HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 504, March 9, 1936P.di,w of,'0:.'t;' Cj' '' ^" = City of Paducaha__ .t. a .,_W,:.r ::•_pili: -' of the Board of Cox pia:Soncrs held In the Cor- _ r:o,._rclCh_, :bcr at th City Hall, Paaucah, {entuc::y, at 2:00 oTclack P. ]i., on the a)th day of 'larch, 1936, ::.yor Tashburn presided and u;:on call of thv roll the folio; ,n. a..,r::cred to their n«u:es: Commissioners Hannan, Lockv:ood, L:elton, Pu'liam or '::as.:!burn (5). "inutes of the previous meetini were adopted as read. Oak p CommisiilaKr Hannan offered the followln!; motion: It appearing that Grove laborers laborers in Oak Grove Cemetery are being paid at the rate of 20¢ per hour, which is mages in- creased below the rate o:pay for similar work in all other lines of employment, - I move that pending the fixing of rates of pay by the apportionment ordinance for the year 10cG, and until such rates are further adopted by ordinance, that laborers employed in Ocak Grove Cemetery be paid at the rate of 300 per hour for their work, and the said pay date fro.:, and including the 1st day of :larch, 1956. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeaf &&&1 Co:zaisslon•:rs Hannin, Lockwood, ',Ielton, Pulliam and iiayor Washburn k5). Cotton &j COm.RiLsioner Lockwood offered the follorang motion: Cotton and askew, skew CC Auditp cert ific�F '.ublic accountants, having completed and ter. ered to the city of Paducah for 19351 their audit of the accounts of the city of Paducah for the year 1935, - I move that Said audit as certified and prepared by said Cotton & Lskew be received and filed. ..dopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, :'olton, Pulliam arvi 2&4yor Washburn (5). CLLvii: Commissioner Lockwood offered the followlue :notion: That a de:d granted Fust deed to i to Czilvin Rust for lot g9, block #5, in the :1ausoleum Addition in Oak Grove Cemetery lot in Oak Gry upon ?roper payment to the City Treasurer be approved. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commis loners Hannin, Lockwood, 2felton, Pulliam and Iayor 1';ashburn (5). Cost;nis;ioner 'felton offered the follorang motion: That a .license to BEC.r licencs_ ::rr-,it the retailing of beer an.i light wines be granted to the following applicant Cotta. Club on proper paynent to the City Treasurer be ap?roved: Cotton Club, by Pete Jones, 109 S. 4th St. on cell of the roll: Yeas; Coma:iseione•rs Harut.ln, Lockwood, :ielton, Pulliam 1 _ayor riashburn (5). Co::_11_"1-'I0CL. Pullla:,; a ferod fhc f0ll0r: tuu motion: The C Lty of Pauucnh h',vir;g received fro.:: J. L. Bc:ven a decd to a certain lot and parcel of r,:cl e::trate for e ,arpose of c.LtabLis'rLng Riverside Drive, arid which proFarty h_ -_S LcCti '_Lctc.: for aFven taxes fa: 41t ; :_01.::1 v.iu::ion, Including the :,roo,_•rty taker, :ncl that tax ex- oner- t.a<e:. ::Ser s:iu -:c_ea for s:.i pur,;oce, of 1695.00, and the proporttonatc li,rtk of 'erat,ions ' 1:1 pro;- rty which was conveyed to t'ra: city of Paeucah is 4370.00, leavin;, a bc:lance Of 085.00, a;: C'4wn by plat and connurict,tton received f o:a th; sold J. L'. seven arid, J. C. Rieke his agent, ::n;: it hrving be:n a part of the con::.c:('rc:tion for ...c: convey- e&ce of Said property to the City of ?t. cah, r+:a: the City c, uLd t.::: w,:e it:; tt.xcs fc,r the year 1936 on so muck of 3ald, property conveyed to the City,- I now ::o v.: !',t tax till when mc: a ::p :or the year 1336 by the City s.galnst suit: pro;,erty, he Q=M*rated to the "tent of 1370.00, anti trIat the CLty collect taxes on the bol"•ncc o^i.y of s4i'. ;:ro.aErty, to -sit: M5.30, and that qL1 tux bills for '.he year 19'b6 he at:ie to co;'X.rm spit_. t:;ia ='sti.s:. Adapted an call of the roll. Yat. 8.