HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 489, January 20, 1936Proceedings of BOOR 0: CO:!..[ ._IO... City of Paducah ,KB^4UCKY, JA';UAHY 20, .19Z6 Fish Boat - Action to re-ove authorized Beer Licenses At a regular 13ecting of the Board of COt01issionors h•_Id In the Co.•::sic.:loners ' Chwc.tic.r at the 1-ity flail, Paducah, Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P. :1., or, the 20th day of Ja„uary, 1936, Llayor 'Vashburn 1n•esided and upon call of the roll the following answered to their nares: Commis io'r, rs Hannin, Loc.lwood,-'elton, Pulliam and Mayor Wgshburn (5). ?Iinutes of the previous mectLngs were adopted ao read. Co:r•3ission,r Hannan offer.:d the followtne motion: It appearing that an old structure, referred to a a fish boat, has been placed wlthtn Jef- ferson Street at the river front, and that same is obstructing the outlet of sadd street, and it has bean placed there without right or authority; I move that the City .1arnger be authorized and Instructed to cause to be inst.Ltuted appropriate action or proceedings for the it:..:ediate removal of said fish boat or structure frog said street. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannln, Lockwood, ielton and Pulliam (4) .Jays: Washburn (1). Commissioner Lockwood offered the following motion: That a license to permit the retailing of beer and light wines be granted to the following applicants upon proper payment to the City Treasurer be approved: Hobart Riley 2300 Bridge Rudy Keeling 128 B'way C. A. English 212 Ky. Ave. � J. B. Wilson 620 N. 13th George .zooney 109 S. �'ud H. B. Voor 529 11. 12th St. R. C. 17allace 130 S. 2nd Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissloncrs Hannin, Lockwood, telton, Pulliam and 'zayor Washburn (5). H. R. Hu=.el Commissioner Welton offered the fol'Lorting motion: "ove that H.R. gra:_ted p r:::lsslo..-. to glace st. car o;_ Hun_iel be given permission to place a street car It, the r..ar of his residence property o.. t::e Bla;.dvllle Road, on what wo.,Ld be :1aple Street If extended. Said nor- :,AzLo:: to cease when said street 1, l:aproved and said street car to be re loved b ,,Ithout expense to the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; Corr. issioncrs Hannin, Lockwood, elton, Pul.Liam and ,Iayor i'+ashburn (5). g Corporation Coun_e Coniiic:;:ion,.r Lton offered thn following :rotion: 1 .rove that Instructed to pro- the Corporation Counsel be instructed to brinl; in an or.1tnance repraiing nil pare ordinance to repeal Tenn. St. ordinacce providing for the eonde,mlatLon of a Strcet night -of -way across t e o rd ira race Illinois Ce -ti -r! Railroad yards and tracks at Te::::essee Street, which ord.naz,ce ac,c a,io;rt d i.: Octobo r, 1335. Adopted or: call of the ro1L: Yon::; Corr,Ia' loners Lockwood, _:elton, Pulliam (4). Nays: .ashburr; (1). ...uit.on offercc; the fol .0, i.. ,tion: I cove that a Y % f.'. r:_:Y Or "Iti;UCA1111, be ,.. ,ted. Adopted on call of the 11 .. ., ;.oChwoei,, o.to., .1:,.. ,u:] ..:.yor • ... _ _r_ .O r' oat Call :_q:.; Proceedings City of Paducah—K-0211CKY,__iARUARY £0, 1936 _ Con- Co:amissionvr Hn_L'tin offered the folloi'.'ing e;otion: I -hove that the Tunica- tio.n-coc:Tunlcation from the Minister and Trustees of Burk's ChapelChurch be received and Chapel filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Hannin, Lockwood, .lelton, Pu'_11am and :.;ayor rashburn (5) . On potion meeting aijourned. krO=TFD -kht—) 1 ,l936 V J � r At a call m etin;: of the Board of Com:;ission,,rs hold in the Com- gN' :nlssiorc_•sv Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 11:00 otclock A. 1.1., on 4 the 23rd day of January, 1936, Mayor t'iashburn presided and upon call of the roll the :'ollonin- answered to their names: Coumissioners Hannin, Lockwood, Wetton and 'Mayor .';ashburn (4). 3;ayor 'Mashburn stated reason fo call, to -wit: For the purpose of acceotinz deeds of right-of-ways on different projects, and to transact any other business that may come before the meeting. r.yy ° Coc<,aissiorar Hannin offered the following. motio::: That a deed be - ,rated to harry L. Peak for the south j of Lot it6, in Block #5, on Stewart Street in '.ot . 0"ry the ._ausoleum Addition in Oak Grove Ceiietery, upon prooer payment to the City Treasurer be approved. Auopted oa cal'.. of the roll: Yeas; Co.n"Ls:Lo.,.,, rs Hannin, i,oci::rood, :Ielto= a:d ..:iyor 'Was"burn (4). Co.a:alssio:_r ..:eltor. offered t,.e foLlowinr .:.otion. I .:;ove that a 'or iceae to sell intoxicating liquors by package be gra,,tcd to L. A. Graham at 6:4 license: S:o.:dway, upon the :,ay:: at to the City Treasrrer of the proper a..;ount therefor and u.or, the apg-oval of Bond as required by ordinance. hdopted on call of the roll: Co.:..i:.::.c.. r:. :I,..._ 7., Locknood, -Belton and :,:ayor Washburn (4). Ordi- ' yon i o.fered the fol LowLng. motion: I :.:ove thf:t an ordinanc CC . ._:;G L`':.D FF%Ol F. W. KATTzRJOH1 TO HIS U.: l'; !- 0:'E -HAL Y .. :... , .,, lr, AVL[ UE BETWEEN FOURTH A :D F IFTi. L 7.1 ..,. .'AY.::.:T THEREOF," be adopted. Ado„ted on call Co ..;..... is.. , '_oci.:ood, .".01 tor. 'I :•i , or (4) ../ .,.. .burr: o;fered thi: 3'h r,;,:., Gi;o:.: ov- t,.;t nn ordinanc. ;DG q .. iii V. Jq;, .JG.