HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 38, April 11, 1932NO. . i:c; .a._.. IProceedings of C'---._. -C. _T i .'=.+--_—City of Padaeah ti'.*1iJt:i.X AR"1 11th —3-932- At 93 At a regular -:seting of the Board of Cor;ricsinncrs hold in the �.r'ciasioners' Ohar.,ber in tlxe City Nall building in the. City of Pac'.uenh, iCr.ntueky, at ^:^in o1cloch P.M. on the lith jay of April, 1032, Wayor Acott nrc3iicd and upon enl.l of tl,c roll the follocrinz, ans:rore,' to their names: Corracispinnors Block, •srndc*a'a, Felt, Rlelco and Mayor .:•cote (5). ',tinutes of the nrcvious mestinZ aero adopted as read. Llayor Scott offered motion that ^.am D. Dalboy be appointed a ?.ember of the roard of Park Co--Issioncrs to fill the vacancy in said Board caused by the death of l.r. il..., pie'ro, said appointment to take effect upon his qualifying as required ty las. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradsha'a, jolt, Riol:c and L'ayor Scott (5). Mayor Scott offered motion that the co manication from the Board of ''ztention of the City of Paducah, bcorinC date of March 31st, 1932 togothor with the certified copy of the resolution mnkinL, levy for school purposes for the year 1932 be, received and ,filed; and that said resolution so rskinC and fixing said tax levy for school purposes at T•ighty (x`0.80) Cents on ea— One Fundred (,''lCO.CO) Dollar valuation of property subject to school taxes for the, maintenance of public schools, nn9 !llneteen (:;0.19) Cents upon the One Tlundred (:'100.00) Dollar valuation of such roacrty for the purpose of crentinr, a Sinking Fund and osying interest upon the -.-ol bends ars ^071133 the obligations of the Board of Education, be spread upon ninutr.e r` '::"is Board Tic '-Ir, 'ins* resolution, are a part of the minutes of the regular rwoting -. ..., ,.-tion told Thursday ni71-t, Lurch ;ilst, 1932. by the Board of Education of Paducah, Kent+acky that there - - - - o,od ant", levied an ad valorem tax of ei3l,ty cents (30$f) on :: real and ncr^onal property of the City of Paducnh, Kentucky .nr 1032,the sas:e bein< necessary in tt:e onlnicn of tl:r, '.r - lient.t to ororluce for sai t yonr of 1932 the total ralse�'. to ❑rrnport and malntain the Public Schools of les^ t'c o!1t1:-r to- num to bo received fro. tl":e State of P(luention of Paducnh, Kcntuc'•y, that there ' va101-c-3 I.ax u—n all the rant. and personal pro9orty nub.lect to taxation for i,1 n y,r.r ]932, of not: .•.non the ", 100.00 vnlun•t:lon of acid property, sa,cc is%G run(] ror nnymrnt of Inn in oft 1,e Cite of Pn lea?; , . ,0atod Jnnunrti 15, 1920 rind .Tr,mrnry 15, 192r,, -_ •goat on said bonds .:u arrrl n❑ der..' c:ll, Prosident of the t:oarrl of roucr,ti.'nt of Socretnry, do hcrr:by r rtt^J t n4 t-.-, fore- `; tro Board of Frtucat i .,, of ?rv•ue-` Fr .tachy, night, l:nrch 31st, 10: cr: a i;, •.::'!issionrrs of said city for tl:ctt,+r..t.ion 1' - i' D..:. r N0.2.88e- 32 ^ "T'-_' _T--- , f ' _ City of Paducah_iZ=._9_ r Proceedings of -&.;•_ - - __- _— - nr it 1 ]]Lh 1632 State--_nt. of mayor £cott offered motion t1;at tt,a CI:nLcment of t}•:r. anticif oto,:: antictcntc1 revenue:, I,.,- revenues of the cit;; of Pnducnt: for t`e year 103.', 5o roco7.vc^i and NIM and spread. .