HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 19, Page 220, July 24, 1933Proacedingaaf__-__' —"_— ' .__City ofPaducah_.'_rr-'___7u1-;_.4th. 2Z11— At n ro�ulnr ,,,o� tin t of the l:onrd of Cor!.nissionora held in the s.ionors- Chim.lor in tl^.o City Fall, Paducah, 1J:nt+xcic7 at 2:30 o1clock P.". of Sniy, 19n , r,,or rcott nresidce and upon cal d. or tt o roll .n'1. -r' - rnswered to their names: Commissi-ners Block, Ri.eko, 13rer1rbnvt nm'. Yo- Ccot.t (4). Minutes of the nrovious meetings -;oro ­�opterl ns rend. .7 ---or Scott offered notion tint i+nvion nocc ^uick be annointed ',eputy Cit-.- Clown •lith authority to perform the duties of the City Cleric. ^entcd on call of the roll; Yeas:Commissioners 131nci-, Braishaw, Rieke and rn•-or Scott (4). rsitins Co.^•ni ssionor Rielce offered motion that allowance be made from the nt 3encril r»nd, and that the Con,vissioner of I-)xblic Finance be authorized to pay the si:: •-ort^c interest on the folloaln3 tend is::u.c due on August 1st, 1933 for amount .`.00 for dcoonit in the Citizens £n•lnss ronlc General .`inking F�:nd. Adontod on cnll of the roll: Ycas: Commissioners Sloc'c, Brndsbsw, Rieke and Layer Scott (4). F.O..e O.R.R. Refunding Bonds of 1928 20,OOO.00 Interest rate 415 Annual interest 850.00 Semi -Annual Int. Due 425.10 ;:••�>- Cowsisnioner P.ielce offered motion that allo•,.,nnce Le ;nndo from the General Fund and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be autl•orized to pay the ri,�t six months interest on the following bond issues for total amount of 3030.00 due i�car• cn `u:nst 1st, 1933. CI ..109,000.00 St. Improvement L'-onds 4`.-6 mos int. 2180.00 21,500.00 City Hospital Bonds 4%-6 mos.int. 430.00 r 21,000.00 Pnrket House 13onds-4,' 6 mos. int. 420.CO to Ce rnde through the Citizens ^ovings Bank Goneral Sinning Fund to the ?ru.steezof Vr:, )nrticulnr• inr.uos in Ci••cin:,ati, Crio. Arinpted on call of the roll: Fess; Co Iaie+crs !'lock, brndshaw, Rickc and inn"Or Sgcott (4). -ryontYs r: on ?'un . ••. F'. ro• -isaioner Rieke of^ored motion tbut nt.lo nnee i.c "i.r_ ri.:, ner:ersl F... , tlx rc !:;Aoner or "nblic Financo Lo .,,,; to nn.: +he SIX nnnths 1.: �, -c! I,. .1. roc on the Citi, of ! t• due August lot, 1':'7, fc.1, • •1824.;3. Pn-nont to -.-r tl 'c pier. "r.•tic!-Al Bs 9k Sbn._. h, Chemical Bink . it 4812.50 r + ,•, n• CC:•rIF _T'. '";'_ .Cit of Padacah KF'1; ^7t!_ .TuIY "nt:n. l0i'�:'�. Proceedings of 'JLT _!St::l-- 7' - Y Clain of Rolidayts Pharmacy allowed. J Claim. of Cid-Continen Petroleum Corp . a l lo,•red J Clni's of Kolb 7rot`,cr. nnO list Druz Co --;-j• r•lto:ce i E1111 of ;1m. Durnlcy al lo::ed. Cit" I' -,rove- -crit IIlls ^11o:.r.d l Co•-minnionni, Rie.l:e offerod thn rollo-,in.­ r:oti,on: •"he clnim of Yrllic?R7•js Pl,nr. ncv for nmo+nt of 1.40 hnvirp been du17 nnnroved for nllo^sncc and nnyment, I move t-hnt snr+c Ge nllc::•ed ,no the Commiasioner of Public Finance be authorized to one snme and chargo to Fcnith Dennr•I:mc•nt sueolies, in the Department of Public :.frnirs. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas: Com-issioners Block, isradshnw, Rleke and Mayor Scott (4). Commissioner Rieke offerod motion that the unpaid bills due the Aid -Continent Petroleum Corporation for the m:;nths'of Rebrunry, Varch, Vey and June 1933, for total amount of $' 65.18, which have been held uo for Investigation now be allowed, hnving been diil•; chocked sn,' ^nnroved by the proper department, and that the Commissioner of Public Finance be authorized to pay some and charge to the Police Department in the Denirtnent of Public Fafety. "?onto' on nnll of the roll: YCRa: Co--missionors Block, P•rxndnhnw, Rieke and lnyor Fcott (4). it Commissioner Rieke offered motion that the followl.n,- '-ills for supplies f,lrntshcd the Kentucky Relief Commission, hnvin' te.n dul• Reproved for ollownnce and payment: Kolb Bros., Drug CompanyQ 2.35 List Drug Comp,ny 1.00 Total b' -'— I move they be allowed, and the Commissioner of Public Finnncc be authorized t to pay samo and charge to 1?isccllanecus Charity in the Department of Public Eafoty. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Bradshirm, Riche and 1.as-or "-Cott (S), 'I. Cc—irsloner Rieke offered notion that the bill of "'.,.. is rrrl•> • for Tia^ fl:rniahe0 the Street bennrtmont for ame„nt of C8.C5 11nv1:1;' be r. ' .n_.•oro ad for-1lcrmnce and pn;,-;ent, tY.nt nnme t:e nlio':.cd nnr. - rc.._,,t.. inner of 'u°lic F'nnnce to sutl,orized to pnP name aril chnrgr to thr Ftrn•:t °rn^,r;.- -nt "und in th, Tonnrtment of i',il:tic lotyrs. •%op?n•' nn c"”. of It roil: Cc ..isnioner:: ,'.loch, rr^1311a•'1, Riel:c and6t•,.yor :colt (;). C07"iasioner Rieke offered motion that the City I:rprovement Bills due Sane 1933 be allowed ns follows: i>i.11 :' 89658 ,3% 95124 4.81 " 00530 " k97712 " .72 89.68 ?'98110 " 7. 94692 0262 ... Tots 1 T3T',-b— and thnt tl:o rcin�r:laaloner of Puhli.c F'i:lance 1,e retttori-r9 to WIV nmo atr? nhnr�•o to the roper frm9. Ar'.nntatl on nnll or I! roll: Ynns:Co•-^'i'.aion•ra :ck, Fredahaw, Rick,: an•1 itayni. "not. t. (.t ), Proceedings of -.7'.• - City of Paducah l'9' '- __---- -- , Corvissioner Rieke offered the following motion: '7horenn, judgment Baa tern r,-ndfrc^ in b1ccrnelren Cir"..1t- Court r.uthorisin-* tho City of Paducah to n^y to F. -. "clsen the sum of •1-0.00 for Coroner's fees, I +her -fore move the 'Cr 1.-1.-ner of '.Li lir Finnnee be directed to nn*; name and charm to Suits and Coats in ' .. •,nnrtment of Public Affairs. Adopted on call of H,e roll: Yess; .irs.ioners Plock, rr-dshnw, Rieke and rnyor Scott (4). Co'nnissioner Rinke offered the follor:in;: motion: ',Ihereas, on Jul.;; Int, 1933 t;hese erns A motion presented and passed by this Hoard to exonerate and refund Fred 11. Herde, deceased, on Ter, bill i1!6403, a poll tar. of %.' 1.50, vrhieb v^a in -o i arror, and, ❑borens, the null tax in question should be for the Rev. ?'. D. Dennis, c'.ecosased, and poid b;' Fred ii. Herds on Tar. Pill /"'6269, in order to correct the retards and make groper refund I move that Fred H. Herde be refunded 'w 1.50 for Poli Tax paid by him for the Rev. P. D. Dennis, deceased. Adopted on call of the roll: Yess: Cor•-,issioncrs Block., Bradshaw, Rieke and Ln,, -or Scott (4). "nCFr i Cornissioner Bradshaw offered the following motion: Certain Droperty ^o^rr^ .�ttrrir.,T ec•ners rn the Penton Road, 1, Ing outside the cit;" Adjacent to T --ler, having c—uestcd the Pnducalh':'r1Cr "'orks to grant to them permission to connect a 2"' -ipc line to the 6" rain on Bridge street to snpol?'ww er to residences situated cn the Penton Read, I move that permission be hereby granted to the Paducah Meter orks to extend said rester service on the Benton Road and said Paduenlh .later Corks :,e authorized to so extend said wnter service unon the some r•ntea and conditions for .like service within the corporate limits of the city, ilo mains or service nine, how. ,ver beyond the city limits to be furnished or installed by said Paducah .Inter '3orks. Adopted on call of the roll: Yeas; Commissioners Block, Er"eshavr, Rieke and ha_,ror Scott (4). 1`rr'or Scott offered motion that a resolution entitled " A RFSOT.UTTOt1 .. .:'iz- T"'"Tr?'rS OT' 1:Ti.R '•OPFF TO T'''Vl _^T TF! .41CU?j1JIATIO'F (Y CT'"fiP 1 0i•,-" r�• ... , 71 iTCII ''T'T ISFUT?D "OR TILT PUR.0" Ow Ar:.UTRI:71: F4IC "rna.' T ••n-• rT'fY er, PnrUCAH, 1•:'•1!TIICICY." be Adopted. AdonteJ on call of the ,.ccioners Plock, Brnrishnw, Rieke and Unyor ;'cott (4). """Or `:tett offered r.:otirn that nn ordinance cnt it'1.^r.' r rr- r•.•••r• I.:,'c 2 At1D 5 OF "' ort T....,-,:-,., ..,.i. t.,. ..... ,. .-..,. ... ,.T-.. I