= lima ;.d 3ayor 'f+ashburr. (5). F� I Paducah Jwtlor co11 Or.iin.•,.ce repealing o.c.Lzarce - lost 505 Proceedings of BOARD 01 C.? . ' �:.,10ilii;_ City of Paducah, KLHTUCKY, "AP.CH 9, 1'336 Commissioner Pulliam offered the follorwing motion: The Board of Com-aissioners having received and filed a petition presented by 2792 voters of the City of Paducah at its last regular moetLng on larch 2nd, 1936, and provided blot said petition lie over until the reLular meeting of the Coin aiscannars on today, and said petition having re;uested the adoption of "Aid OR:I'AECE REKALIHG AN ORDINANCE rNTITLED, 'AH ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLIE'U'.11',NT OF A MUNICI?AL COLL`GE IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH TO BE iuOMI AS THE 'PADUCAH JUNIOR COLLEGE' AND PROVIDING FO;: THE CONTROL OF SAID COLLI GE BY THE CITY OF PADUCAH, APJi: THE M1,THOD OF SUPPO!vMM AND EIAINTAINING THE SA T1I, '.-iHICH 1.AS ADOPTED BY THE BOA[-,:; OF CO— T' OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH ON THE 27TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1956"; ane: sc,id petition and ordinance having laid over one week as proviued in a motion r(-ceiv.irg the same, - I now move that said ordinance so proposed by said ,)Ctitlon be e-lontcd by the Board of Commissioners. Lost on call of the roll: Yeas; CommLssion,rs Pulliam (1); Nays; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton and Mayor Washburn (d.). Mayor Washburn offered the followin;;:notion: It appearing that Oven :rotor Freight Lines claim allowed the City of Paducah collected license taxes from the Owen Motor Freight Lines ygduring the years 1932 and 1933 amounting to 0125.00 In all, at a time when said was operating under a permit from the State actor Transportation Department, hcarrier Land under wkyich the said Owen Dotor Freight Lines was not subject to local �oceupational taxation, and said account and claim for said payments which were so erroneously made to the City of Paducah having been heretofore assigned by written 4assignment to Miss Margaret B. Owen, - I move that said written a :,i_:vnent, together with a statement of said license tax fees so paid which has been approved by Rudy Stewart, City Clerk, be received and filed, and that the City Treac.urer be authorized and instructed to issue check to ba• countersigned by the City 3Ianager, paynble to B. Owen as assignee to tho amount of y125.00 in settlement of said claim. pp"argaret Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commis_ioncrs Hannin, Lockwood, 'detton, Pulliam and :.layor Washburn (5) . r. C,oiLer�r_ kiayor liashburn offered the followin;; motion:, Herbert S. Collier e ° vL. presente to the Board a siu:et of music entitled, "Welcome to PaJucnh I ::..aries", I :.ove that the Board of Con.aLcst,,ners authorize the :flayor to r.,-Ite Co' -iter an offlclal letter endorsing and approving the c-Wve named song. d cr. r LI. of the roll: Yeas; Comnlssloners :Iz.nn1n, Locir,00d, Belton, Pu11i.,ra Co_.._.. Loner Loctc:ood o'fercd the foLlo:i?:= .:o". en: I .,., r;,;,t n14 OC',t =, City ofPaducah -.-TUCitY,_;'�ItCH_11� 1J26 :..;.yov auburn offered the foliov:lne; notion: I I Ove the adopt.ton of an -- ...'::.ce entitled, "L. OALI:1A.XE iv.GULLTI:�G r.::D GOVi'H,MJG TH6 PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES r - D USED by Tii . CITY OF PLDUCAH IN ALL OF THE D i.R; [-'1TS." Lo --t on call of a t :e roll: Yeas; ' ayor C.asnburn (1) . Nays; Coviulssioners Raim:n, LocFnood,-iclton., llla. (S). Yea; . .yor c;shburn (1). i k On motion mcetirZ adjourned. f L4L I ii Citi Clerk APPROVED ):,IAYOR