HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 278, December 4, 1933Proceedings i ; __ Ciey of Paducah_iSr Lin Oec-otlbcr—�lth , 19..—_ At a regular r. tin;; of the P,onrd of ComTicaioners held in the Cc-missionera+ Chnnbor in the City hall, Pnducah, Kentucky at 2:00 o+clock P.11. on the 4th'day of December, 11;33, 1"ayor Scott presided nod upon call of the roll the follorina answered to their names: Coamissionerm Block, Bra,'ahs•r, Riel!e, as urn and t!ayor Scott (5). Minutes of the previous moctings were adopted as read. t",rsl•o11 i'nyor Scott offered motion that the Comr.iscioner of Finnnce be authorized Jones sllc.:ce to pay 1'.arsha2l Jones, Court Reporter of MoCrncken County Circuit Court, $ 23.00 P3.00 In case of in the cnse of 11. F. Fisher against the City of Paducah, for transcript of the f.9.Fisher evidence and cony thereof and that some be chnrged to Costs and Suits in the �f DeDnrtrlent of Public Affairs. Adopted on enll of the roll: Yeas: Com,^issioners Block, Brndshaw, Rieke, '7ashburn and Mayor Scott (5). T.S.Gorder{ Co=issioner Rieke offered motion that T. S. Gordon be exoner^ted from exonernted eros; pollplying the no71 tax charge of r. 1.50 on Tax Bill #194e- for year 1933, ss he has been x - de ceased. dead since "arch 17th, 1932. Adooted on call of the roll: Yens: Cor-issieners Block, Erndshaw, Rieke, "fnshburn and :nyor Scott (5). Commissioner Rieke offered motion that T. A. Lnwrenee, ,111400 Atkins Ave., be exonerate•', from the poll tax charge of $ 1.50 penalty 15� and interest 03y/, a total of £ 1.68 which has been collected on Tax Bill //6511 for year 1933, and that the Cornissioner of Public Finance be authorized to refund said amount of ' 1.68 as T. lAiwrenco died during the yoor of 1931. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke, Washburn and Mayor Scott (5). Co-nissioner Rieke offered motion that C. F. Champion be allowod his salary of 25.00 for the first half of November 1933, bnme having been omitted fro.^ the regular payroll, and that the Commissioner of Public Pinnace be authorised to nay same by check for arount of :" 13.00, and the remainder of 12..00 with 7 _nOuen"n Tn�'.ustrics Certificates, and charge to the llenitl• Deu»rtment fund in the i:epertment of Public Affairs. Adopted on call of +-he roll: Yens: Co—issieners Block, vradshsw, Rieke, ';•shturn and ?'nyor Scott (5). Ccr--1^_3ioner Kielce offeredmotion that the bill of T. 1!.Stevens for amo!trt of ? 12.F9 for a lend of hay delivered to the City stables be allcried, name hsvlr.- teen duly r,. -;proved for allowance and onyment, nod that tPe Co---issioner of Pul.lic Finance be nut'norize,' to nay sn•-e and charge to the !'troet Loenrt-ent in tie Lo-Artment of Atblic 7orks. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens: Co^-issioners r.lo^.'r, Fra ion:a, F.1eke, 'Tashturn nrA Mnyor Scott (5). Ce'-:isslorer Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of cui:•11c Finnnce he to ony two Peeples 1lntional. Junk the nme�tnt of c. 17.50 for one m n +s a -r,,te for :'' On,04 execute! by ".eCity t o said bank .. •red on cal.'. of ,^.e rnl.l• Yean• ",rA isaione.ry Mock, •r*.!ls'•flr, ..-. ., :rr. .. �,r .,:t.t r''). -i.malcw-r 71011c TP1n­1V1. .- ... - - •e:: ser ir,sr ,,.. .+,1 9rnk, 1[wa•ie.: =:n.._bt^. _, 're•;:t.sf, � .. .:.' ' �6M .l Let'!f 3II'. :a FCerfl :ax^Oiln,rti nn ,'or the 11 V NO. Pn om 279 Proceedings of_U4T7 POaPD (c_ irr' rPfT.- P" City of Paducah I(FPITIJCKY December 4th, a �. Pro -rata of I Co:renissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public tar. collec- tions for II� Finance be authorized to drori a check on the Genrrnl Fund in favor of the First month l:ovomber 193.; National Bunk, Lb ,ayfield, Kentucky, Treasurer, Paducah Board of 1:ducntion, for allorled Poard! of Fducntionl amount of 5560.10 in settlesient of the Pro -rata duo, on General Tax collections N for the xonth of November, 1933. Adopted on call. of the roll: Yens; P I! Commissioners Blonk, Dradshnw, Rieke, Washburn and Mayor Scott (5), P. Twelfth ij Commdssioner Rieke offered motion that the amount of ',F33.34 be allowed monthly installment I from the General P1und to nay the twelfth monthly and final instnll.ment due alloyed the Ponrd of December lot, 1933, on the aeount of ''a 10,000.00 nnnropriated by resolution for Trnde the nurooso of advertising the Trade, Manufacture end Commercisl Resources of the City of Pnducah, less a deduction of " 4(10,(10 for Booster Certificate stickerl purchased durin7. the current-yenr, end that the Commissioner of Public Ftnnnee be authorized to dram a check for the net amount of ". 433.34 payable to the Paducah Board of Trade, said amount to be expanded under the direction of the I Mayor, Commis inner of Public Finance and the Secretsry of the Pnducnh Board of yTrade. Adooted on call of the roll: Yess. Co-missioners Block, Bradshaw, j Rieke, and'Yayor Scott (4)'. Nays;'Commissioners 3ashburn (1). Report of ;! Commissioner :7ashburn offered motion that the report of '7. F, Bryant, Chief of Police for Chief of Police for the month of November 1933 be received and filed. Adooted month of j November, on call of the roll: Yeas: Com lssioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke, Washburn iand Mayor Scott (5). N Report of Commissioner •'+oshburn offered motion that the report of Thos. Kin City Toiler for November Jailer, for the month -of November 19? -7, be received. and filed. Fdooterl on call o_^ the roll: Yens- CO"IssiOner3 Block, Bradsh wn, Rieke, '"ashburn end ".'nvor Scott -5 Votion to 'Commissioner 17ashburn offered motion that the Com-Issioner of ^ublic 16cate four ;odic Safety be nuthorized to locate four p,iblic hydrants, for tie ournose. of enabling h­drnnts in City nernons in the City of Paducah, unable to pay for anter, to secure •anter, cost of pawed. sane to t:e charged to the Charity Account of the Department of Public _ nfety. Said hydrants to be located as follows: Ztzo on the Nort)T side of to,. -,n and two 9 on the Soutn sido. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Coms.lssioners clock, Bradshaw, Rieke and ''nshburn (4). Nays: }"a -;or Scott (1). Cnt!on nw! Take- annotnt•el to •xa-t.ne bboks , s c(or)m s etc., of prerd r J dac s'. i n. { Wnyor Scott offered motion that a resolution entitled A n k grr�rtt•rI!''".i ?PPOPITI'.<G COTTON AND ESKE'Y 0 Tf'tj.­TTT'�, IfP'i"UCYY, 1, t.r"M1`1TJ:^TS TO ;:vA.NT"F ^_'" L'Or•Er, , ^CCCiJII.'S- Al1D VPTTCPFPr 0 q-cr. - r' - i lir. • •, It•" rn '•r n1�AN, ."It.e'. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens; ,I isnlnner= Rlnc1., nn•1 Nnyor Scott (5), Cr motlrn 9e ;^r., tiac r..Lja�rned,