HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 508, March 16, 1936ti0. -- L^""t'_` OF C0:_;iI:?` T�:i-' MUCKY V..RCH .LGTH 1936 Proceedings of__ �� . ! � _.. -. _ City of Paducah.= . t: _. _'. �� _? At a rc; NO.__�0 ---- Proceedings of_ ..-'7?.10 0_; _C0 : (7i,: City of Paducah,rC f:TOfKY, �CB 1',.1.956 ^! .. 20-: vI 1;ON:Y i. .::1011 y �5 To Her- L. u, CLty -:tic ;or, a ;d the Soar.: of Co_;.,..is 4 Paducah, KC•ntilc :Y, Gentlemen: / I Coi,es !lerr:an Karnes, John B. Davin and Boyce P.crrya:an, who -ertofore selected and-sviorn as the Board of Equalization for the Clty of Pr.^.icah, _or t.i:c pur}ose of equalizing the asse:z;ments of praperty in the City of Pr..? s.i ject to local taxation for the year 135G, and submit the fot o..;, ,. + _ l the Z;ross asses,ments of real and pf rzonal property, and v.1 --o thy; u, cr...-..rs u�cr:"re th,reof, to -vat:- JJJIJ The followtnS is the assessment madc up ac of Jul; 7.: 's, 1':'5, or j all real ::•operty orned'in the City of Paducah a,d subject to locnl z i,i:t.:, ,white an:; colored, as shovin by the returns on the Lsscasorvs Books, ,, V, , a0 The Board of Equalization havin; carefully coneicirred sold acsesauents ro?ort the follmvInC amounts of increases of said real carate c.as, a::d the following decreaa•c:: therein: Tot:.l c::ount of increa. cs aaie by the Board of Lq_,a.lization........................................ y 859,850.00 Less decreases made by the (Board of Equalization ....................................... 17,185.00 !Vet increase by the Board of j IEqualization .................... ............................ *84£,.65.00 µ Total gross asse.:::ment for taxation in the City of Paducah 'for the year 1956, of real estate...........................w1b,742,955.00 The Board of L ualization also r.rnorts the asses:::"=t of persoi,::L ,,•o::eriy 'I as follows; 1 Tot:l essµac:.cnt of p�r.;onal fn•o•;erty as returned by the Lyses: or _ of July lst, 1955 ............................... :.,.. ; '•, ' ). �.i I The Hoard of i.se _c.ae Lacrcc._. o. _..iii pr_•.rorrl :•rorty a..._ L bcc.,'.L. z5 L:, .. _.. follovrs: Tot - o o: 0:.- 1't, .. t,. aL.,.t1on........................... 3o:,rd of F .. ..•, .................... ............ 1�.:.; .00 ................ .............................. ., J Jal Y 7 .:L, :L iti C,''�"nu X 0.: j i .., ........ ................... I . . . . . . . f _ ........................ ..................................... 1 NO. Proceedings of--- p -_--City of Padu ort. '.'C ro LI: YC'%S3 or .-93hburn offered the follo:-U'G FaOtI011; P. '-7. J- cob!;' % "r:!Ue '�olen, Glen E. ' J. allace, L. G. Oc r:;, .-. ::. the City for an extension of :::.ter or' Tyler Z�ethoaist Church, h. !ong Husbands Road from BridGe str t south approximately 400 feet, and it ap, ).fLtion that said ;,­,Ltjonerz ,�r:cd in r.ritin,, and bind thc%'.- 2C, 10 )-y for -.'t -.t a vice (,uivalent to nr-s for each three �w, r d f'c.et c _ -;i -,.,atcr iains for the po.-iod o -I t*.,c y,c.rj, I jao'.v x0ve thrat the - o- r.ter ';.orks be authorized, eyn. olastiuct.d to extend said street along the llusbaa�'s Road 11sc. of a 6 inch gain from Bridge 400 feet. And the City of Paduct,h agrees and binds itself by the ..otjor to pay the hydrnnt rental Proviifed JIL the franchise of sai, t.io rater main rental as also provii,-d In franc _,iid I I- _.c.- 1,7 --ter r ial ,I -E is bC CZ7, 11 of the coli: YC -,IS; OC!, -:hburn (5). 7r� e r t r of Ars, the follov.drif, motion: Alin :.'illcr P -y o., TL!n',crslcy, rs. _!attic Elder, L. [I. Bra"asta-.-i Gl!r6i,.er, -'ty ,v an i xtQnslon of ,wit -_r ,-,: In - ion,.; :Ionroe str% ;In 350 feet west, approxti,a_t(ly 160 feet west of 19th street, p I i ion 1 U; p,tUL— v-, zl;rct-d Iri .ritinz, -nC. bind .uLvv.l(,nt to u or each z z, a, v 3 oil 'o;xoi%. Lt;" L A. z; or !9th ar t ._.. ;'1: i. :o Lion to 'I h 7 j