HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 495, February 10, 1936Proceedingsof. EOARU 01• CO.'._: 10 :i:jis City of Paducah aKP:JTOCKY,_P BiIUASY i0, 1936_�.�__ A t a regular :acotlag of the Board of Co;,,issloners held in the Co.:,:ia:.loners) Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kcatucky, at 2:00 or: the 10th day of February, 1936, :;:•yor i;,ashburn presided and upon, caLl of the roll the following answered to their ra::es: Com:,;icuim:ers Hannan, Lockwood, ::.elton, � Pulliam and :layor Washburn (5). i t.1 :SLnutes of the previous neetings were adopted as read. Commissioner Lockwood offered the following motion: That a deed Tho s Engram- lot , in 0_ -lc grove granted to Thomas Ingram for Lot ti'44, in Block ii5, it Oak Grove �enotery upon paym•tit of ,*30.00 to the City Trea urer be approved. Adopted on ca Ll. of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, :.lelton, Pulliam and 'Sayor 1,'n::hburn (5). R Beer licenses Conmissioncr >eLtoa o,fered the following motioi:: That n license h;to per.,iit tac retailing of beer and light wires be granted to the follor.ing appLi- cants upon ,roper pay.ueat to the City Treasurer be approved: E. Albri"ton 32nd B'way Scott & Chandler 133 S. 2nd St. Elgie Overstreet 124 Ky. Ave. Adopted on tail of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannan, Lockwood, :1elton, Pulliam and yayor Washburn (5). Mayor Washburn offered the following :notion: I move that the Electric & Gas •'eters Inspector - ordinar, {Corporation Counsel be instructed to prepare an ordinance creating the position of ce creating positioN authorized Electric & Gas :'eter Inspector, whose services will be rendered without charge to the citizens of Paducah. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Co.n_nis_Loners Hannin, Lockwood, Melton, PuLlia:n and ;layor Washburn (5). layer i',ashburn offered the following .notion: I move that the Special Counsel to i represent city in City of Paducah employ special counsel to represent the City of Paducah all all tax appeals tax a;,peals. Adopter' on call of the roll: Yeas; Commis iotr,rs Lockwood, Melton i and _ayor 4iashburn. (3) . Plays; Co mmiss-loners Hannin and Pulliam (`«) . Coai,issloner Yelton offe:cd the follo.:ir.; :%otion: I move that an Fardi.:g Boc.ds Ordinance 1.itro:laced ordic:ance entitled, "Al ORDINA:XE AU1110HIZIPJG THE IS5UA::CG A:iD SAL OF ,BO:.DS OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, K1..IUCKY 1% T111; AGOtI^^•.GATE F_:OUIN01' 0.:1: FIFTY '_,VGUS.:1.D ($} 15;1,000.00) DOLLAHS, UE PROCLGD3 % C;HtCH SHALL B:: v'1A) 10.1 :,:.D OF ::OTU, JUDG:1l.TS h::D C:.AI:'.3 AGLI::ST THL CUY OE PLLUCr:H, 9 K_:1TUCKY, I., A SiKa A::OU";T :J04 OUTSU. Ui:;G VALID ObLIGATI0I:S Of THIS CITY Ol' be introduced, and that the s _.,: re:.aln on f lLe, in its co.r,pleted form b..fore it.; ills! passage. Adopted on. call of the roll. 'Yeas; lis: c_:Ii., Lockwood, .dc Lton, Pu.11iae; Lnt: ','--yor ;,ashburn (5) . 0:. ..,tie:. _• tl.;,a::joar.:r:d. j O l'