^.elver? 0110. filed upon :},e-inutec of thin Donrd. sprsai: aeon tI,c minutes. „T ;r 1^� ��. 'r YF,"-R 1032 Frnnchiccc.................................. ...... '7.7,?.30.00 Bnek Taxes ......................................... 42,500.00 Penaltio=.......................................... ":!'I.00 Poll Taxes..................................... I... 3,,-,00.00 Oaneral License.................................... 45,0-0.CO Automobile L7co^.cc................................. 20,000.00 i.'arket Pause................4...................... 1,000.00 Dog, Licensos...........................4....4...... 1,000.00 Riverside Poe lt^l.................................. 33,COO.O0 Onk Grove Cemetcr... ................................. 2,000.00 Ii Gal: Grove burials...................4.............. it 2,500.00 Police Court ....................................... 4,250.00 Bulldin3 Permits................................... 300.00 CityScales........................................ 650.00 Street Department .................................. 300.00 Se-cr Department ................................... 500.00 Sundry Collection^ ................................. 500.00 P,nnlc Taxes......................................... r ;00.88 Tobacco Taxer...................................... .,OC InsuranceRobnte................................... 'I Interest........................................... .0.00 Ad Valorem tax on 1032 t,ssesr.r; nr C %; 1.50 less Anticipated Delincnenc:ies 2e6,250.82 407,1124.70 School Improvement 15ondn Tnycs levie,i for Bonds and Intcrcat e 18d ^E,Fl;�l.tr3 "el,nol Bonrd Bnd!:<!t in,t.i ted, inc7u• t-,•, 4 Fr+va lornm to:: of : 0.80 to be colloetc-, nr.:i,^i.i over Ly tie city . TOTAT I r roll: Y,:ns; Co- vt_.., .,:, 1,i-, i I 211:,. yry; !, ait•stcr of nl na,.m to the £trect 1Cpart!Mrd. NO.. Proceedings of '= n CO T —_.... _ . City of Paducah 'acort o. _cr felt offcrol i.c;',i n 1n1: L'he renort ,f Ftri ci for ^1nnrh*.cr 'Iry 1, - ^�rt for `. ,+~ 'or 1 -bee Fire ;..:a a•tn:ent be rccci•rr:; nn' "i:l r 4nnted on re-ceivc - ... n fIlc;ip csll e'' :L•n '1: Yoga; Cnr ie^icncrs 'locl!,.Rrnds'a., ^olt, `q•',: nn'; 'nyor colt (5 nyox Scott orferod motion t1 nt an orrlln­iro o e.ntitlocl .. nr PCIT 7-: rr .' i, .1 i "-.1 la, -cd over for nne. -rccl: in It:: co:^.,].cted fal— .. '+^lc'' on cnll o^ 17-c roll: Ycss; Coaionors 31o1:!r, •:or Fcott . (6). ..dopticYnyor Scott offrrrd the. following motion: An ordInancc entitled " All of the pnorticn ^•.-7_;,l pT 'TyTO '�F'- I,pPO,rI:.)'"..LLS'T OF TAr 11i7BI•IC FUNDS OF TTT" CITY OF PF.?IC"F! FOR T,-. •::ent rQinnrr_ YEAF lXW' havin•_r been introduced an,1 lryed over, in its completed form for one r q I Herr r..ove ito adoption. Adopted on. call of .the roll: Yean; Com•^isnionerc Bloc'-, Bolt.. and Scott .(4) - days;. COmnirSien^_rs Rielco (1). - � Mayor ^colt ,­,r.d notion trat a Resolution entitled -PCi rT? r• 'C'.T'r.r, •. _Ir?.... .Cf_... 70'O. -^T, 'R^ F. F..T.TT .NY,. C 'V7, introduced and lay over ore week. Adopted on call of the roll: Ycas; -.issioners Block., Bradshnr*•, holt c•nd "nyor Scott (4). Commissioner Rielco present not votin. J On motion the neotinZ ^d jcurned. P 61' 1032 4,11-If416. :'n; -or