HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 518, April 6, 1936NO. - Proceedings af— City ofPaducah -!---- At a reL,o. Lar xetL-r of till u0- :,, of CO !-, 10--1 z; h, id j_ the. Co Chnibor :it -:OJ o'clock P. .'., o.. the 6th day of IJCG, fO-;oWf�., 0 :r L c. r.nJ ulon of the roi. t Co 1 11anainp -,oc1c.,.,00d, -e: ton, Pu: :tan and ::ayor 1.7abhburn (b) Lea of the nrevious -zzoctings were ado.,teu ar rend. Co r oii,l, I -v, t11%t I'l i - o lo be for "-7 --,orgency that ..-.y Lr-ue by re,%so.; of %..t1cZ,;. ,.:.i hl. 11 t i:.:.t b z..a:,orlzed to v!c, r- u -Lt io. to -A for o of b -1-o-"d on, cal'_ of th, :oil: o 00::c0011, . 't to.., Pal !a- and . ;z.yor -;,&shbar.-. (5) . Co o;.Ew . , Lo:: oifered the fo!'Loatg ::;otlon: That a '.Lc::.se to h.o: _1' - .d ; LLht w1r;Ls to the fo, 1w;Ii-g ag?itcar-t u.io:. ,ro o City T:-casurer be a,proved: Dick Tucker's Place, by Dick Tucker, I..'S Ky. -kvc. L of the roll: Yeas; Co.,.A-z-ioryrs oc;..-ood, :eLton, Pulli�-. or ..a5.,burn offerad the folLo,.,.,_nu: aotlo:-.: The facts bwvi..: b -e.. _ted to t-.,- ,:..ib,rL of th% Co,iAs Loti th,-t the EUCMLILy Service 6ociety is dircctL..L of or-ers for food supplies to designated merchants In thr city and cort,,-I-, .-,erchants that th,y are being discrLAnated ag: L-.st oy such ractice; f"ws used for the of' said grocery OV CrS CO -4:,g f: -O... t . ta.t of the citizens, L .ov(, 04 -at - z on': -.,i be tills y or., d a�i.. •�iv,ctcd to dism-tUme ti )mxtice and o!-, o, i, LL -- I 'o o(,,e ry store in the city of Paducah, r) ;i y Service -Iocicty the city of 2i incz his :.o Lcc �oclety. Ado:.tea oii czI - 1. of the: ro Lo :.and "layor 1;17ashburu (4) :'ays;Co-4.PuILiam (1) your o of Loi.: Corbett I J* 'o- :I J. o 1%, o..e tt c Lty for t, rs 0.. :Ch W,tCL' ..1r, L. I hi o '!h, o; 6 !:.ch maLr. o.i n�- I. d til, City of .y ',nr Uy:lrz.. r NO. Proceeding. fL'-QA"-' Oi CO City of Paducah main on Clark Street fro.: the end Of the ...+..r teiflj cr- PDXI-IiLtIy fo'.Ir 4ui,dred (4J101) fc(:t. And the City of Paducah ; a: bLids Itself by the adoptlon of tli.13 .:-Otion to czy the hydr,,..,.t v i.t_! o'IrL :, it. the fr-mise of scAd .,;..tcr ;o0r:cs u:ci to _y th.- :x7 - r a., aL:,o wov-1 :.d sL L,! francliLse, sai- to co. t la.- have bear. Vt -n, 0! . , I tho has b��i. tu -,t Into s, C. Lao "Lc.� a C� 1 1 . the ro_!.: Yeas, i,Go �oc%;;ood, _cLtO.',p e.:!Ai:­ and -yor ';,'as!:burn (5). Co..,.Lton offered the fo o.i*-. ..Or lo.;: A:: o c -;,CTI. G T111; CITY ':A !AGER 01- THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY,2. 0 •tc UM ZIX THE 1!;:CiLJf.L; It TO J.1_:Ti.U: L.7 OTOi: 0 YFUI-CHISE AZJTHOUI Go,11 BUSSES OVEA A.7D U410i: THE STIR_-�_TS, AW -UES A.D i,U_,T.1C I.: Ti''' ,_-TY OF ?,1 DUCAH AILD FIXL:G THE LALS AM Of THL EYLiMSE OF CHID GC,'. :T'°, .,.hich wc s !rtroduced at the regular mcetin5 of the Board of Co.n,iisLion:rs oi. ticit :Oth lcy of --arch, 19861 and having laid over one week 11-1 its Coizldlated form,- I now _OV0 that said orclInance be adopted. Adooted on cz.L! of the roll: YcL:s; li Co ..issioners Hannin, Lockwood, '!eLtoii, Pulliam and :payor Washburn (5). :Iayor Washburn offered the following i.,otioa: I '.rove that an Barkley ordinance .,:titled "A7. ORDI:;ANCL ;11L!E.:G THE RIVER FRO::T PARK Az: THE A.,KN W. ARKLEY PARK, AIM PROVIDING FOR 1LACL:.G Of A :ROPM1, Vii�.rt r:; THE: T W. BAiiKlfiSY ?ARK", be ado-pted. Ado)ted on call of the roll: Yeas; Hanni,), :,ockwood, ..eLto--, an .,:ayor V:ashburr. (4). ,lays; Cc LL :., r ..:.-.yet- 17ushbura offcr,d the fo; lo..i.,; ot 1 a; : r .-Ovc that t-n's lett.r fro.. the ",.-­Fc:.ocrat cnc4osI_,Z Ji LL for ba!;,. cc. ditc. lro , tin. city of Paducah _..io_z:.tLz � to ;.6:11..75 be rccelvcd a."A fl Led, ;--d th-, C _ty -,r;_,:-,(__, be inrtracted to give this :..ctter la. cdiate attei-tion.. on cc of the roi. ,YCLZ; Co -._As::* oncrc Ha";,I,i, L,ockwood, sclton, Pu'- -d yov Oa ;..otion meeting adjourned. cliC!Crk