HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 439, June 17, 1935Terms of enbers of Library Board definitely stated. Proceedings of `r'__O!_r'D OF (:0`.'.'Si.:<fOtil•'R.: ____ City of Paducah KFNTl1GKY June 17t;l, . 1 At a regular mcetin; of the Eoard of Co•,.miss;ioners held in the N 1 Coanissionc•rs Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky on the 1.7th dny of 1 June 1935, at 1:00 orclocl: P.:!,. '"ayor Scott presided and upon call of the roll the follo:•tin,� arsr;ered to their names: Commission„rs Bauer, Brad:;i±aw, ftinl.cy, v shbura and :.layer Scott (5). :linutes of the Previous meeting were adopted es read. ?ayor Scott offered the fo.l'lo•win; motion: It r.ppearinr• frons the minutes of the mcetin^s of the Legislative Body of the City of Paduc;+h, ru rrning ba.c'r. over a period of approximately 15 years, that the memi:ers of the Board of Trustees of the Carnegie Public Library have been appointe9 in -,uch ;vny as not to definitely indicate their terms of office, but it furth,r ±Qne,rin,r fro- the arpointmonts that the terms as provided by law of the vnriollC rceordinr7 to the dates of expiration of their respective terms are as folloras: Urs. Helen Rieke December 10, 1935. Mrs. F. L. Richardson December 10, Mr. W. J. Pierce December 10, 1936. Mr. Chas. Weille December 10, 1937 Mr. A. R. 1yers December 10, 1938. And it further appearinr; that the lar, requires that said 'Trustees shall be appointed for definite and certain terms, and to serve for definite m.riods of time. I now move, in order to clear the records and to make dcflnite certain the dates of expiration of the terms of the membars of the are=ent Board of Trustees of Carnegie Public Library, that the names of said Trustees i and the dates of expiration of their terms of office shall be; as follows: ?rs. Helen Hie'.ce December 10, 1935 Mrs. 11. L. Richardson December 10, 1935. Mr. W. J. Pierce December 10, 1936. Mr. Chas. C:eille December 10, 1937 Mr. A. R. ;dyers December 10, 191;8 Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Baker, Bradshav:, Ripley, 1"n2hburn I I and Mayor Scott (5). Exonerations Commissioner Balser offered motion thot exonerations• So. 383 to 259 -Z incl.ucive be r".0,ived :!nd filed, and that the amount of c 573.12 be e:onerr.t:d on the tnx bills rs shown on said exonorations. AdOPtc•; "a call of the roll: Ye -ns; lssioner•, Baker, Bradshaw, Ripley, Washburn and .',�,y.lr Scott (5). Coar-.iSCioncr B.^.'.;cr offered the follo'.r, The 'ru•�.ters of the :acsb, lnlovrr, ar, Trtctce^ of - _ r:- Chrirtl•!, Church of ::uta. d and delivered to :'.rs. _ta: 4: I1;; le"> i to a ,.art 1.5 of Oa:; Grove Cemeter-,, ir: 3 t oil Mf)ry Str, et asia ,rd Ly direction ^l c lde of 'ot of c:rotnhd 14 f• loll ;'i the gent: .,nid d•.; ;'Y �c c"wrr - ro shoe: i NO. . 44-0 Proceedings of—.--- _0:___.::_ ,;: 1'.t_;=: __ City of Padutahy_: � ,a .Iun� 17tb,,_19W!__ Coe i:::ion^r r- -r offered t.l-,c followlnn mot Lon: The Trustees of the e C::•..::_I; .Pnr '. o ".udc i:, :.nov-r. as Trustees of tite Firnt Chrintian Church of ;0 p x ':, c ':'.c : : ,.d d.ol.ivered to :1rs.'T:illio '.lay Evitt.a p decd to a ?art of c e: :ntit: Block 16 of Oak Grove Cemetery, fronting 18 feet, more or less on ^ary rove::. _ czt and c%tendtig back in an rastwardly direction 32 feet to the East side of _..-i lot, and bein4 a strip or plot of :;round 18 fe-t, pore or less, in width try S2 feet, more or less, in length off of the South end of said lot. I move that s:.id deed be approved and that the Cemetery Records of Oak Grove Cemetery be corrected to show the ocarership of said strip or plot of ground as belonging to I� Y'ars. Tillie :;ay Evitts. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Ce•nmissioners Raker, Bradshaw, Ripley, `iiashburn and Mayor Scott (5). Seer M ComAss•loncr Ripley offered motion that a license to permit the licence V retailing of beer a.nd light urines be granted the follo,ving applicant upon pnyment of the nroper amount to the City sreasurer be approved. Turnertb'Restaurant 130 South 2nd Pdooted on c%11 of' the roll: Yeas; ComriiFsloners Baker, Bradshaw, Ripley, '...saturn :..nd 'layor Scott (5). t :nc :Iayor Scott offered motion that an Ordinance entitled, if AN ORDINANCE "JI at - sale R'°GULATIKG THIALr. OF BEER AND LIGHT YiBES IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, ?MNTUCKY AND of :.acv C .. PROL=IDI'M A LICE:7SE VLMFOR, AND PROVIDING FOR REVOCATIO-LJ OF SUCH LICENS;: UND4.R I!.1 CC :1 - _'_:S, far) ?ROVIDING 'E,• 4LTIBS FOR VIOLATION THEM,M- F", be ado—)ted. A opte: on call :i t: -.o roll., Yeas; Commissioners Ba4er, Bra+tshaw, Ripley, ash.burn .yor Scott (a) , j On motion the meeting adjourned. Gr/f r, APOPTi., 3.y 1E1 5, Q -Lt-- G, ,