HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 259, October 23, 1933No. Fnrrn 259 Proceedingsof' iF_'��?,rn �`- p"'•l�^Tn71t+FF -__ City"adacah RFNTt1CP.Y Octob-r 23rd1933 Report of Paducah �✓ "later Co•^pen for October 1933. At a regular meeting of the Board of Comins loners held in the Ccm�issioncrsv Chamber in the City ]fall, P-luenh, Kentucky at 2:00 o1clook P,:'. on the 23rd dny of October, 1933, %%•nyor Scott presided and upon callof the roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Block, P.rnrshaw, Rieke and I:ayer Scott (4). r4inutes of the previous moetinr, were adopted ns read. Mnyor Scott offered motion that the report of the Pnducnh 'enter Works (kunicipally owned) for,the month of September 1933 be received and filed. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, i:radshaw, Rieke and :dayor Scott (4). Express 11 Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Railway Fxnresa Company allowed A3ency be allowed 67.47 for parts and express charges on suopl.l" for 167.47 for parts and the Fire Department and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be nuthoriaed exnress charges. to pay same and charge to the Fire Department in the Depnrtment of Public safety. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Commissioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). Cbarity Cornissioner Rieke offered motion that the Com-nissioner of orders forj =onth of Public Finance be authori.ed to pay the charity orders issued by the Family 9cptenbr:r ql 1911.3 IService Socioty for the month of Scotember 1933, as follows: allowed. p h W.F. }?am L- Sons .2.0.61 J. U. `;ouscr 275.38 J. B. Sto}cos 50.00 L. G. Sears 43.50 0. M. Stubblefield 193.00 Billie Y.orgnn 37.00 j! Turner's Grocery Company 11.50 J. F. }Teyes 16.50 Roy English 60.25 A. C. }Iannoy 3.50 Raymond Frick 15.50 R. 1'c Guire 56.60 R. B. Drinknrd '50.25 t "oolcy 49.50 Roof ?'a•pt}:pry 86.25 i To6n1 969.45 .ei-!; ;.nlf Ctc rot:,,l n.ount cf 1111 thr, errlcr S.L•ened; on•rr l:ev:r.;;',ccn c'uly �.p.'cved rcr �lcra.n::o :,nd payment, "I'd charge sa;:-,0 to :he miscellaneous clarity Fur„ in the Departrnant of 4ublic f:afrt Adcptcd en c:1 i of the roll: Yeas; Cc--iasioners Block, Gradshnw, Rieke on, Mayor Scott (4), j G c.tnt}:s Commisaioner Rieke offered motloj� that allowance be made fro^: the Interrat z411cxe" Qer.>ral Fund, ant the Com- saionor of Public Finance be nuthorir.od to hay the on Yard Surface Sts.; six (G) rotas !-.. . and bank colleeticm chorge, on the foil -wing bond r k R of 'lay rda d issues for the t nt of s, 42419.30 duo on llove-ler 1st, 191.3. ^� nd Dist. P relief fanyr{ $ 120,000.001far 1e t.s., ,4 R, c:f'lay Eo.;.:9 - 4: 2709,nn 3 •,rA s R Island 37,5co.00 2n1 Fali(+f :nrnor [londs 4=Y' 84:5.75 Crook PrOge Boa44. 30,000.00 island Creek }:rvlg�... ;' r.'m 41. f7F'.,on 1'enl' collectl n r1,• rco o 1 Tsymant to be made throng; the Peoples 1Qati^nal Sank 51:: 1:; un•} to t1,e Csntrsl f!snovar Dank +k Trust Cc ar,y, Nov York Cityt )i,Y, l,eforo ;:oventer 1St, ?lock, Utad aha:n, i ProceedinV of � ^ � -- "' T .1 --- City of Padacah — .'=----Q9 42��= "r; ,_L??tti•.�._ -rarsfsr 7..,• issIona, r:.':a of."<r_•' ot.tca U:nt vl,c Co-'iast,;ier or 7, 111 to certain q/ ain;:ing .zn^nce 'c utl c•rl�r'C to ':r:•n.. ..r fund accc•*unto. :'ar.' n/c "E" Citi .�11z - � - � nr, the Amount of 1f7,:�C mvl � i•:-.. ..� _�ov- cent Tay fund a/c "L" Pcoples L'atloaal Pank, 'tho nmo:nt e" .00 total .107.44 to the t I Improvement Tax Rtnd a/c "R" - Peoples Stational Bank, I' In order to r.:eetoa,-men.`. of all outstcndinC bonds in "cries "A1C" and ",6P." as t::?ccc fcriea nave been collected in full. adopted on call of tiro roll: Yens: Co:.:isslore_•c !'lock, Bradshaw, Rieke and Yayor Scott (4). Cin i- Co-_riaoioner Rieke offered motion that the 2.00 claim of Dr.Oc`, for ,,Z.CC L•r. S. J. OoorZe for professional services to Luella Ifarris, a charity pntiont -. 110.1- . be a11cwed, sari having been duly approved for allowance and pg7mont, and that the Cc--lssionor of Public Finance be authorized to pay•snme and cbnrge to the health i' Depnrtment Fund in the Department of Public Affairs. Adoptod on cull of the roll: Ycas: Con issioners Block, Bradshaw, Rieke and Mayor Scott (4). ;oto Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the Comr.A ssioner of "ublic for , C,CCO ?innnce be autiorized to pay the note for amount of ;, 50,000.00 executed by the 1c,., :ecpl•c City of Paducah to the Peoples Rational Bank on July 27, 1.933, and due on Ilan-. October 27th,1933. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block Bradshaw, Rieke and L'afor Scott (4). On motion the meetiriZ adjourned. APFPOVF.0 1933. t