HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 268, November 13, 1933NO.. Proceedings of _. _ _�" _� ... _ _. - City of Paducah i:"i:TlICRY, November 1^:ii. At a re-ulnr meetinU of the T3esrd of Commissioners 1•,eld in the Commissioners' Chamber in t?,e City tinll, Paducah, Kentucky at 2:00 o'clock P.1.1. on the 13th day of November 1933, i'nyor Scott presided and upon enl.l of the roll the Tolle^i nns•:eered to their nines: Commissioners Block, Brndahnv;, Rieke, '7nshburn and mayor Scott (5). "inutes of the previous nreetim_s were adoptedas read, Commissioner Rieke offered motion that W. L. Duhn, x'1131 Brond- ".i.::ubr. ;way, be exonerated from a double assessment on his Tax Bill 1'1406, for year 1933, as Jexenernted ' on tax the snore property has been assessed on Tax Bili ,jl407 in the name of Dunn and Lnmb. bill ;1406; 11 Adopted on call of tl•.e roll: Yens: Cowniasicners Block, Bradshaw, Gieke, '7ashburn K ` and V+ yor Ccott (5). Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Commissioner of Public Purchase Finnnce be nuthori7ed to drat: checks on the General Fund for the tot^.l. amount of i✓ of 'x29.64, in favor of Fred Acker, Postiraster for purchase of 500 envelopes, 11.40 ervelopcia , and printing 6000 envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.24 Totnl . . . . . . . . $ 29:64 and charge came to Printing, Postage and Supplies in the Department of Public ,innnee. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Block, Bradshaw, '.7ashburn, Rieke and payor Scott, (5) Commissioner Pieke offered motion that t',e folloving, tnx nnyers bs exorerared from the ;;1.50 noll tcx charged on their tax bills for ',•he yenr 19F3, on ainfant of either icing non-resident or nre no;a decenaed: rel .nx. :'cul it. bArne$, Non-P.eaident, Tax Bill '::70 a But:1 r, " " Tax Bill !725 a Urs. '.;gar 711iott, eo-'naeci, Tax Bill '1473. A-:cp`_e�l on en1'_ of tine roll: Yena: :'cr•missioners Block, Lrsdsh ,,, '0aehtnarn, T!Iake. owence a Cc iss1;-: r ?ieke offered motion that tine Commissioner of rutile Mr.once lF r „ _.. to draw a c!.eck cc the General Annd in fnvor of the r.irat N$ticral _ ,, .•hi, ::y., Trcas:.rer acah Board of Pfitant:ion, for nscunt: of rr :artial ay -,en! of .., r)ue on -tenernl '^:ax collectinna for• t"t' men,. , and n e nmcunt of . 7537,.c-, in fn11 ant,l e- mer.t of t,ie r.-••1: "'One! •noaniisniorers El 'Ciao of Police M lot. POS} 11re ` �i Vie? a saldr7 of the Cfi i '1150. in via:+ cf t%e fnct that :i; FsYt. • (;•lice :.ew,,rtment demands n:, I ,::j.. ie. the :Ice wl:_ i^..®ido two ❑. Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the claim of J. F. Nelson, P.11c:,ncc Coroner, for fees on three (3) inquests of Date Oct. 14th, Nov. 5th, and Nov. 7th, of fees 1-:`35, at '12.00 each, a total of .736.00, be alloeid, some having been duly approved for , fnr allowance and psyr,.ent, and that the Commissioner of Public Finnnce be nuthor- Coroner. ized to pay same and charEe to the Contingent Fund. Adopted on call of the roll: Yen a: Comnissicners Block, Bradshnc', "(ashburn, Fielce and rnyor Scott, (5) Commissioner Pieke offered motion that t',e folloving, tnx nnyers bs exorerared from the ;;1.50 noll tcx charged on their tax bills for ',•he yenr 19F3, on ainfant of either icing non-resident or nre no;a decenaed: rel .nx. :'cul it. bArne$, Non-P.eaident, Tax Bill '::70 a But:1 r, " " Tax Bill !725 a Urs. '.;gar 711iott, eo-'naeci, Tax Bill '1473. A-:cp`_e�l on en1'_ of tine roll: Yena: :'cr•missioners Block, Lrsdsh ,,, '0aehtnarn, T!Iake. owence a Cc iss1;-: r ?ieke offered motion that tine Commissioner of rutile Mr.once lF r „ _.. to draw a c!.eck cc the General Annd in fnvor of the r.irat N$ticral _ ,, .•hi, ::y., Trcas:.rer acah Board of Pfitant:ion, for nscunt: of rr :artial ay -,en! of .., r)ue on -tenernl '^:ax collectinna for• t"t' men,. , and n e nmcunt of . 7537,.c-, in fn11 ant,l e- mer.t of t,ie r.-••1: "'One! •noaniisniorers El 'Ciao of Police M lot. POS} 11re ` �i Vie? a saldr7 of the Cfi i '1150. in via:+ cf t%e fnct that :i; FsYt. • (;•lice :.ew,,rtment demands n:, I ,::j.. ie. the :Ice wl:_ i^..®ido two ❑. Pnge 2G9 NO. t fSoceedinss of—T3-L- _,?C?T.0 OF COA_WL".: IOT4EnS _ City of Paducah K,FR`f'ICKY. flovemUer 13th• f � I .:force, I move that the office of Chief of Police be abolished and that the Commis - i' stoner of Public Safety be mrthorized to mo L- as Chief of the Police 'A nartment from tF is date. Mot'.on lost on call of roll: Yens, Cornnlsstoner'7nshbrlrni (1.);.Moya, Conmissioners ''lock, Bradshaw, Rieke and 7nyor ;oott, (4) File report c ✓ Rivernid fiosoltal Fxnmina- ticrr in McManus suit. File report of Pub Safety Dept. j Commissioner Block offered motion that. the Report of the Riverside i �ilospital be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yens, Commissionera A I Plock, Bradshaw, Rieke, '7nshUurn and Mayor Scott, (5). Commissioner'7ashburn offered motion that the City SoliciLor be authorizod to employ Dr, J. Jackson to make examination of the qde' t in the action of Wisnus Vs. the City of Paducah. Adopted on e311 of the roll: Yens, Conn•-nia- sionors Hock, urodaha:•r, Rieke and Washburn, and tlayor Scott, (5). Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the report of collections from the Department of Public Safety be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll; Yeas, Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke, ":ashburn and Vnyor Scott, (5), On motion the "oetinS adjourned. AUOPTLD "� K? Z, n � 1933. Ulty clerk. APPROVED ---- avor —