. Bean, 'addressed to the :layor and Board of Commissl,oners, be received, filed and spread upon the minutes: "April 27th 1936 Honorable Edgar T. Washbarn, Mayor Honorable George A. Hannan, Commissioner :Honorable Tuttle Lockwood, Commissi,,ncr Honorable Herbert S. .Selton, Commissioner Honorable S. B. 2ulLiam, Cosmissloner, City Gentlemen: In compliance with the provisions of law governing my official duties, I as submitting this communication, together with a statement of anticipated Income, an ordinance p oviding for required tax levies, and an ordinance providing a budget containing your recommendations and requests. These represent many hours of labor and many conferences with your board and several conferences with a citizens committee. I regret that the Board deemed it advisable to increase the rate as shown in the tax levy ordinance. I had sincerely hoped that the tax rate for 1936 could be .,held to the very lowest possible figure. The budget that is b_ing submitted, :I feel, is a truly balanced one in that all anticipated revenue is conservat;vely estim"ted and is not figured as in the pt.st years. It has apparently been the policy in the past years to anticipate more than was knoim to be actually collectable. If this same procedure had been follov.ed it e:ould be pos.:ible to materially reduce the rate for this year, but it certainly would not be sound business. Respectfully yours, L. V. Bean, City Managerff H. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commission rs Hannin, Lockwood,-1e1ton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). City Manager, L.V. Commissioner Lockwood offered the following motion: WHEREAS L. V. Bean discharged Bean has not been elected to the position or office of City Manager of the City of Paducah by the present Board of Commissioners of said city; and, Whereas his services in sucheapacity may be terminated at any time at the will of said Board of CommisNioners: Therefore, I move that the services of said L. V. Bean, as City :!anger be terminated, effective June 1st, 1936, and that he be r:.quested to show cause, if any he has or can, why he should not vacate such office in obedience to the will of said Board of Commissioners. Adopted on call of the roll: Years; Commission_rs Hannin, Lockwood and Mayor Washburn (3). Nuys; Co_-mfllbioL rs Melton and Pulliam (2). ..mar 11ce:.�e Commin 1orr:r Melton offered the following motion: That a llcenr.a to- r_rmit the retailing of be -or and light wines to the following a -nlleant be received and 111cd anal to ld until the next rL:g,zlar m vtLng for final action. Taylor's Barbeque :Mand, by Roscoe Meadows, 1819 Bridge St., iiecreatian Ptrlor, by itay V. Green, 1:;9 So. 3rd St., A --opted on c.-il of thu roll: Yea;,; Co.:.a,L•.:,Lon_ra Hruutin, Loekrood,-Viton, Pulliam a4 ..ayor ia9:burn (5). Proceedinsr of HOABD OF W�4LIISSION 1i5----- City of Paducah YS NTUCKY, SPAY 11T4,_ 1936 _ Commission r Hannin offered the following motion: I move that an Ordi- ordinance entitled, "API ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AND FIXING THE nanca amend- RATE OF COMPENSATION FOR THE CITY `TANAGER OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, WHICH WAS ing City ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF PA UCAH 014 JANUARY 1ST, 193411, be Manag.r salary adopted. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Mayor , Ord. Washburn (3). Nays; Commissioners Melton and Pulliam (2). Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the Chief of communication from the Kentucky Municipal League, requesting that Chief of Police Police author ;;. E. Bryant, .rho is President of the Kentucky Peace Officers Association, be allowed ized to attend to attend said meeting, be received and filed and.that said Chief of Police be Peace Offices authorized to attend said meeting and to draw from the fund of traveling expenses of me.ting the police department to defray his expenses. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood and Mayor Washburn (3). Nays; Commissioners Melton and Pulliam (2). Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the contract Park - rite between the City of Paducah and the Parkrite Corporation, which has been duly Meters executed by the proper officer of the City of Paducah and the Parkrite Corporation, be contract received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwooc L!eltay Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). Mayor Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the petition Pi:tlte4, against signed by residents in the neighborhood of 27th & Tennessee street, or 27th street J.::. Per - a -es and the Old Mayfield Road., protesting against the issuing of a license to J. M. Icer ell Perkins for the sale of beer, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeae ca..� Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Me ton, Pulliam and Mayor Washburn (5). ect'_tion Mayor., Washburn offered the following motion: I move that the petitlon rc•co-�:rd of residents in the neighborhood of 27th street and the Old Mayfield Road, recommendin Ing c _ r license the granting of a license for the sale oibeer to J. M. Perkins, be received and J.M.Per- filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton kins and Mayor Washburn (4). Nays; Commissioner Pulliam (1). Commission r Melton offered the following motion: Application for J.M.Prr- kine Is- license to sell at retail beer and light wines by J. M. Parkins, 27th & Mayfield sued Road, having been introduced on May 4th, and consideration thereof deferred, I now beer li- een_e mo -:e t at p:rmit or license for retailing beer and light wines to J. M. Perkins, 27th a & t" yfiald Road, be approved and license be issued upon payment of the amount of li^.cnse fcc. i'doptad on call o; the roll: Yeas; Commission rs Hannin, Locicrood, 3 Velton a:4 Mi yor l'razhburn (4). hays; Commissioner Pulliam (1). i soaring .!:.yor 'iiashburn o fercd the folloaing motion: I move that charges � t�- azal::st J.mos Coffee Lhop, J. Holland, Payne & Pugh be continued until May 18th. N&Y 18 Ado tod on call of the roll; Ye;;:,; Canilsslant�rs Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, Pulliam and 'lays u;, si.c z (5). On mottor meeting adjou--n.;d to ;meet st a:00 o'clock P.U., Tuesday, May 12, 1536. e VCItrk /Mayor